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Cherry Blossom

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Everything posted by Cherry Blossom

  1. I'm leaving the forums everypony. Thank all of you for the contribution of shaping my life into something better. Good-bye.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Loffy09


      Very late... but Bye :c You were the only user who wished me a happy birthday on 2012 (sorry if someone did, don't really remember) :c

    3. Bari


      Oh geez, how am I just noticing this? Goodbye, I hope you have a good life. I'm sure you won't see this, but I felt like I might as well.

    4. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      I didn't know you, but you seem awesome.Good bye, and have an awesome life.

  2. I'm sure a lot of people here are Introverts, including me. So I took a deep breath and made this topic. For those who don't know what introvert means: in·tro·vert Noun A shy, reticent, and typically self-centered person. A person predominantly concerned with their own thoughts and feelings rather than with external things. Usually I would be very silent in front of my friends and whenever I talk, I feel like I start awkward conversations. Then I also have the tendency to stay comepletely silent in bigs groups and talk a bit in smaller groups. I never really talk about my feelings with my friends so I've been continuously living like this without them knowing. Sometimes I just want to be more outgoing so I can talk, talk, and talk. Now how about you guys? Any of you feel the same way?
  3. Oh so many choices... 1) The Dark - I have a hard time falling asleep every day. Especially with the thought of ghosts and demons. 2) Insects - I can't stand ants, ticks, mosquitoes, bees, hornets, flies, mantises, beetles, cockroaches, and spiders! 3) Heights - I feel like I've lost my legs when I'm really high up.
  4. I wish I was more outgoing, just like everyone else.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Krystal


      I'm with Urdnot on this, I'd rather stay being an introvert than be a social butterfly.

    3. SilverHeart


      Man I always miss your status updates by around seven hours. And then the conversation is dead.

      Also the world needs more introverts. Being extroverted is really over rated.

    4. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Being an introvert doesn't necessarily preclude the ability to socialize, it describes one who doesn't desire to socialize. I'm not very good at making conversation or thinking of witty things to say on the fly, but I still go out of my way to hang out at large meetups just to share other people's company. I enjoy gatherings like that. By looking at that tendency alone I could be considered an extrovert, though I might go all day without saying a word.

  5. Well I agree with the mane6 being the only characters with developed personalities and you wouldn't really be able to tell what the male characters in the show are like. Which it would only lead down to SpikexRarity and MacintoshxCheerliee shippings, but possibly more. Though I really feel that bronies are writing mare to mare shippings, because of the possible concept of Lyra and Bon Bon in a romantic relationship. Plus that small thing between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash where everypony is being all, "They kissed!" "No it was a nuzzle!" But let's not forget that little scene with the whole "I'm game" thing. And maybe because homosexuality is such an issue to a lot of people, some just want to write a beautiful romance story, just as good as Romeo and Juliet. As for the adult-to-child shippings I have no idea. For all we know, some people are pedophiles or they believe in a adult-to-child relationship that most of us(including me) don't understand.
  6. I'm looking forward to life.

    1. Krystal


      Life is something worth looking forward to :)

    2. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      But... aren't you already experiencing it?


      Either way, I'm glad to hear it.

  7. Hug please. :'(

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Cherry Blossom

      Cherry Blossom

      Actually I watched 3 war movies for the past few days.

    3. Creamy Arty
    4. Cherry Blossom

      Cherry Blossom

      Another group hug everypony?


      Sorry for the waterfall of notifications.

  8. A lot of posts are being made while I'm at school. I can't read all of them and with the small amount of interaction I've received makes it harder for me to make a post. So I must leave the RP.
  9. I'm sorry everypony, but I'm going to have to drop out of this RP. The rate of posts are too much for me to read and keep up with so I'll have to quit. It was fun to RP with all of you and I hope it will go on better without me.
  10. This is really nice and it is way better than anything I could ever come up with. After improving just a few things, it can become a masterpiece! The ears seem a little too big and the head is vertically a teeny weeny bit long. But what can I say? I'm no good artist so my advice may not be very helpful.
  11. Goodnight everypony.

