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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Posts posted by Uri

  1. In a way all Digimons are op, well, because they all can evolve into something cool. It just takes time.


    Sorry, guys. I won't be able to get on for a few days now. I am going to move and I just started it today. A truck was rented to transport all the stuffs, so I want to finish moving as soon as possible. You wouldn't believe how many muscles I moved today. The place I am moving to doesn't have its internet set up yet, so nada online for me. Go ahead and RP or Digivolve without me. You can say Coral wonder off to find her Digimon but ended up getting lost and couldn't been found for a while. She will catch up later.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Sorry about this. But I won't be on for a few days since I am moving now. A truck was rented and we are planning to return it as soon as possible. The place I am moving to doesn't have internet yet, so no way for me to get online :( Go ahead and RP without me for now. NinjaCPU, you can go ahead with the plot, mine character will be fine without any introduction.

  3. "Uh, honey? Were you hungry yesterday night?" Mr. Cake stared dumbfoundedly at the kitchen with his distinct jaw dropped.


    "Nope, is something wrong? " Mrs. Cake's sleepy answer came from upstair.


    Taking a deep gulp, then a sigh, Mr. Cake looked down to see what used to be the cupcakes that were supposed to be deliver this morning. Now there was nothing in there. Not even a crumb was left. Worriedly he checked the front, wondering if somebody left some pays or a note. There was nothing. It used to be that they never had to lock the door or to be afraid that something would be stolen. But now... Ponyville is... not like what it used to be. Have the law and order in Ponyville collapsed? Pulling his chin up, Mr. Cake give himself a shake to get rid of the gloomy thought. After his multiple faints from that last Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness transportation tripe, he vowed not to lose conscious that easily again. Somebody ate the cupcakes. Nothing to worry about. They could always rush and make more in the morning. Breathing in deeply through his nose, Mr. Cake was sure the world would be beautful once he opened his eyes.


    Mrs. Cake charged into the kitchen like a bull. "Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake are missing!"


    Pulling his hoof over his head, rolling his eyes back into his head, and letting out a rueful whine, Mr. Cake collapsed onto his back.

  4. Realizing what BlackWeregarurumon said was true, Coral looked down in despair. "Thre are still things I can do. " Hesitately she decided, prying herself off and dashing back the way they came from. To Alice she called out and pointed behind her. "Alice, can you watch Jayten? Make sure to tell him don't think before acting or he will pass out again." Shojomon! Horrified by what she saw, Coral broke into a run and scooped the unconscious Digimon up in her arms before the giant purple sting could pin her down. She took one look Gargonmon and screamed, "Ah, he's got weapons!", skidding into a halt and hoping this wouldn't be the end.

  5. Outside the tree house by the window a figure stirred and shivered uncomfortably, peeking in and perking her ears to try to hear what the ponies were saying. Clouds travled across the night sky quickly, allowing the moonlight to beam down upon Ponyville, outlining the buildings and casting shades on the other side. However, the light caught the eavesdropper by surprise, her coat instantly splashed transparent silver. Cloaking and whiriling the hooves of the spectre, a thin mist drifted without being disturbed by the wind. Darkness covered the streets again one second later and the spectre was already gone.


    Down the street on the other side of town, the spectre paused sneaking around and looked up. Even at night, the Sugarcube Corner still looked like an inviting gingerbread house. Seconds later it was already inside the house by entering the unlocked door, uncovering shelves to find rows of cupcakes.

  6. Coral was disgruntled at BlackWeregarurumon's answer, but she made up her mind quickly. "Then put us down, please. " In a determined voice she spoke, her hands reaching to the back to tie her hair into a ponytail. "We are going to help our friends, not to abandon them and run away for our own sake." And I want to find my Digimon. I can't just let Shojomon or Renamon or Dorumon or Terriermon to risk getting hurt without doing anything about it. To emphasize her point, Coral pointed the way back to the restaurant and put up the most serious face she had.

  7. LadyDevimon sounds nice, but they sound like they are afraid of her. Worriedly Coral looked back and forth between Renamon and BlackWeregarurumon. "Why wouldn't they let us visit the shrine? We only want to go home." Coral asked. It was their only lead in returning to their world, so they weren't going to give it up that easily, right? Loud buzzs brought her to look up to the sky and saw the most humongous wasp she had ever seen in her whole life. Ahhh, every body in Digimon world are so big!



    Wondering if they looked like kittens when BlackWeregarurumon was carrying them in his arms, Coral reached out to touch Jayten's forehead. "Jayten, you should try stop thInking." She called out to the unconscious person and paused, realizing how more weird it sounded like than she intended. Ahh, we will never figure things out if Digimons kept attackng us. It was as if they were sent to delay them from leaving this world. "BlackWeregarurumon, take us to that mountain. Please! Jayten might die from headaches if we don't get a doctor to check on him." Coral pleaded, looking up to see the werewolf-like Digimon's jaw.

  8. Coral was surprised by Renamon's sudden hostility toward Blackgarurumon. "But we just met. And he looks like a nice digimon." Uncertainly she added. Since she didn't know much about digimons whom she was limited assocated with, Blackgarurumon acted more reasonable than other ones. "Where they left for their world... You mean that's the place they could go to leave this world?" We found a way to go home!

