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Posts posted by Buttershy

  1. I believe it was in April of 2012.

    Mal (Starbolt) posted about the show on Facebook and I got curious. I then found out that most of my favorite voice characters are in the show so I decided to watch.

    Before then I've had heard of MLP from other friends, but I just didn't see the appeal in pastel-colored ponies.


    But now... It's safe to say that ponies have become a huge part of my life and I'm glad I found this show and became a part of the fandom.

  2. I'm pretty much open. I wear a variety of pony shirts when I go out. MLP isn't that popular where I live so the chances of people recognizing my shirts is very slim, but when people do ask about it, I'd say it's a good show. :)


    My cousins, all younger than me, would ask why on Equestria do I like a show "for kids". I told them to try and watch it and see for themselves, they still don't get it, but they don't make fun of me.


    My parents are okay with ponies. They're quite proud of the fan-stuff I've put out and I'm happy. :3 


    • Brohoof 1
  3. I have a lot of favorite songs and it's quite hard to choose. ._.

    My favorite Brony song...hmm... I guess anything Skybolt and Moon Shines release. xD (I'm totally not saying this because I'm their friend.) 

    Style of music would have to be... I guess anything that's haunting and eerie. I'd go with that, but I do love classical music. :D

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