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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Juggler

  1. When I was a kid I used to practice diabolo very often and was very interested in juggling and wanted to learn it. We have a circus school here in our town were they teach various circus arts, and even though my sister learned acrobatics there I didn't dare to ask my mom if I could go to that school (note: this is in peoples sparetime, so not THAT kind of a school) and learn how to juggle. I even knew that there was a juggling class there because one of my classmates attended that class on his sparetime. But I didn't dare to ask, because I had a lot of activities as it was on my sparetime and I thought that my mom wouldn't had let me have another one. Several years later I started juggling in a class there and finally learned how to juggle. But it would had been better if I started as a kid. Now I have to work extra hard to "catch up". The reason for that is I want to become professional with my juggling, and just after 4 years that hard to do. And I feel that my time is running out now when I'm not in school anymore. If I had started when I was younger I would probably be ready to go professional when I graduated. And what pisses me off even more is that my mom said that if I would have asked she would have let me take a juggling class. I hate myself for not asking her even to this day...
  2. I don't know if I concider myself a Trekkie, but I'm currently watching through the Enterprise series. It started out because I ran out of series to watch and thought to myself: "Isn't there a series that is long so you don't run out of episodes so fast?" Star trek was the obvious answer Much to my surprise I did enjoy Enterprise even though I'm not in any aspect a sci-fi fan. The reason that I don't know if I'm a trekkie is that I don't love Star Trek. It's fun to watch from time to time, but nothing more than that.
  3. Not much at all. It was probably around 1 month ago since I watched a mlp episode. I aren't that "hooked" on the series as other people seem to be... I just watch an episode when I feel like it. I used to watch it quite a lot at first (2-3 episodes a day = a lot). But it kinda goes in waves for me and I have gotten interested in other series.
  4. Yes, when you're able to kill the monsters it isn't as scary anymore. I rememer when I played the first Penumbra. I was terrified at first. It was the scariest game I had ever played, and everytime I heard/saw those dogs I nearly crapped myself... But then I realized that I could kill them... God did that ruin the game... It was still a great game, but definately not as scary anymore.
  5. Feels good now to be back on the forums! I have taken a little bit of a break from it for a few days, but now I'm back :)

  6. I was very much a like your friends before, I wanted to watch the show just so I could hate on it, not on a specific person, but on the whole brony phenomeon. But as you see I became a brony even though I watched it with the intent of hating it. Maybe it will be the same case for your friends?
  7. Not at all. We would be hypocrites if we wouldn't like that. "Normal" people look at us and says that we are too old to watch this, and (most of us) we don't think that. Should we then say that people can be too old to like this? If it is any brony that doesn't like that idea... I don't even know what I would say...
  8. Oh man... What a birthday! I wasn't expecting to get any congratulations at all from the forum, but to my surprise many people have been congratulating me :) It really makes me feel special and means a lot, thank you guys and gals :) I also got a Pinkie Pie keychain from my sister as a birthday gift, more as a joke from her side but I enjoy it :)

    1. Dimitri Hammer

      Dimitri Hammer

      Psst....psst...Happy Birthday comrade!

    2. thegoodhen


      Happy birthday, and might it just say... Nice avatar!

    3. Juggler


      Thanks to you both :) And thank you thegoodhen! Yours is awesome too :)


  9. Wow, this is just so sad ad still filled with joy at the same time (just like many of the songs in Lord of the Ring). Wonderful piece! I would love it if you some day would get some better recording tools so the quality would be better. If you would do that I would definately like to download the song and listen to it on my iPod, heck, I would buy it from you You said that you were in the project on making music for the Staff, do you have more songs in this project? I would love to hear them
  10. Sit-down resturant? Are there resturants where there aren't tables where you can sit down? Here in Sweden more or less every resturant has some kind of table where you can sit at.
  11. No, Love and Tolerance hasn't become a joke, it originated as a joke on 4chan for countertrolling the trolls. After time it became something of a "motto" for some bronies, but often they are just hypocraites because they don't follow it. For example: If someone doesn't like MLD they call that person a hater and stuff like that. But I agree with what you say, we should strive to live by it, but of course this isn't always possible
  12. A t-shirt would be a good choice. Just make sure that you buy a pen that is made for writing on cloth and won't disappear if you wash it.
  13. I think that the brohoof ratio is not a very good way to measure ones success. Since the post count doesn't increase when you post in forum games or the lounge but the brohoff count does, people who hang out in those places a lot will get a much higher ratio than one who doesn't write there as much. So it's quite unfair I think, a member who hasn't made any posts at all in the games or the lounge maybe will have a seemingly lower post/brohoof ratio than another member who rarely write in topics where the post adds to the post count. That member may have been posting more than the other user, so in theory his brohoof/post count is lower than the other user.
  14. Here in Sweden you have to be 20 years old to purchase alcohol outside bars, resturants and such. So today I bought my first beer, geez I feel old :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dimitri Hammer

      Dimitri Hammer

      I drink Vodka everyday! Is good for my heart....

    3. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      aren't you able to buy 'standard' beer here in Sweden when you're 18? i think that you're not allowed to buy the more stronger liquids you find in Systembolaget and the like until you're older.

    4. Juggler


      You can buy light beer in a normal store, but the alcohol level on that is so low that I'm surprised that it even can be called an alcoholic beverage. You are also able to buy stronger liquids in bars and resturants when you're 18. But you can't buy stronger liquids at Systembolaget until you're 20 just like you say.

  15. Ok Apocalyptic, you can share my birthday as well Hope that you will have a wonderful day, eat lots of cake and open tons of presents Happy birthday
  16. Guess I've been living under a rock because I haven't heard about it
  17. No I didn't know about this, thanks for telling me And I see that we have a new title! I think that we all know who is going to get that one first *cough* Crona *cough*
  18. But Swoop is coming back (right?), it would be weird if she left because it temorarily is bad there. So I don't really think that's a factor.
  19. I can only imagine the loads of food you ate when the day was over XD
  20. I was litelarly gasping when I saw that a moderator was leaving, and one of the moderators that I liked the most. I didn't get to know her that well, but I will still miss her. But I understand her reasons why she wants to leave and I think that if she really feels that way, she should go. I salute you Arylett!
  21. Oh god, I feel old now... I'm now officially not a teenager anymore
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