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Posts posted by Buffy1

  1. Hey Swoop! Both your dogs sound wonderful! :)

    And no worries! Mine's got a lot of energy to burn as well hahaha!


    Thanks for the welcome, you two! :)

    Sorry I'm not on much, but school is VERY stressful at the moment...

  2. I think I'd be best friends with either Applejack or Fluttershy. Or both! :D

    Fluttershy and I are very alike. We are both shy, and we both LOVE animals! I swear, I connect with them better than people haha!

    And as for me and Applejack! Well, I think there's nothing more peaceful then a farm! Unfortunately, I'm allergic to both hay and horses (this includes ponies too), but if I wasn't then I'm sure me and Applejack would get along perfectly! :)

  3. I feel very open about it! :D

    I have told my parents, my friends, my grandmother... Everyone knows and it's great! :)


    I must admit though, my dad thought I was a wee bit crazy at first. But he's come around and thinks that it's sweet! And he says it's better to be hooked on ponies than it is to be hooked on drugs! ;)

  4. Hey there!

    My name is Linda, I'm 17 years old and I currently live in Nova Scotia, Canada.

    I got pulled into the MLP: FiM fandom over the summer when a bunch of pony avatars suddenly appeared on my favourite Lion King forum! :)

    After alot of promising myself never to watch the show, I ended up seeing it and got hooked instantly!

    My favourite ponies are Fluttershy, Applejack and Rainbow Dash! :)

    I feel like Fluttershy and Applejack combined make up me! So it's all good! :)


    Aside from MLP, I am a part of many fandoms! I will admit, I am a TV nerd. My favourite shows being Castle, Bones, Pushing Daisies, Charmed, Legend of the Seeker, Buffy, Xena, The Vampire Diaries, The Secret Circle, Once Upon A Time, New Girl, Glee, and more!

    I also enjoy The Lion King, Tangled and other animated movies. As well as Pirates of the Caribbean and Harry Potter! :)


    Uhm... Chinese is my favourite food... Christmas is my favourite holiday... Purple is my favourite colour... I speak English and Norwegian... My favourite musicals are Wicked, RENT and The Sound of Music...


    Oh! My dog is my world! His name is Buffy, he's 9 years old and is a mix of Border Collie and Flatcoated Retriever! :) He's my baby!


    Anyways...I have a huge pile of homework... So adios! :)

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