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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Bbplsloveme

  1. Philosophy just makes me think too much and makes me want to kill myself so I just avoid it. I do enjoy brainf**k movies though. That could count. Big fan of donnie darko. xD
  2. Hey, I did a remix of Kitsune²'s amazing song, Avast Your A*s. Let me know if you like it our not. Thanks! https://soundcloud.com/vakanzmusic/avastyourfluffenguffen
  3. The only thing I have to say on this is that the show has amazing music, stupendous character development, beautiful animations, and if most little girls that watch the show can't even begin to follow the storyline it's so in depth. Sure it's entertaining, but most can't follow and relate to the real life problems that the ponies go through in several episodes. So, yeah.
  4. sup. hope you enjoy yourself. or... somethin'
  6. https://soundcloud.com/vakanzmusic/humdrum http://vakanzpony.bandcamp.com/ Yeah, thanks! Hope you like it. : D
  7. Hey I just released my new EP called The Teach Me How To Pony EP [i'm the pineapple]. This album features great artists like Disjointed, Nicis, Vakanz, and many more! Check it out! You can also download it for free by clicking Buy Now then type in 0. have fun http://vakanzpony.bandcamp.com/album/teach-me-how-to-pony-ep https://soundcloud.com/vakanzmusic/sets/teach-me-how-to-pony-ep
  8. It's a parody of "Teach Me How To Dougie. dont know why it's so quiet, but turn up your headphones XD Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/vakanzpony/sets/teach-me-how-to-pony-single Bandcamp: http://vakanzpony.bandcamp.com/album/teach-me-how-to-pony-single Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bv53tHEpzss Cover art: http://www.mediafire.com/view/6jp09409ff4935i/TMHTPcover.jpg ~Featured~ TGSM - http://www.youtube.com/user/TheGrassSaysMooo Nicis - http://www.youtube.com/user/nicisflee Zayuh - http://www.youtube.com/user/ZayuhMusic
  9. i hate you because i havent been here for like four monts and this thread is still going, SO I HATE ALL OF YOU, (no i love you)
  10. yeah hipster-hop for the win! www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbLTPCJA-DY my newest one www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZtfw4RD9Vo my worst one www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZQzAFzD7ew my semigood one www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKSGo_uiuDc MY RAP BATTLE!!! please look atmymusicitis beautiful, and stuff i love new veiws likes comments and subs!
  11. i hate you because if i want to hate you i can hate you and hate is hate and it is my choice to hate you and if you do not also make that choice then you have to quit regularly hating and me a hater so common, hate with me, we are made to hate, and even though the diffent turrent didnt hate you, I HATE YOU because it is my simple choice to hate, or not to hate, there is no love. (tl;dr)
  12. i hate you because i havent been alive for like 4 weeks
  13. i hate you because this is the ONLY topic i ever check in the morning
  14. i hate you because like the day ive dreamed since i was small
  15. i hate you because your avatar is pretty, too :3
  16. i hate you because i make you understand
  17. hello, i have expanded to my fanfiction and i want to know if you want me to write more. please don't leave comments that tell me to fix my spelling or grammar or punctuation please. ___________________________________________________________________________ Here i am, just a normal kid at a normal middle school, jerks will tease me for being a brony "Hey dude! dude! seen rainbowdash around?" They would say in my face in their most retarted mimication of me. "I wish i could vocalise the things im thinking" i would utter under my breath. why are bronies put down? why are there so many people who hate me? If only they could see past thier ignorance for a second and see that we all liked shows like that when we were young, just some idiot said it was "uncool" one day. i wish i could just go into the world of equestria, where i wouldnt have to deal with all those... i cant even say what they are! where everyone loves and tolerates, where pinkie pie is everyones friend, no matter what they like, where i would have no care in the world. but no. i have to deal with total dumb butts for over seven hours, hoping that that bell would ring, but for what? for me to go to my next class and get picked on by another group of jerks, or get a small releife from them for but 4 minutes? its like the time either goes my too slow, or runs by too fast, why cant the time stay at my pace of my slow mind? the next day i was walking to school and i saw the usual stuff there was on the ground, food, bottles, but there was one thing that stood out of place, there was a perfectly good sheet of glass, just lying there in the street. i dont know how it survived this long, but it did. when i got to class i lived through