  9. Instead of apologizing for what happened, now Coral was actually half-confused and half-grateful of the black werewolf-like Digimon. "Eh... I am willing to work to pay for the meal. " She promised in a calmer voice this time, wondering if the waiter was okay after being grabbed around the neck. Is he the manager of this restaurant? Then he must be BlackWeregarurumon. Suddenly she realized what he just said and stood up so fast the other waiters thought she was going to fight her way out. "Last humans?" Coral gasped, lookig at the others to see if they heard it, too. "You mean there were others before us? "

  10. "Oh, I guess see you later?" Coral asked hopefully, but Simon was already out of sight, so she slumped her shoulder in dissapointment. Fumbling the sniper rifle in her hands, she actually wished he would give her something that is easier and less delicate for control, not the skill-required sniper rifle. Nevertheless, she held it up to scope out the target before she squeezed the trigger uncertainly. Without the silencer, the shot rang out, but the target was completely unharmed. Adjusting the rifle again, she fired a second shot. Still, the target was unharmed. Later on, she kept adjusting and trying until both of her arms felt like falling asleep. Still the target was missed again and again. I hope the bullets are not going to ricochet in here. Embarrased by her zero out of whatever scores, Coral was glad Simon was too busy minding his own business.


    Deciding that she could probably start training by shortening the distance, Coral walked further in. Behind her, the air split open with clawed reptile-like hands and a pair of monstrous eyes staring out.

  11. "Hehe, it's nothing. Just magic- eh?" Coral stopped and searched confusingly for Simon, surprised to find out he was already that ahead of her at the end of the hallway. "Whoa, do yoy know how to teleport, too?" Hurriedly she ran after him to the outside into the shooting range. Target practices weren't her strong points, but she was going to try her best anyway. Isn't this a lab? He must had built this place, too. "Is everything here yours?" She held her arms out besides her to show her point.

  12. "Yay~" Coral cheered happily at the result of her test, smiling and heading away after Simon. Although she knew she didn't even do anything, it somehow worked. Firing range? The sound of her hooves clicking against the floor ceased when she came into a stop. "Hang on. It will only take a few seconds." Closing her eyes, Coral ignored the numbness and concentrated. The tip of her horn glowed softly at first, then the rays of white light beamed out. They began to wrap around her like waves before fading away into the air instantly. A human figure replaced where the dark cream pony stood a flash before, her pink/orange hair reaching down below her shoulder. She wore a jacket over her tank top, shorts, like she was originally preparing to have a picnic at the beach.


    "Ok, ready." Coral stumbled after Simon for a couple steps before she could walk naturally.

  13. Live function at 100%? Coral never heard of the term before, but she guessed it must be something that mattered. The sick feeling she had wasn't too bad after she got used to it. "Mm, thanks." Coral tried to use her numb arm to take the gun, but she ended using her other one. "A few times, but I prefer to use other weapons that have more firepower." The gun was rotated a few times before it was handed back with its safety turned on. "What was the test about? Did I pass?" A part of her was curious to find out, but she was also afraid of knowing bad results, since she didn't even know how the small machine just diagnosed her.
  14. "Hehe, I think I lost mine when I dived into the water." Coral shrugged to show that it was okay, then what he brought up interested her. "Cards? Wh-"


    What she said later was cut off by a yell. The smile on the waiter's face was peeled off and replaced with a toothy frown. "So are you saying that you want to eat this meal for FREE?"


    "I-I am sorry. We were starving and we didn't know that we don't have money on us." Coral explained and cringed, trying not to panick under the waiter's yell. Now she regretted eating all the food. "I will pay you back. Somehow." She promised.


    The waiter growled in disgust then pointed to the door leading to the kitchen. "If you want to pay back, work."

  15. So are we allowed to have the original pony version champions? Like Sona pony or Doctor Mundo Pony?


    All Pinkie Pie's skills looked pretty good. Nobody will want to get close to her. Isn't there already a Teleport skill? LOL, Twilght Sparkle's final is called Dear Princess Celestia? That is so true! You are not going to believe how hard I laugh at this. xD It looks like Fluttershy is a support, but she can be a jungle, too, based only on her personality though. Fluttershy should have a "You are going to love me" passive if enemy champions ignores her. You forgot Twilight has a fiery unicorn form when she's mad or couldnt' figure things out.

  16. Coral smiled and straighten up, suddenly feeling shy for Jayten's sincere words. "Somebody will, Jayten. You are such a nice peson." She assured with a wink, finishing the last pancake and the remains of salad. "And even they don't, I can help you find them. I am pretty free, since it's summer. "


    The waiter, seeing that the custromers were preparing to leave, bounced over. "Here's your bill. We only take cash. No bargain."


    "Ok." Coral reached for her pocket, but then realized she didn't have any money with her. Embarrasedly she looked toward the others. "Jayten, do you have your wallet with you? I promise I will pay you back once we get back."

  17. I came in because I thought the title looks similair to League of Legends and it actually is about LoL. xD I am not planning to join RPs anymore, but this sounds convincing. Can we only rp as champions or as the summoners, too? Do they need to be original?

  18. Hearing Jayten's reply in feeling better, Coral sat back in relief and drank the rest of the smoothie. "It's like... your brain doesn't want you to think. Or to remember." She learned some basic health from attending lifeguard lectures, but what Jayten described didn't match anything she knew. Her mind was thinking more clearly after the meal. Folding her arms on the table, Coral leaned in and placed her chin on the top. "My teacher will know what's causing yoru headache, but she's probably worriedly looking for me now." Sorrowfully she murmured. This place made her felt homesick. "We should try getting back to the real world. Maybe you will remember your past over there." But how?

  19. "Jayten?" Coral noticed Jayten's act and almost knocked over her mango smoothe, grabbing a glass of water and handing it over to him. It can be dehydration. "Here, drink some water. Are you okay?" She was more concerned with the cause of his headaches than what he just said.

  20. Physically Coral was feeling better after the 'booster' shot, though phychologically she felt worse, since she couldn't believe she had to take an extra shot just to get rid of the side effects from the first shot. Her head shook before tilting up to focus on what she just heard. "You got the result back?" She looked at Simon with surprises in her eyes. "When did I even take the test?"

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