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Everything posted by Radiance64

  1. I feel like life just keeps gettin' stranger...
  2. Think I'm gonna go with Poplio as my starter, with other for-sures on my team being Rockruff, Salandit, and Jangmo-o. Can't decide the last 2 lol, but I will certainly be getting the Sun version.
  3. Best season finale ever. I can barely process and fathom everything That just happened in these episodes, so much payoff for longtime watchers- Starlight being front and center, Trixie, Discord, Thorax and the return of the rest of the changelings including Chrysalis ERMAHGERD
  4. Season finale coming up already whoa... tho it did leak I will wait to watch it live O.o

    1. Whirlwind


      I guess I've been on the hiatus for almost two weeks already

    2. Snow


      i watched it 2 weeks ago lol

  5. Radiance64

    gaming Battlefield 1

    Just got it on PS4. Game is ridiculously good looking, like wow. Campaign premises seem quite interesting as well. Dunno how much the MP will take me away from Overwatch but we'll see.
  6. Was kind of interested when I saw the trailer with Kit Harrington, but then I saw the game's egregious file size and that you have to download the MW remake which would all just kill my PS4 hard drive so I'm gonna have to skip it for now lol, was never terribly into CoD anyway...
  7. Looks awesome, the wait for information was surely long and hard... but I'll still be playing it day one. SWITCH
  8. Ok, tomorrow hopefully we will finally see what the NX truly is.
  9. The only thing more powerful than the internet for communication would be straight up mind reading
  10. I have to work... maybe I'll wear a costume? Nah probably not.
  11. My dream job would be the director of an epic videogame cinematic universe. Then I think about how much work it would actually be and the chance of it being a success would be minimal, so I like to keep it a dream.
  12. Metal Gear Rising. ARMSTRONG Best ever.
  13. This one was pretty good, Sky Stinger wasn't that great of a character but Vapor Trail was adorbs as all heck, even if a lot of that cuteness was directed towards Sky... yeah, we get it, no way they won't be not more than friends lol. Twily and Dash were cool too in this episode of course, was nice seeing them work together.
  14. The original 3DS. I've never had any other platform breakdown on me the way it did. TWICE. Upgrading to N3DS was worth it to get away from that piece of junk alone.
  15. Would definitely love to see a new gen eventually, as long as they have the same team at the helm or at least supervising, but I doubt anyone would make a new MLP as bad as the old ones after G4. I am sort of worried the animation style would change to CG or something though, but would be okay with it as long as the show was just as good as FiM...
  16. 7 would be a good spot I feel, with maybe an 8th half season afterwards. Could wrap it up either Mad Men style or Game of Thrones style that way(as in the number of seasons). Though, the movie makes things a little harder to predict, I imagine even if the movie is meant to be an ending(which it probably isn't), if it is successful enough there will probably be another one of those at least, perhaps even after the show wraps up to maybe have an epilouge of sorts.
  17. Yeah the improvements are literally across the board- partners that level up, switching skill order, the story picking up much quicker, stuff like that. Only like 8 hours in so far but I always like what I see when playing it.
  18. Alright, I've been playing probably too many RPGs lately, so I've decided to focus on only 2- Final Fantasy VII, since I bought it a while ago and never played it before(really enjoying it so far), and Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse because it's continually blowing me away. Also, gotta keep playing Overwatch with dat Halloween update. Witch Mercy is bae.
  19. Don't forget Angel bunny now I'm sure Fluttershy didn't come up with his name out of nowhere now. And that one time Pinkie Pie imagined Rarity as her conscience depicting her as a devil... and an angel So, angels are certainly at least a concept there. Alicorns though, I'd say are the closest to an angelic concept being a reality in Equestria since they have superior abilities and tend to watch over other ponies like angels would, in edition to having larger, more angel-like wings than pegasi.
  20. Been playing INSIDE Damn this game is creepy and brilliant
  21. Think I expected more out of this episode than they were willing to deliver... no Apple parents in sight sadly. Still, Diamond Tiara is obviously not born yet, so maybe Apple Bloom isn't either? Could still be alive in that flashback, but it's kinda baffling to me why they'd even do an episode like this if they're just going to cut out stuff like that. I mean, the episode had plenty of cool easter eggs at least, but not every egg we want seems to be able to be in the basket, turning what would have been an otherwise decent/run of the mill episode into something rather disappointing, to me anyway. Or maybe I'm just thinking about what could have been too much, otherwise I found the episode to be a pretty fun romp.
  22. Whoa, that was ages ago lol... since then I feel luckier, but not always. Though I can also relate to anxiety being a problem sometimes.
  23. Save states. Life would be so much easier with multiple save files.
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