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Posts posted by Dr.RedundantPh.D


    Homosexuality is naturally occurring, though. Are you really saying that sexual attraction to cartoon horses is also naturally-occuring?


    If it isn't, how would people have it? I for one couldnt be attracted to ponies no matter how much I tried, same with you, or if you really tried you could be attracted to ponies.



    Homosexuality is naturally occurring, though. Are you really saying that sexual attraction to cartoon horses is also naturally-occuring?


    I don't know about you but I couldn't be attracted to ponies no matter how hard I tried. It's a sexual preference and it's as wired into you as being gay or straight.

    No. I don't. Please, help me understand how the cartoon equivalent of a bestiality fantasy is in any way socially acceptable, or a favorable reflection on the fandom as a whole, because that post you made earlier in the thread boils down to, "Nothing wrong with cloppin' cause I say so, anyone who doesn't like them is bad also solely because I say so."


    Kinda reminds me of people that like lolicon, tbh.


    Your logic is the same that goes behind homophobes and other bigots. Homophobes think homosexuality is in no way socially acceptable, and to be honest, you don't look like you're much better than them.

    • Brohoof 3


    Let's say someone says that they have some kind of psychic abilities. Would you really just sit there and go 'That's cool'' just because it is 'their belief'? I really hate that about modern society. Anyone can say that they have a belief in something and it automatically makes them immune to criticism or doubt. Of course I would believe in Pinkie Pie's psychic twitching before most people's personal beliefs because, well, it actually did something.


    Either way, I am not here to stir problems, I just think that logical thinking and reasoning should be the real moral, instead of 'Eh, go along with it because it makes them feel good'.


    So much for love and tolerate? Anyway, sorry, I don't think I worded myself clearly enough in my last post. The gist of my interpretation of the moral is you can believe what you want and even reasonably debate your ideas with those of a different mindset, but don't impose your ideas on others.
  4. So much for love and tolerate? Anyway, sorry, I don't think I worded myself clearly enough in my last post. The gist of my interpretation of the moral is you can believe what you want and even reasonably debate your ideas with those of a different mindset, but don't impose your ideas on others.

  5. So far, not any in particular, but there is one episode so far where the message bugs me. I can't remember the name right now, but it is the one where Pinkie Pie has the psychic twitches. I love the episode, but the message is essentially, see something strange or out of place? Don't question it! I just think that many things should be questioned if it makes no sense whatsoever, and the moral in this episode was opposite of that.


    Come on, don't use a strawman when bashing the message. The moral was more that somethings just can't be explained and/or you shouldn't ridicule others over their beliefs. What's so bad about that?

  6. Note: Feminist was not put in quotes to render insignificant the concept of feminism. Don't get on my case or lecture me about it.


    So I was roaming around cracked.com, followed a link in an article, and from there to this site, http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oGdXi5x0pQ8g8Arq7BGOd_;_ylu=X3oDMTE0aGlhdHBvBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA1RBQjAwMV83MQ--/SIG=11vqvnlk0/EXP=1347106873/**http%3a//feminist-mlp.livejournal.com/profile I just want to know what others opinions on it are. I'm honestly a little confused. I know some of us don't like the term brony, or dislike aspects of the fandom, and usually understandable reasons are presented for both. But the people on this site are against the main fandom and the term Brony because they perceive it as misogynistic. I don't have a livejournal account, and even then access to the group is modded, so i can't hear about the reasons behind their views directly from them. Can some one shed a little light on why the perceive the fandom in such a negative light?



    By what parameters is "mentally ready"? It's what society thinks. Every kid has a different mentality. And you'd need to do extensive interviews to even get a glimmer of the mental image of a child. So why not let the child decided? Why not let him watch SAW if he thinks he can watch SAW. I mean, if he had to watch SAW against his will (like parents watching it and asking him to be in the same room) I'm all against it, but if he wants to watch it, let him watch it.


    They're MA because it's what society thinks is the appropriate age to watch that stuff. I mean, take porn. People would be mortified if a 9 year old watched porn, but an 18 year old? Who cares?


    There's no objective general age for something. The whole rating system is just stupid.


    Just saying, love isn't defined well. It changed over time. Like at a young age, I was all like "It's this big event when you find the one, and you just know it". I'm not like that now. So don't worry about porn giving the wrong idea about love and because it doesn't (it does) but because it'll change anyways.


    It doesn't make me sick. So we have different mentalities there.


    I don't understand why you want their innocence intact. Why? Why lie to them? I don't understand it. Tell them the truth.


    Wouldn't you like to live in a world without drug addicts, murder, rape, and where the worst thing that can happen is your mom saying no when you ask to go to a friends house? Because that's the world I lived in until I was 10 or so. Frankly, if my parents had let me have free rein over the movies I watched, games I played, and sites I visited, my childhood wouldn't have been near as innocent and happy as it was. I'm not saying kids should be left in the dark forever, but why deprive them of a chance to live in a near perfect world (in their mind). What purpose does it serve?