  12. Apple Mint came back after settling some complications of the Buffalo tribe staying neutral. He took off his hat and read the new orders that he received. "Well Ah'll be a buffalo's uncle. Cousin Applejack is givin' me orders, with writin' some letter?" he laughed a little and proceed to carry out the commands. He ordered two soldiers to search for Braeburn and Silverstar, then gathered engineers and construction workers. "All of ya start workin' on them fancy defenses n' all that. Startin' by that path of ash that Solar varmint made." Immediately the engineers and workers started going down the road. The two soldiers came back with Braeburn scratched up and Silverstar with a few cuts around. "Howdy cuz, Captaine Silverstar. We got orders from cousin' Applejack to put together Appleloosa back up again. She wants us to take any Solar prisoners that er givin' up and take out the hostiles." "Ah will go n' manage the repair and defenses here." Silverstar replied as he threw a salute and went with his duties. "Ah'll take care of the remainin' Solarians around here." Braeburn added. He went off to gather soldiers and handle the remaining Solar military forces in Appleloosa. Apple Mint went to help carry out the sick and wounded. _____________ Cherry Blossom continuously flew towards the direction of Ponyville from Canterlot and stopped a quarter of distance she needed to travel. She landed down near a few trees and was exhausted from all the flying. looking around, the area seemed secure so she laid her back against a tree and caught her breath. Maybe I should just sit here for a little while, check my things, and then start going again she thought.
  13. "There shall be no failure in getting rid of him, your highness." Sour Blossom recieved the information and saluted to the Princess before trotting out of the room. She left the castle and transitioned back to having her original self, Cherry Blossom. After a few seconds of trotting on the grass, she got into the air and started flying towards Baltimare. Is it right to kill somepony I never even met? Oh stop whining. Just let me take care of all the killing. she thought as she stared down at Canterlot, one last time before leaving their airspace. Apple Mint gave orders to the surviving NLR soldiers to start repairs on the town. He also asked the remaining civillians to start creating victory gardens due to most of the apple tree being burnt down. After organizing repairs and construction projects, he started trotting towards the land of the Buffalo tribe.
  14. "Y-Yes your highness, but I will need any additional information about the target. I'll need some intel about his current fighting strength, location, and nearby allies." Cherry Blossom transitioned to her other personality, Sour Blossom. Her eyes turned red, mane turned silver, and even the bow on her mane turned raven black. Though her white coat and cutiemark didn't change at all, but her personality was quickly unrecognizable. "Or would you prefer that I disposed of the target by any means necessary?" she asked. "I am still a novice to combat, but I've had endured special training in order to do so. And this may require a well thought-out plan, if you have one in mind." ________________ Solarian soldiers began to abandon their positions and were being driven out of Appleloosa. Within hours, the resisting Lunar forces had regrouped as a whole and pushed out their remaining enemies, in the town. Apple Mint climbed up to a rooftop and faced the large crowd of Lunar soldiers. "Y'ALL REMEMBER WHAT THEM SOLARS HAVE DONE HERE TODAY! THEY BURNED OUR HOMES, MASSACRED OUR FRIENDS, AND EVEN TAKEN OUR YOUNGINS! DEATH TA THE SOLAR EMPIRE!" He yelled. "DEATH TO THE SOLAR EMPIRE!" Was the only thing the crowd screamed, constantly repeating that line. ((OOC: My last post for the night.))
  15. ((OOC: I might as well just control just Apple Mint for the time being until Cherry Blossom gets a reply from Princess Celestia.)) The sound of steel clashing and arrows flying soon filled the battleground of Appleloosa. Lunar soldiers charged at town hall as many other surviving Lunar soldiers joined in the battle. Solar soldiers did not hesitate to fight back, but they were outmatched by the rage of the NLR. Even the surviving residence of Appleloosa started to take up arms with pitchforks and assisted the retake of their town. They would not falter and wouldn't stop as their own started to hit the blood-stained dirt. Apple Mint quickly assaulted the defense lines of the Solar soldiers, with the help of Lunar guerillas. Solar officers even began to feel uneasy about halting this sudden rebellion. The seemingly highest ranking officer, trotted out of the town hall building and tried to make a run for the next Solar outpost. Apple Mint knew this stallion was important to kill, because of the many high quality equipment bearing, guards he was surrounded by. Apple Mint quickly went for the target and soon clashed into the blades of the guards. He was struggling to handle all of them at once and they all tried to swing at him all at once. Though other Lunar troops quickly jumped in and stalled the guards as Apple Mint got back up and ran again. The officer knew that Apple Mint would inevitably catch up, so he unsheathed his sabre and pointed at the mint green stallion. "If you are that eager to fight me. Then prepare to die, Lunar scum!" He yelled as he charged at Apple Mint and attemped to stab him. But Apple Mint intercepted the blade tip by cutting it into halves and then slashed at the officer's face. The Solar officer quickly was sent to the ground with his hooves covering his bleeding face. "All of yer Solar buddies are goin' to pay fer for all of this, through blood," he said, right before inserting the tip of his blade to his stomach, causing the Solarian to scream in unbearable pain. After a few seconds, Apple Mint thrusted his sword in the dying officer's heart and walked away, back to the battle.
  16. I think I'm happy, but are you happy?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Twilight Circuits

