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Everything posted by SonOfTheNorthe

  1. You don't actually know that though. I could happen, but not on-screen.
  2. I would try to friend the horses. And then I would get a job and live there forever.
  3. How much discussion can you have when every single person is completely agreeing with each other?
  4. Do you have any idea how long that would take? Journey of the Spark was estimated two or three years, I think, and that was under 2 hours long. I can't even imagine the amount of time and manpower it would take to make a high quality series faithful to the story. I'd go so far as to say it's impossible without backing from Bill Gates or something.
  5. Maud Pie or Pinkie Pride. If they don't like those two, they won't like any other episodes.
  6. HEY EVERYONE, THIS GUY IS A FREAK! LET'S GET HIM! *pitchforks and torches*
  7. Anything but go to the doctor. Shit's too expensive. Ah, good 'ol 'merica. Doctor or broken finger? Wait for two weeks before deciding it won't heal on its own.
  8. I wish I had to go to school. Nope, I graduated already, soon to be shipped a few cities away to go to Job Corps.
  9. I visit this forum because you sad people need me to impart my wisdom. You might not deserve me, but you definitely need me. I also come here for recreational cringing.
  10. There's an entire site centered on this discussion. It's called http://fimfiction.net
  11. Anyone saying they're a girl is lying. Everyone knows that girls don't exist on the internet.
  12. The season isn't finished, just the storyboarding. Sibsy is a storyboarder. Her job is done for now. But there's still animations to be animated, background music for Anderson to compose, ect.
  13. Yes. No one say it better than the horseshoe man. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JygnNCvLgWM#t=635 "Why would MLP writers bring real world problems into the show?" >Flight to the Finish Goddamn you people are dense. If it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, if it smells like a duck, it's probably a duck. The show never says that she does or doesn't have aspergers. And why should it? It'd start another derpy-gate. It's pretty obviously hinted at, not spelled out for you.
  14. > Princess Twilight Sparkle > Twilight's Kingdom > Pinkie Pride >Maud Pie > Filli Vanilli > Pinkie Pride > For Whom the Sweetie Bell Toils > Rarity Takes Manehatten > Pinkie Pride Season 4 was one of the best seasons, man!
  15. I played Dark Souls, naked and shieldless, all the way up to Gwyn. Get on my level, casuals.
  16. She steals, she grabs Pinkie by the throat, she bitches out Fluttershy, and is overall a douche. Yes, she is that bad.
  17. Friendship is Magic: Part One- Fluttershy can't even speak to a stranger without crippling anxiety. Putting Your Hoof Down- She attempts to (poorly) flirt with a shopkeeper, in an attempt to be assertive. Keep Calm and Flutter On- She pretty much tells Discord to fuck off after he won't fix the mess me made. She's grown, man. You can't turn around introvertedness and social anxiety in just a few episodes.
  18. I have seen so much worse, so congratulations. I don't hate it. (And I'm very critical of OC's.) The horn is a little long though. It just screams "Snowflake!"
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