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Everything posted by Radiance64

  1. Well, it only took changing time for Sombra to actually do something. I'd say Starlight is the more evil one right now though
  2. Oh man, should've known her plan would've been to stop the Rainboom! This alternate timeline should be something else!
  3. Hoo boy, just how badly is Starlight gonna buck up things? I'm fired up! This finale should be, as Countess Coloratura would say- a spectacle!
  4. S5 was a really great season for Pinkie Pie & Applejack in particular, Rarity too. However, the Cutie Mark Crusaders truly had it best, obviously. They had that great musical episode and, well, you know, they all got that one thing, them matching butt tattoos.
  5. As they say, that's a bummer. She seemed real excited about it too, as the quote there also implies. Hope she finds more success in the future with her other ideas.
  6. Probably playing way too much Demon's Souls I got Dark too but wanna finish Demon's first
  7. Man, cannot get enough of The Magic Inside... didn't notice RaRa's tears during the song first time I saw it, makes things really touching. Dunno if I could listen to the song without that visual now.
  8. Still can't believe it, Cloud being in Smash is probably the weirdest thing to ever happen to Smash Bros ever Kinda wish we'd get another FF character instead like, say, someone from 6(which would make a lot more sense in Nintendo context) but eh, I digress. Need to play FF7 sometime though to see what all the fuss is fully about tho.
  9. I'm already playing PS1/PS2 games on my PS3 tho... not terribly motivated to upgrade from that yet
  10. YES That is so awesome, Hey Arnold! was one of my favorite Nick cartoons growing up and I can't wait!
  11. Life is a gift, if not a privelage. We are all lucky to have a life, and living it how we want is all we can really do with it... it's God's gift, but your choice, which is a beautiful thing to me. And that's why I live- whether life goes on for me in another form after my time in this world is up I have yet to see, but being here now, all I can do is ride it out to the end.
  12. Wonderful episode! Moral was laid on a little thick, but that's not really a problem. Gotta love Colaratura(did I spell that right? whatevs, I'm just gonna call her Rara anyways lol) and her VA's singing was enchanting, some of the best on the show probably imo(and after doing some research, turns put she's been on Broadway and has a band, totally not surprising). Gotta love this one. Thanks for so many great episodes Amy Keating Rogers, your last one was a smash!
  13. This episode's pretty good so far, but... DID YOU SEE THAT FINALE PREVIEW JUST NOW?! Looks like all hay's gonna break loose!
  14. Can't believe we're already on episode 24... Time is but a fleeting thing!
  15. Terribly unlikely However, I'd be down for a Colloseum/XD HD remaster pack updated with Gen 6 mechanics and connectivity( or whatever Pokémon gen it could happen in lol)
  16. So much pony, so little time, my, my, my(little pony?). XD

  17. NIER Was kinda on and off with it at first, but I'm starting to dig it a bit more. What really helps though, is the gorgeous, gorgeous music... https://youtu.be/VDftyQ96ZVs hnnnnnng so good Also playing: Wonderful 101, Final Fantasy VI, Ace Attorney
  18. Totally fine with that date. Should be very worth waiting for.
  19. Kind of a bottle episode, but probably the best map episode yet! Loved Twilight and Fluttershy's chemistry here. Also probably one of the more violent episodes, I mean it's cartoony but sheesh, when Twilight froze them some of those ponies looked like they were going for the killing blow lol. So yeah, fun and dumb episode. Not such a bad thing imo sometimes.
  20. Welp, since they're coming I might as well. I mean, the newer games will always be better, but nostalgia's worth it sometimes. Will at least get Yellow.
  21. It's not much of a problem imo. The longer ones often get the skip button anyway. :/
  22. I played Virtue's Last Reward before I played 999... don't regret it really. And of course, any series that bases sequels solely on improvement reasons like, say, Monster Hunter or sports games, I've started with the latest entry I could at the time- no reason to go back to inferior versions just because they might be numbered sequels, most of the time.
  23. Ace Attorney... it's a great series. Recently finished the original Phoenix Wright trilogy and am currently playing Apollo Justice. Have Dual Destinies downloaded and ready to play on my 3DS when I'm done with that as well, and will also probably get Investigations. Shame Great Ace Attorney and Investigations 2 aren't localized ... I'll probably just watch an english LP of I2 since I know there's a fan translation out there but I'd rather not emulate. But yeah, great series. I'm hooked.
  24. I dunno, first I thought that Twilight could've gotten into the whole jealousy situation without him there, but seeing as he was the one who told the others to not ask her to hang with them I suppose it would be OOC for the others to not do that on their own. Then again, the dilemma could also have been explained with the others wanting to give her space or something, in which case Discord wouldn't be needed. Just kind of a dillema in my head based on that I guess.
  25. That was rather... run of the mill actually. More of a lesson-teaching episode than anything. Discord trying to teach Twilight a lesson rather than being up to no good? Well, I guess it depends on how you interpret it but still... A lot of sight gags and a constantly frustrated Twilight don't make for a great episode for me sorry to say... Discord didn't even need to really be there. Still, was fun enough to watch I guess, not the greatest episode in the world but certainly not the worst either.
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