Pinkie is a great character. She's well designed, quirky, and funny. And she's probably the most clever of the mane 6, noticing things the others blew right by.
My personal fav line...
This day is going to be perfect....
It starts out the song pretty well, setting the mood and introducing the listener to the...theme of the song (breaking news: I'm a professional song reviewer xD)
Diamond Tiara.
Allow me to explain why:
Diamond is your typical, spoiled, rich, snobby, "Veruca Salt" kind of character. Although rather important to part of the show framework, she is a plain jerk.
+I've read too many fics with Diamond being even meaner than she is in the show
What I like:
-My real name
What I don't like (and yes, people call me these)
-Faty (?)
-Fatty McFarterCarterMcBeinerWeiner (Don't ask)
People hate me ;n;
Um, I hugged my Mom like 10 minutes ago, and I hug friends, family, anyone really, all the time.
And, I definitely would hug Fluttershy. She looks so cute and snuggly <3
I learned that telling an anti-brony to be nice will result in explosive hate.
And then your new brony friends, who don't really know the etiquette, will argue with the hater endlessly.
Well, I hope that'll happen, but considering the huge controversy generated by Derpy's ~2 minute appearance in the Last Roundup, she will probably only be back as a "Where's Waldo Derpy" kind of thing
Of course she's insane. But if you look at history, most brilliant people were viewed as utterly insane in their day. Look at them now.
And everyone has OCD, (CDO!) but of varying severity.
Um, me too, I loathed Rarity, but then I realized she wasn't that bad. I mean, she's not really generous, but she is kind, and I understand how her personality would appeal to young girls