      Twilight Circuits

      Sony Music Studio has really helped since i know Acid Pro fairly well already. So it's looking up but I just can't believe the barriers i've had.

    3. Twilight Circuits

      Twilight Circuits

      I'll pm you if I need to know something which is fairly likely soon. Thanks for the offer!

    4. longgone


      np, I have Sony vegas pro and After Effects, but I prefer sony in most cases 'cause AE can be so complicated at times!

  17. Who is playing Princess Celestia? I haven't been able to post all day and I still need a reply in the RP thread.
  18. Of course I wouldn't let Apple Mint try to assault the town hall by himself. I had him command an NPC Lunar soldier to gather any remaining soldiers nearby. Then I had him launch an attack on the town hall as soon as he gathered a platoon sized amount of troops. Besides, isn't it the OC's owner or the DM's ability to to kill OCs? And the fact that nopony is doing anything in Appleloosa. tried not to make it overpowered by not immediately capturing the place, so any other Lunar participants can counterattack if they wanted. And I just wanted to have Appleloosa recover after the whole mishap. I can make a few posts for Appleloosa to get back on track, if I get permission from the DMs to do so. Seeing as how the current situation is left, I think the Appleloosa thing will have to see some improvision.
  19. I'm sorry for bothering any of you in any way, but I'm still waiting for a reply from Princess Celestia. Plus I had my OC Apple Mint make an attempt to retake Appleloosa.
  20. Well I used to set up and decorate a small Christmas Tree with ornaments on Christmas Eve. Then we would go to sleep and I'd find my present on the floor of my bedroom. Nowadays my family and I just go to Best Buy and purchase whatever products we want and go home. And I got my Christmas present from Black Friday a little while ago. I just wish my family could celebrate Christmas very traditionally, but there's only so much you could do in an apartment.
  21. Cherry Blossom opened her eyes and stared at the same gloomy, grey ceiling. Things seemed different when she had been transferred from Cloudsdale to Canterlot for active military duty. And the fact that she was new to combat duty had made knots in her stomach. After a few moments she yawned and climbed out of her bed, meeting the mahogany-wood floor with her hooves. Then she started walking down the hall towards the bathroom for a shower. The white mare walked onto the cold, blue tiles, flipped a switch causing 4 light bulbs to turn on, and proceeded to wash herself up. Around 5-10 minutes, Cherry Blossom stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel after turning off the metal faucet. As she dried off her coat, she walked back to her room and used a hairdryer for her wet mane and combed it afterwards. Then she tied and fastened a red bow on her mane. Finally she slipped into her white assassin outfit, fitted with a hood, and tailored with pink accents and zipped up. Cherry Blossom grabbed a hidden blade, quiver of arrows, a bow and headed out the door, onto the asphalt. As she steadily flew through the streets of Canterlot, her face made a worried face as she watched wounded soldiers passing by on crutches and wheelchairs. Some of them had bandages wrapped all over their faces and this made her even more nervous. Continuing forward to the castle she tried her best not to look saddened, as she flew past a field hospital full of moaning and screaming wounded. The sight was terrible because not only was it just soldiers, but there were civilians and foals wrapped in bandages. Cherry Blossom nearly starting tearing up, right after she quickly started flying towards the castle in a much higher altitude. 