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Everything posted by sirseansy

  1. So much awesome... A Beatles calendar A Doctor Who show guide book New pajama pants A nerd symbol "coexist" shirt. A conductor's baton A new novel. A "crystal motion" Twilight Sparkle.
  2. She's much more simple than the other ponies. Twilight is the future ruler of Equestria (I hope) Pinkie is nutty Rainbow is a flashy showboat Fluttershy is always scared and freakin' adorable Rarity is a massive drama queen But AppleJack...she's just...normal. Aside from her enormous work ethic, and dedication to family, there's nothing that really makes her stand out. And that's precisely why she's among my all time favorites.
  3. Just to clear up any ambiguity, I think that any argument for Trixie (especially this one) is a massive crock of Saddle-Arabian horseshit. I am not, and never have been, and never will be, a Trixie sympathizer. Even after this episode I still despise that pony and personally think that the part where she fell on her face at the end of the episode was the best part. That being said, the Mane Six were acting in best interest of both the entire community AND Trixie herself when they cheated in this second duel. The only reason this thread exists is because I KNEW that this argument would come up because of the brony fandom's tendency to reward and defend arrogance.
  4. Before I go to the actual discussion thread I figured it was necessary to make a thread where we could discuss the obligatory topic that is going to come up with "Magic Duel" and make people think that the writers invalidated the moral of the episode. In other words: the-Mane-Six-are-a-bunch-of-hypocrites-and-they-cheated-just-as-much-as-Trixie-did-and-that's-not-fair argument. Basically the same thing that came up in Mare-Do-Well. Hopefully you can guess my opinion of this, and will leave it up to you guys to decide.
  5. I love MLP a lot. Like.....a LOT.... But I must say that the main reason I do is because of the fandom and my interaction with it. The show is only the other half of the reason I like it so much. Because of that, I'd probably say that there are actually at least 3 shows (current and old) that I like better than MLP. They are: Doctor Who. The Twilight Zone M*A*S*H* There may be more, but those are the ones that come to mind.
  6. These songs remind me of my best friend that passed away earlier this year. I watched this movie the just before I found out about her car accident. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NStkWiuYwqw When I first watched this video and listened to the song it brought me to tears because of how much it reminded me of her. Anyone who claims that this fandom can't cause emotional connections and help with depression be damned.
  7. Trixie.....my disdain for that mare cannot even be conceived in this mortal realm. Just...ugh....I...can't even.....eh! She is by far my least favorite character and I sincerely do not look forward in ANY way to her return and would gladly take any opurttunity to strike her.
  8. Awe hell naw! My gender swapped self would annoy the ever living hell outta me. If the person is somewhat similar it's OK, but just like me? No, it won't happen.
  9. Ever since I was young child there has been one thing that aggravated me more than anything else. It didn't matter how small the item was or how insignificant, but by damn, if you take something that belongs to me and don't return it when I ask.....I will destroy planets. The perfect example was last night. I'm at Best Buy with a few friends and we see some other kids that we know (two of them are my close friends and the others I generally tolerate rather well). One of the two I consider my friends for whatever reason tells me to remove the blazer I was wearing that night. I comply, thinking he'll return it immediately. The little prick decides it's funny to go and hide the thing. I ask him rather politely to return it....twice....He doesn't comply. After several minutes of me fuming I just give up and sit down at which point one of the friends I came with returns it, unpenatent despite my sheer rage. I never rage quit so hard in my life. It sounds childish, and it is, but that is truly the one thing I cannot stand. I have never rage quit
  10. but...but...if she got a boyfriend.....All my headcanon's would be ruined.....*sob* But in all seriousness: no. RD getting a boyfriend has been rumored and thusly shut down. Also, shipping is a large part of the fandom and I honestly don't think that the writers of the show would (or should) touch it with a ten foot pole.
  11. The easiest way to deal with "haters" is to smile, role your eyes, and ignore them. However, if it can be done, it's often fun to outsmart them. Nothing's going to stop them, but you can always have a bit of fun on the side.
  12. The song was catchy and I was glad to see the CMC sing something that wasn't the oppressively awkward song from Show Stoppers. However, the montage was the highlight of the episode.
  13. I'll admit I was a bit apprehensive about this episode after seeing the clip. I thought it was going to some kind of re-hash of "griffon the brush off" which is one of my least favorite episodes. over-all I was pretty happy with it.
  14. I feel like anyone who has been a part of the fandom for any decent length of time will understand me when I say that there is only one thing I hate about the fandom: /mlp/
  15. Yeah, that kinda freaked me out. When I was finished with the episode I went nuts and said aloud: "What the HELL is THAT!" I kinda figure that it's some kind of grimoire that she'll study to become royalty.
  16. I'll admit that Sombra's pretty dang cool. However, my vote goes to discord. There are WAY too many reasons to count.... This is just one of them:
  17. I'm all about the ships, man. I don't really understand why so many people are so harshly against the idea. My headcanon ships include: AppleDash, OctaVinyl, Lyra and BonBon (is there a name for that one?), and TwiDoc. I always get into a shouting match with my good buddy (LisKira) whenever I bring up AppleDash It's a good time.
  18. Just in case it matters, my scale worst to best pony goes AJ-to-trixie. The mane six fall somewhere in between. 1. AJ 2. Twilight(closest second possible) 3. Fluttershy 4. Pinkie 5. Rainbow 6. Rarity This is not to say that I dislike Rarity. I love her. It's just that she isn't the highest on my list. The mane six as a whole are at the top of my best pony scale.
  19. AJ is slowly but surely inching her way into my favorite pony spot. I don't really mind that she isn't that popular because hey, I like her. Best pony discussions are just friendly banter in my mind and are not something to be taken seriously.
  20. my favorites are "The Ballad of Echo the Diamond Dog" and "Vinyl and Octavia: University days" I haven't read a whole ton of major fanfics. I probably should....
  21. So I've found, recently, that there seems to be a trend in our little community. We all seem to be devoted to one pony site or the other. For instance: a brony that contributes to /mlp/ will shy away completely from this site or EQD, while someone that is involved with EQD will despise those that post on /mlp/ or on here. It's like we think that the people on one site are somehow better than those on another. Aren't we all bronies? The point of MLPforums, EQD, /mlp/, ponychan, FIMfiction, and every other brony site is basically the same: bring bronies together to discuss pony related stuff. This will probably end up adding to my list of threads that wind up with two comments and are then lost in obscurity, but hey, do you guys have any thoughts?
  22. SCP's are awesome. Just wondering, would the SCP's be considered a type of fandom? my favorite is probably Bobble The Clown. I don't remember which number it is though...
  23. The best teachers I've had have been: My first grade teacher Mrs. Crittenden My eighth grade algebra teacher Mrs Carlson My AP english teacher Mrs. Rydalch All were extremely effective teachers.
  24. My name is Sean Joseph Lambert. My name is one of the things that I am actually rather protective of. The name Sean is meant to be spelled that way and pronounced the same as Shaun or Shawn. It is a Gaelic name with the same root as John. If you pronounce my name "seen" I will tear your bucking head off. My name is spelled the correct way and every other variation is an anglicized version of the name.
  25. Yup....That's pretty much how it went down. Ponies have been a big help for sure. Anyone that says that the fandom can't help with depression is full of shit.
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