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Posts posted by Seevil

  1. didn't they add a thing where accounts can't add you if they haven't spent money on steam? im pretty sure that'll cut down on a ton of phising

    i think wind is the hero this patch guys

  2. I don't know if this is the right topic for this or not, but I would really like to get into Dota 2, but don't really have anyone to play with.  Really I would like to learn the game from people who are more experienced in it, and generally avoid the hell that is solo queing.  If anyone would care to play and/or help me out, please send me a PM or add me on Steam.  Thanks.

    mmmm this is a pretty good place to learn:  http://www.reddit.com/r/learndota2and  http://www.reddit.com/r/dota2pubsis another pretty good place to look for someone to play with, i personally won't play with you for your own good cause i tend to be a bit of a salt stick but i'll help with what i can. feel free to ask questions here if you want



    Get hyped!

    this looks so legit actually

    page 3 hype we did it team

    What is it that you find hard to understand about Dota? From my experiences, it should be pretty smooth converting from one game to the other.

    things like turn speed add a certain weight to ur character, in lol there is no turnspeed. there are also a lot more complex things in dota for instance if you manta to dodge ravage or smth, or manta dodge a stun. then there is also missile speed to each hero, cast points, and the way the game is played is completely different. for instance you only do jungles in comp if you have the lineup to fit it, where as in LoL u literally ahve a jungler every game cause of the way the buffs function. also dota has a legit jungle where as league has a shit jungle,cause of spawn times. trees and intractable terrain are another thing. i can't think of anything else but like from a game design perspective honestly league is better in some aspects (accessible, easy to understand hard to master etc) but imo dota is designed better

    • Brohoof 1
  4. You lucky son of a.... I opened it 11 times and all I got was 2 11 compendium level tokens. 

    I opened like 4 and didn't get anything of use to me

    how the hell can anyone like morphling?^^

    might aswell go play farmville, the guy needs so much money to be effective( even if you play it like me and rush the e-blade, it is still like 6k gold you need to get first)


    i have kind of noticed that axe has gotten more popular recently. I think he had a bit too many buffs in the last few patches.

    all i do is play naga morph etc. i like heros that hit creeps. i like to hit creeps. i am hit creep.

    I'm a 1K MMR scrub who often feeds his way to humiliating defeat. Yet I love Dota 2.


    Who here bought the compendium for The International 5? IMO the first chest of immortal items was awesome, but the second one is not that good.


    I usually prefer to support, but in my trench tier that's not really a useful role. All a support is good for at 1K is buying the courier, and sometimes wards.

    support legit has the most impact in the game. u might wanna check out RD2L next season and try and learn a thing or two. it's not the friendliest place ever though. i had to play support last season for a team that was stacked to shit, our mid player was the mid player for no earth spirit back in TI4 qualifiers. he has a legendary TA. we lost to coin flip server selection tho against an EU team who had better ping to US than 1/2 of our players because fair rules

    Really? I liked the second immortal chest. My compendium is level 352, so I've gotten multiples of the immortals and I even got the SF arms and golden basher blades.


    If I'm going to be completely honest though, I hate this game. I don't know why I play it, but I hate it. It just frustrates you and you meet some of the most assinine people on the internet that you wish you could legitimately murder, but nope, they're off somewhere in peru insulting you in spanish. This game will make you racist, whether you like it or not. I never really cared about illegal immigration before this, but when I play on a US east server, I expect to be able to communicate with people in my own language, but for some reason they play on our servers even though they have their own servers to play on.

    i think everyone that plays this game has a love hate relationship with it. yo if u got extra sf arms tho ill take some WINK WINK

  5. @@Seevil

    Did play Dota in long time and as it is your favorite game you probably have :P So my quesion is : are free itmens after game back or they stil rework it?

    Yea, they reworked the drop system not to long ago, infact when that patch dropped, most people got great items to make up for the months of not finding stuff.

    @Sceethe Last year's TI was kind of a let down because of the "deathball" meta which involved picking heros that can take all the towers in 20 minuets, then be so ahead from tower gold that the other team can't do anything. Meta game right now is pretty much just sniper, troll, juggernaut, and axe, & lina every game. 


    As far as my favorite hero's go, I'd say naga is my #1 favorite, then I like morph and storm spirit.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I couldn't really find an active thread anywhere that really has dota discussed here, and I would like to discuss my favorite game with other people that love this game as well. What's your favorite heros? What's wrong with the meta game? What team do you think is doing well/poorly latley? Feel free to discuss anything dota related! 

    • Brohoof 2
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