7 minutes went by and she appeared at the castle gates. Cherry Blossom wiped off her small tears and saluted the entrance guards before walking in. Looking around, she spotted and the stairway and started walking up to the throne room where Princess Celestia would be. The mare saluted the guards, walked into the room, and bowed down to the Princess. "E-Excuse me Princess Celestia, but I'm here to receive any mission r-requests." _________________ Apple Mint opened his eyes and watched the war-torn Appleloosa that was set ablaze. He was on the ash and dirt mixed ground, wearing his grey assassin outfit, fitted with a hood, and tailored with blue accents. A Lunarian soldier came and help Apple Mint on his hooves. "Them Solar varmints are goin' ta pay for what they just done here!" Apple Mint exclaimed as he started walking around the corpse paved roads. The whole place was an absolute massacre with blood puddles every 3 feet and piled up bodies. This didn't discourage Apple Mint, but it fueled his anger, considering this was his home and his allies were killed all around him. He turned to the Lunarian soldier and said, "Go n' find every one of our soldiers n' meet me at town square. We've got a score ta settle with them Solars!" The soldier nodded and trotted off, searching for any remaining soldiers who could still fight. Apple Mint went off to kill any high ranking officers that were in charge of occupying the city. As he saw town hall, a few Solarian soldiers walked inside, seemingly around to protect an individual pony. They were possibly an officer or some kind of important pony for that matter so he waited for the remaining soldiers to rendezvous with him. 15 Minutes passed by and around 42 soldiers came and used the urban are to hide. The Lunar soldier returned and informed Apple Mint of the survivors that arrived. He smiled and unsheathed his sword, then charged right at town hall along with the remaining soldiers.
  22. So is Appleloosa going to stay in ruins? I mean is it destroyed to the point where the whole place is a pile of ash?
  23. Well it seems a bit strange to me, considering Canterlot is a Solar territory and the mountain is just right beside it. Even though it is saying that it is a "Hotzone for attacking Ponyville" it seems easier for Lunars to attack Canterlot instead.
  24. Can anypony tell me where exactly is Dragon's mountain on the map? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
  25. Can I use two OCs? If not I'll just use Cherry/Sour Blossom. Name: Cherry Blossom/Sour Blossom Age: 17 Species: Pegasus Gender: Female Appearance: (Light-blue/blood-red) Fluttershy eyes White coat (Light pink/Silver) Flitter style mane and tail Average sized Pegasus wings (Red/Raven black) Bow head accessory (RP outift) A white assassin outfit, fitted with a hood and tailored with pink accents. Cutie Mark (if any): A pink eighth note with a heart. Personality: Very shy/Confident Sensitive/Solid Prefers to be alone Easily frightened/Hardly flinches Socially awkward/Insulting Very generous/Selfish Apologetic/Unforgiving Forgetful/Unmerciful Uses a soft tone/Uses a serious tone Overreacts sometimes/Not easy to get along with Honesty is her best policy/Lying is her best ability Biography: Grew up being bullied as a filly, but soon developed a second personality to soothe the loneliness. And later she met a colt named Apple Mint and became childhood best-friends. Then Sour Blossom rarely transitioned at all, but only in dire situations. (For the RP) Eventually as she grew up, she was trained to be an assassin and spy for the Solar Empire. Lunar Republic or Solar Kingdom? Solar Kingdom Branch within Faction: Air Force Ranking: Assassin/Recon(I'll go with Lieutenant if these don't work) _______________________ Name: Apple Mint Age: 21 Species: Earth Pony Gender: Male Appearance: Brown mane and tail Mint green coat Mint green eyes Brown cowboy hat (RP outift) A light-grey assassin outfit, fitted with a hood and tailored with blue accents. Cutie Mark (if any): A mint tablet that is flavored green apple. Personality: An all around good pony with an Apple family accent. Has a manageable temper, but is very friendly. Biography: Born in none other than Appleloosa! He was raised to grow apples, raise apples, buck apples, gather apples, clean apples, and cook apples. Pretty soon Apple Mint bumped into a filly named Cherry Blossom and became childhood best-friends. He went passed an oral health shop and was inspired to try making the best breath mint. Lunar Republic or Solar Kingdom? Lunar Republic Branch within Faction: Infantry Ranking: Assassin/Brigade commander(I'll go with Captain if these don't work)
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