  8. DISCLAIMER: I don't want to get into a polemical discussion and controversial matters, I made this thread just to see different sides of ponies opinions, please remain this talk friendly and civil ;)


    So, I noticed that in these forums, and in the fandom in general, people normally prefer having pegasus and unicorns OC's (even alicorns) rather than earth ponies, even myself included, at first I don't remember why I wanted an unicorn, but i'm fine with Motion being an earth pony, he's an artist and he doesn't need magic to achieve his goals (now I kind of wish he was an earth pony but I can't change him, it's too late).

    the show made earth ponies look like slaves in my opinion, with the most "denigrating" jobs of all (but still importand), like vegetables harvesters? please, a pegasus can do that too!, when the pegasus can fly and control the weather and unicorns have magic.


    I think earth ponies are as cool as pegasus and unicorns, but the show doesn't portrait that very well. And people in the fandom, don't do that either. what's your opinion? thoughts?


    discussion time!


    Actually, in the hearth warming eve episode, they say that ONLY the earth ponies can grow food, just as much as how only unicorns can do magic. I've also heard (though I'm not sure where) that earth ponies are supposed to be 2-3x stronger than any other type of pony.

  9. I'm excited because I get to take another history course. This time one very specific - Medieval England.


    Perhaps I might have preferred the Absolutism and Enlightenment course, but it doesn't count for an upper level humanities (only an upper level history), and besides, Medieval Europe is something I really would like to be refreshed on.


    So far it's interesting. Started off a loooonnnnggg time ago. Like in Biblical times... Actually before that.


    Pre-Celtic Britannia, eh? I've never really studied that much. I'll have to check it out.


    yeah but the hundred year war was when they showed there true potential and effectiveness

    i like to think that that war had the biggest impact on war itself, from the tactic used to the weaponry and even to how taxes would be effecting and it was a war the showed to worth and impact mercenary have as well.


    It's when the rest of the world noticed the longbows power, but before that the English discover its potential during their many invasions of Wales. The welsh longbow men would tear apart armies and, thanks to the bodkin arrow, the longbow was also armor piercing. The English noted this and adopted the longbow, and trained archers in its use. The French probably didn't adopt it as well during the 100 years war be because a longbow takes years of practice to use well, and enourmous strength was required to operate it. They just stuck with the long range and easy to use crossbow.

  11. i've always shown a slight interest in history but then i became slight obsession with the one hundred year war thank to a game that came out a few years back called BladeStorm (which i highly recommend) after that i just got more and more into it and i'v even taken part in re-enactments and use all kinds of mid evil weaponry (my favorites being the bastard sword and long bow)


    I love longbows as well. I learned all about them during a brief affair with medieval wales.

  12. Love history. I study WWI and WWII and just military history in general :) it is difficult to have conversation with people about history.


    I know that feel. It's just hard to find someone as Intrested in it as you are.

    • Brohoof 1


    Neat. I like how mythology is kind of the "gateway drug" that gets casual enthusiasts to dig deeper into the a meaningful study of history. The catalyst for that is probably when somebody finally asks the question "why did people first begin this mythology, and why did they stop?" The answers pretty much always lead to a broader study of politics, geography, anthropology, economics and a hundred related fields. Good stuff.


    Greek mythology is especially good for leading to other culture, because it first interests you in the greeks and what they did. Like their explorations that went as far as Britannia, Ethopia, the Crimea, and as far east as India. So then you get introduced to those people too, and so on...


    Where does everyone here go to research history? I've been using World history.org. They have articles on just about everything from every time.

  14. I used to go full Twilight Sparkle on Greek mythology, I can most likely remember almost any god there is to remember, although I haven't been studying it to much a remember a great deal of the gods, what they are gods of, and why they are gods, and how much importance they have in most communities.


    I know that whole Greek obsession thing. I've never met a history buff who didn't at one point learn everything there was to know about Greek mythology.

    • Brohoof 1


    Definitely a history major here! I mostly study ancient history and religions myself, though I enjoy historiography in general. What's your favorite area of it?


    I'm most Intrested in diadochi, and especially the kingdom of Pontus (even though they aren't actually diadochi.) That and the Teutonic Order, and other religious orders of knights.


    My general intrest is mostly the roman and medieval world though. Mostly because what got me into history were Rome total war and Medieval total war.

  16. This is just a thread to talk and share knowledge about history and what history you're most Intrested in. Its hard to have discussions about history RL since people who are very Intrested in it are few and far between. But I'm hoping there will be other history buffs here who have also crammed their head with useless history facts and would love to discuss them somewhere.

    • Brohoof 1
  17. Oh my gosh, thank you so much everyone for the kind compliments. n w n

    I'm so happy no one commented on how /bad/ my voice acting is. D8

    Thank you!


    Did you make everything in the video on your own? I'd say you make a fair jack of all trades.



    I love your voice darling, it's so soothing!!! like pot


    you can really be incredible helpfull for voice acting!




    Honestly, this is sort of off topic, but I just wanted to say it. You have the most spectacular signature I've ever seen on a forum.

    • Brohoof 1

    Who cares? In the future, they might end up being great friends and laugh about their childhoods. Filthy Rich is a nice guy, and he might have been just like DT in his childhood.


    Maybe. But Filthy Rich earned his money himself (hence his cutie mark.) Diamond, however is an heiress born into wealth and probably won't have to work a day in her life. And we all know what kind of person those circumstances can create.

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