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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Rainbow-

  1. The first time I saw MLP: Magic is friendship was in late 2010. I had no opinion on it at the time and so I didn't bother watching it (I didn't even know it was a show). I totally forgot about it until recently when someone suggested the show to me. I watched it, but I didn't like it right away. Now I love it.
  2. When I walk outside in public I usually smile either because I keep thinking of funny random things, or I see someone else smiling and I think it's funny, or I see someone doing something weird, or I am listening to good music. When other people who aren't smiling look at me, I look away smiling shifting my eyes giving a 'LOL yeah right' expression. The only times when I don't smile is when I am on the bus looking outside on a snowy and empty day... so much peace. Or when I take my own photograph... because i end up laughing at how serious I look, it's dumb xD. So keep smiling, it'll make others smile too xD
  3. 30 year old - No, 20. And if I were 30, what's the problem with that? Fat - Average/Slim actually, and I am pretty athletic. Virgin - Yes, I am into real relationships, not scoring with as many people as I can. No social life - With multiple occupations, I have to have a social life. Outside of work, there are few friends that are not lazy bums and who are willing to leave there house to hang out xD Who lives with their parents - Yes. There is no way I would be able to financially support myself while attending University. Studying for a couple of majors = no time flexible enough for a stable job while in school. Who will never have a girlfriend - Never? I just need to stop being shy around people who like me, or who I like. Other than that, I am pretty opened up with my friends. Are hyper obsessed - Obsessed with (good) fan made music, or covers for MLP~ Creepy - Clean shaven. I don't have a dirty mustache, or pubic hair for a beard. LOL. Clop to the ponies - Clop to ponies? My hands are too busy with things of higher value.. shopping, sports, and school.
  4. 1. San Andreas (PC) Huge map. Stereotypical gangsters and gangster life. Hilarious jokes. Amazing missions. Huge online community (sa-mp). A variety of mods (yes, there is even an MLP mod). And the list goes on... Completed this game three times? 2. GTA V San Andreas (PC) Well, it's GTA in San Andreas my fav. game, and the graphics are going to be bumped up... so :3 3. GTA 2 (PS1) My first GTA game~
  5. Before listening to 'Howard Stern Explores Bronies' on Youtube, I didn't think much of bronies, and I just enjoyed the fact that other people also loved watching the show for it's values and content. After listening to it I wouldn't have ever thought that some bronies would be so perverted about it. I feel sick now. But of course, there is a another side to everything, and Howard Stern represents most of what American News feeds do. Most American news feeds will tell you one side of the story, but not the other half, so like a 'half truth' , and I still know that there are many other bronies who watch the show for the story, the friendship, the characters, and other more positive things for the brony community other than clopping and pony porn. Here is the link if you want to listen to Howard Stern's view of bronies: . Another problem with his analysis on bronies is that it was very 'close minded', and as he admitted 'old fashioned'. His close minded views are similar to the comparison of how each gender must follow the stereotype that every women's job is to stay in the kitchen and cook, while the man brings home the money. Or how if you are a supporter gays and lesbians, that must mean that you are also gay or lez. So just because MLP was intended for a specific audience does not make it incorrect to participate in it, and support it. And to answer Howard Stern's question, yes, I would rather go to BronyCon than bag a super model because MLP is a show that reminds us of our important values we have and should display as humans (loyalty, honesty, etc..), and by being at BronyCon, I would find such like-minded individuals. And, I am into a real committed relationship anyways, not into how many people I can bag.
  6. Wow. I've only seen your Fluttershy one and it's awesome. Your pixel art makes everything 20% cooler, and it makes me feel like you produce art for retro video games!
  7. I like the Rainbow Dash one. The face is alright. But the rainbowy shockwave makes the drawing a lot better than if it wasn't there! I like this drawing ;3
  8. Isn't there a glitch where a bunch of ponies appear on your page and it gets stuck there xD . It would be difficult to read the text.
  9. Exactly! What if you just found out about MLP and you've never heard about Bronies before? You're still a brony anyways no matter when you started watching and loving MLP!
  10. Derpy will probably be normal again... unfortunately D; . Why don't parents complain about SpongeBob ... It's an awesome show, but the personality of the characters in SpongeBob it should be more offensive to parents than Derpy!
  11. OMG! This is HOT. Out of the last wallpapers I talked about (which were yours... the discord, cutie mark, and octavia). This one is the best so far. Real good job on this!
  12. I like the Octavia one the most. the Cutie Mark one is not too bad... and the Discord one is bad. It's probably because of how the background and the ponies blend together.
  13. Too many strokes, but that's fine. You can always use a marker to trace over them to create one smoother outline. It would have liked it better if you drew a full body drawing of Rarity... I don't like how she gets cut off. But I like how you took your time to draw this~!
  14. It looks like when you drew this, you took your time. If you want smoother lines, you'll have to do a quick stroke to get that smoothness, or use the pen tool~. It would be easier to draw using a tablet too, but the mouse is fine. I like it, draw more!
  15. I am like the fusion of Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. But I will go with Rainbow Dash.
  16. Yeah I like the abstract one because I like abstract wallpapers xD . And I just listened to Etched in Read - Red Paradox, it's not bad!
  17. Are there anymore Bronycons? I heard that there won't be anymore in NYC! I hope there are more somewhere else at least! I totally missed the 2012 broNYCon one D;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Smokin'HotRarity


      i herd there would be one in ohio 2013

    3. Rainbow-


      It would be my first convention ever if I attend the Everfree Northwests one. Apparently all the 'famous' guests attend the the recent Bronycon so it's kinda sad. Thank you Doctor XFizzle, did you just search upcoming MLP conventions on Google?

      Also, why did no one tell me MLP was so great 1 year ago xD . I was only introduced to MLP a couple of weeks ago.

    4. Rainbow-


      @ Senn555 , LOL exponential growth, as expected from a dedicated fanbase. I guess it's good that they moved the convention for the purpose of serving different areas of the US. Hmm, I thought that since the location was NYC, they could have held more than 4000 people. Thank you for the link ;D.


      @ Glitterlicious, I am will most likely go to Ohio 2013, or any other conventions. I am sure it will be just as good as BroNYCon (I hope ;3). I watched the live podcast, it seemed like R...

  18. Draw more~! I want to see pirates battling each other >8D
  19. It looks like it's really there with the car! Nice job. Put some MLP stickers on your car too now ;3
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