I don't think you understand what free software is.
Proprietary software like Chrome keeps users divided and helpless. Divided because each user is forbidden to share with other people, and helpless because the users don't have the source code, so they can't change anything, they can't even tell what the program is really doing. There are 4 essential freedoms that the user of software should have at all times.
Freedom zero is the freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose.
Freedom one is the freedom to study the source code of the program and change it to do what you wish.
Freedom two is the freedom to help your neighbour. That's the freedom to make copies and distribute them to others, when you wish.
Freedom three is the freedom to help your community. That's the freedom to distribute or publish modified versions, when you wish.
From what they said.
They get the URL and see if the URL is on their whitelist.
That enough tells them what you're downloading.
You mean this?
And this?
How long?
Why wait?