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Everything posted by Carolina

  1. Meh, no opinion really. I think some of them look pretty cool, but others are a little weird. One thing I don't like is when people draw humanized ponies with unicorn horns. Huh? Humans don't have horns!!
  2. I thought this was pretty funny. I might try and watch some of his other videos, too. I liked that they had a mix of normal bronies and weird characatures for the interviews. The hyper ADHD kid and the clopper were especially funny.
  3. I find that sometimes the morals don't fit with the overall episodes as nicely as they could, but I have no problem with the morals themselves and think most of them are solid, important and contain at least some element of truth. I wouldn't say any of them are bullshit. I'm a Buddhist, so the one-person-making-a-difference mantra is definitely something I believe. IRL, it is much more subtle/smaller than in "Hurricane Fluttershy" and is usually a chain reaction kind of thing due to how interconnected people are. For example, if you did something nice for a stranger, he might in turn be nicer to those around him, and so on, and so on. However, I'm sure situations like Fluttershy's wing power accounting for the pegasi making the wing power quota could and has happened in real life, too.
  4. I used to like MLP during G1 when I was younger, so when I told my parents I liked FiM, they were just like, "oh, you like My Little Pony again? That's cool." They think the whole brony phenomenon is very interesting/cool. My friends mostly have pretty nerdy interests, so they really don't care either. In my circle, it's actually kind of cool to like things that most would consider "nerdy." ETA - I have converted my sister into a brony/pegasister, though. She wasn't convinced at first, but "Party of One" really won her over.
  5. I found her a bit sappy/corny at times with the whole "my love will make you strong" stuff, but other than that, she was pretty cool. I think we need to see more of her to really get a full sense of her character, though, so I'm looking forward to seeing what her part will be in the Crystal Pony arc. She has a nice singing voice, too.
  6. Hmm. I guess I'm weird, because Rarity is my favorite and Rainbow Dash is my least favorite, which seems to be the opposite of the general brony population! Actually, I think Rarity and Pinkie Pie are tied for favorite. Rarity=Pinkie Pie>Fluttershy>Applejack=Twilight>Rainbow Dash
  7. I used to be a fan of G1 back in the day. Not a huge fan, mind you. There were other things I liked better (Disney princess movies, dinosaurs/esp. Land Before Time, Care Bears, etc...), but I had quite a few of the toys and liked the first couple of movies. Upon rewatching them, they mostly were not very good, but have a nice nostaligic feel anyway.
  8. Haha, yeah, it's actually a pretty clever name if you think about it! Admittedly, I'm not a huge fan of Trixie as a character, but I think her name and talent are kind of cool. Can't recall what her Cutie Mark is, though. Is it related to magic/tricks in some way also?
  9. Trixie's talent has to do with magic tricks. Moreover, in the personality sense, she engages in trickery by making others believe false things about her.
  10. Lol, just a rhetorical question about how names work in the MLP universe with "your" meaning any hypothetical member of the pony species. I probably should have said "does one's name in the MLP universe determine one's talent?" Sorry for the confusion.
  11. I think Rarity is more Histrionic than Narcististic (with a bit of OCD thrown in as well). I remember seeing speculation at one point that many unicorns are "mentally unstable" due to having all that magic so near their brains (or something like that).
  12. Not only are Cutie marks related to names, but it seems that, at least in some cases, a pony's personality is at least somewhat connected to her name. Fluttershy, of course, is the main example for this, but I think there are others as well (Daring Do? Silver Spoon? Cheerilee?) It's a pretty strange concept if you think about it. Does your name in the MLP universe determine your personality and/or special talent?
  13. I think llamas might be interesting, too. In real life, horses/ponies and llamas don't get along very well, so maybe they could be an enemy of the ponies in the show. They already look pretty cartoonish, so it'd be cool to see them in MLP animation.
  14. Yeah, I don't really like the way the narrator's voice sounds either. He sounds kind of stilted, espcially when he says "it would change my life...forever."
  15. Not really, I don't think. I've always liked apples, so I don't think the show has changed my opinion of them. On the other hand, it has somewhat increased my appetite for applejacks (both the cereal and the drink - lol).
  16. So, I don't know if this has been answered anywhere or not, but how exactly is this getting released? Is it just going to be on Youtube or will it have a small theatrical release (at a film festival or something)?
  17. Didn't really like the fanfic, but this looks pretty interesting! Was the main character British in the fanfic? I always pictured him as American. Well, as a film student, I will definitely be checking this out!
  18. I didn't think "My Little Dashie" was that good, either. The end is a little bit sad, but not the saddest thing I've read by a long shot. I do think the idea behind it is pretty interesting/original, but I also think that people over look its flaws because of its popularity. The beginning and the ending were the only really memorable parts, while the middle dragged quite a lot.
  19. Let's see... Increased: Twilight Sparkle - I really disliked her at first. I thought she was stuck-up, boring and a Mary Sue. In "Look Before You Sleep," though, I saw for the first time her adorkable Aspergers-esque traits and really started to warm up to her. She is now one of my favorites and I love her freak-out episodes! The CMC - Thought they were pretty annoying at first and I didn't like how they had episodes devoted to their group when the Mane 6/Spike should have been focused on instead. Although I would argue that they still have a bit too much screen time (especially Apple Bloom, who has had more episodes in S2 than her big sister has!), I find them hilarious and adorable. Decreased: Cadance/Shining Armor - I thought they were pretty awesome the first time I watched the finale episodes, but upon watching it again, they are a bit to sappy/corny for my taste with their "my love will make you strong" stuff. Ick.
  20. 1) At the Gala 2) Winter Wrap-up 3) Becoming Popular I also really like Smile, Smile, Smile and This Day Aria.
  21. I really hated that scene in "Ponyville Confidential" where Rainbow Dash eats the cucumber off of Spike's eye and then he reaches into her mouth, grabs it and puts it back over his eye. Yuck!!!
  22. AJ/Rainbow Dash Fluttershy/Rarity Pinkie Pie/Twilight Ironically, I also see those as the three best friend pairs. AJ and Rainbow have been shown to be competiters, but also seem like they are good pals and we know Rarity and Fluttershy like to go to the spa together. That leaves Pinkie Pie and Twilight together, I guess.
  23. I would say compared to the older MLP generations (especially G3, from what little I've seen), FiM portrays pony society as more realistic and more akin to what our world is like. There are some snobs/jerks, there is prejudice, there are misunderstandings and there are ponies who genuinly dislike each other. This conflict between characters is one of the huge reasons I like FiM so much better than MLP's previous incarnations. Overall, because this is still a children's cartoon set in a Utopic society, of course there aren't as many conflicts as in the real world. As a Buddhist, I believe humans are generally good (expect for some rare exceptions, of course), but we also have a much more difficult world to deal with! As for the friendliness/every one know everypony argument, though: couldn't that just be small town dynamics? Small towns are frequently friendlier than big cities (although, like Ponyville, distrusting of any outsiders).
  24. Very true, Xidphel. They could have her personality be anyway they choose. While I personally would prefer her as a somewhat negative/cynical type, I think other personalities could work too. Maybe she'd be kind of anal-renentive? Maybe shy? Maybe a complete bitch? IMO, any of these could work in a fish-out-of-water story involving a human in Equestria.
  25. Yeah, that's pretty much how I picture it. She would be a one-shot character or possibly around for a short arc. Anyway, if the writers did decide to include Megan/another human (which in all honesty, they probably won't), I would trust them to handle it well. A lot of fans thought they wouldn't like Cadence and Shining Armor when they were first announced, but they turned out pretty well.
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