first period and second period, but then came third period, oh god, why? this was my P.E. period whitch ment that people would not be noticed if they picked on me, the teacher had 48 more students to attend to, so they couldnt get on to one student being a bully. when i got in the locer room, i changed into my gym clothes. then there, were of corse, there were the jerks picking on me. "Hey, little girl, your in the wrong changing room, maaaaan thats an uguly girl." well, of corse, im NOT a girl, but they frieking tease me because i like my little pony. since when did flying at super high speeds by wing, and being nice, and hilarious fight scences become girly? its actully pretty funny, their stupidity and everything, it makes be laugh. *hehe* on the way walking back to school that glass kept on bothering me. why was it not destroyed yet. glass lying there and it hasent been killed by someone? wow. i saw the glass there on the road. i dont know why but i just couldnt stop staring at it. now im going CRAZY. why is this frieking bothering me? Aw, what the heck? ill listen to by retarted gut. i went into the street (wich is proberbly s stupid thig to do) and picked up the glass, it was very small, no biger that a netbook computer screen, but it was much heavier than it should have been i got home and brought the glass in with me. I went into my room to check my email. i went into my inbox and nearly fainted. everyeher, my inbox was filled with "comment posted on your youtube video" and "blahblahblah liked your video" i read the most recent one posted on my minecraft lets play: "hey crazycoolcreeper, very nice vid, how do u have so many talents in the gaming field? i think u r amazing, man." i read the next email: "awesome vid, crazy, your really good at this. wanna do a lets play with me?" then the next: "bro, you are just magnificent at this game. how did it just come out and your already pro?" i just sat there, i closed my email window and stared at my desktop. "people think i have talent? i really think that i suck at this stuff. wow." a couple days later i was in my room, making tons of new videos for my channel when my mom came in. "Hey! is that all you do? play video games all day and talk to yourself? go do something productive!" i did sort of feel bad about not keeping variety, but its the only thing im really good at. why cant i be good at other stuff? "mom, im not good at anything else." i said. "sure you are, you have a beautiful voice and a creative mind." she said in a nice, sweet tone. later, my dad was showing me how to use digital DJ software to distort sound and make my own music. i was auful at it. i couldnt make something sound good it it was to save my life. my dad said i was doing it fine, so i tried some more and i thought i learned it alright. i made some really good sounds with it and my dad thought i made a pretty good beat. when i woke up in the morning, for some reason, i was completely bored of the DJ software. i just felt like ive been doing it forever and it wasnt fun anymore. i looked down at my glass on the floor. "im insane" i mumbled and carried the glass to the table to eat some breakfast. on the way i tripped and down came me, with the glass. the last thing i remember was me falling down face first, twards the glass.
  18. i hate you because you are a cupcake
  19. i hate you because that hating is already takin :l
  20. i hate you because you cried!!!!
  21. i hate you because thats not true
  22. Here i am, just a normal kid at a normal middle school, jerks will tease me for being a brony "Hey dude! dude! seen rainbowdash around?" They would say in my face in their most retarted mimication of me. "I wish i could vocalise the things im thinking" i would utter under my breath. why are bronies put down? why are there so many people who hate me? If only they could see past thier ignorance for a second and see that we all liked shows like that when we were young, just some idiot said it was "uncool" one day. i wish i could just go into the world of equestria, where i wouldnt have to deal with all those... i cant even say what they are! where everyone loves and tolerated, where pinkie pie is everyones friend, no matter what they like, where i would have no care in the world. but no. i have to deal with total dumb butts for over seven hours, hoping that that bell would ring, but for what? for me to go to my next class and get picked on by another group of jerks, or get a small releife from them for but 4 minutes? its like the time either goes my too slow, or runs by too fast, why cant the time stay at my pace of my slow mind? ________________________________________________________________________________ how is it going so far?
  23. i hate you because your not a cupcake
  24. i hate you because your on the wrong topic, so i hate you because i edited your line! ha!!!! correction: i hate you because i banned you
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