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I Have Left MLP Forums

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Everything posted by I Have Left MLP Forums

  1. Back around my Elementary school days, My friends and I would run home and play The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures. We all picked colors, and I got Purple. Over time it evolved. We used to eat at Cici's a lot, and when we went we went into the arcade and put our names on the machine when we got high scores. Everyone started shorted their name - Green to GRN, Blue to BLU, Red to RED (duh), and I was going to be PPL or PUR. Both shortenings sounded horrible, so I changed purple to Violet and shortened it to VIO. It sounded cool ,So I've kept it all these years. It just stuck. I know Violet's a bit of a girls name, but hell, as stated by 4chan all girls on the internet are guys in disguise. Eventually I'll legally change my name to it, but to almost everyone I know I'm currently... Violet Belmont Link.
  2. I'm going to grab my lawn chair, sit back, turn on the final day music from Majora's mask, and drink a coke and watch people go out of their mind. In a serious point though: 2012 could happen - But not the way you think. It's called Solar Storms. Solar Storms are violent outburst of explosive activity on the Sun which can cause catastrophic blackouts on Earth. If one happens - Which is predicted one will in the future - Our would will be set back millions of years.
  3. Is it possible you can do some Line Art of Commando Kid? I love your art above, but It's all ponies (Don't get me wrong, that's not a bad thing). Would you be willing to practice drawing humans?
  4. [Removed previously posted content. I've left MLPForums.]
  5. [Removed previously posted content. I've left MLPForums.]
  6. Uggh... Must I be reminded of this topic? This is the 'LetsNeverDoAnythingProductiveAndDowngradeEveryOneElse' Generation. It's okay to be mad about something, or be annoyed, but do it in a civilized manor. These kids aren't civil. Most of them don't know shit. They ride on other's coattails. One day they will learn (or they can just die in their own self-given hell). I'll admit, I'm 15 and about 8 or so years ago, I was part of this generation. Over the years I learned on my own that I must work for what I want and so I became obsessed with Emulation and programming - Two things that are self rewarding. I became someone who stuck with something and never gave up on something. This generation doesn't want to do hard things, they only want to do easy things they know they can do. They never want to stick with anything, they just want something simple they can quickly do that makes them feel good (That's why most of them try to bully others with threats). When they don't get this small thing they get angry or mad. They want to take something from someone to make them feel better, weither it be kills in a game, or happy emotions with words. Tip for people: When someone of this generation gives a threat, do not fuel it, counter it like everything was ok. Never take what he/she said to heart and never let him/her influence you. Over power them not with threats, but with logic. Say if Bully says "Fucking move out of my way or I'll fuck your mother" say "Okay then, go ahead, have a fun time" and walk away. The bully will have a moment where he has no idea what just happened. He may jump back and say "Well, ok, I'll fuck your sister as well!" or some other bullshit, but on the inside, he's having a small breakdown because his former method of threats to push you down has been broken. I've isolated myself with the higher crowd of people, and I'll never look back at this generation. I work and talk with people older than me. Why? It's because they are smart. They worked for what they wanted. My name's Violet, I'm 15, and I hate this generation.
  7. Stream is over, Thanks to all who watched. Edited main post with recording video. I hope everyone enjoyed watching and I'm sure I'll do something similar to this again in the near future!
  8. Signed. I think iTunes would be better than a physical disk though. It would cost Hasbro a lot of money to ship these out and get the packaging and stuff. I think iTunes is the best way to go with the MLP OST.
  9. I have a Tulpa now named Midna, she's almost the opposite of me. She's a shy 12 year old girl who just likes to do her own thing. She has only talked to me a couple of times, and she is nice, but very scared of the world.
  10. Tomorrow. Rumor has it Season 3 of My little pony Friendship is magic (The best show ever) will start early tomorrow morning.
  11. Rumor has it Season 3 starts tomorrow. So yeah... plan to watch it sometime early tomorrow and get ready to be amazed. @Comic Con That is all. or... was it October 22... Whoops.
  12. One item... Damn! There are so many to choose... Hm... Well, I guess I'd like... A Portal Gun. or a Death Note. *laughs evilly* I'd get into so much trouble, haha!
  13. I'll ask Stuart (Rc88) for tabs or midi or something on RD's theme. He's on the Flashback team, I'll see if I can get his attention if he ever comes online.
  14. Spoiler from the Season 3 poster leaked from the Hub's Facebook: Both Spike and Scootaloo learn to fly. Yes, Spike grows wings and learns to fly.
  16. until

    Damn, I wish I could go D:
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