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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Juggler

  1. You should not be ashamed of yourself! I love reading grimdark too. Just because many bronies don't like that kind of stuff doesn't mean that you have to dislike it (After all we as bronies should be used to this ).
  2. Wow, great job! But I must ask: Did you draw this from memory or did you use a picture as a reference? But even if you did it's damn good
  3. Ok, I shall return the favor you did to me! The first weapon, "FEAR". I really like the blade of that weapon, really creative and nice details However the "knob" is a little bit odd, you kinda loose the 3D-effect if you know what I mean. The second weapon, "VENO....." (I can't really read the rest ). It's really nice overall but the one detail in the middle of the blade seems quite odd. I can't really see how that is a part of the sword (but maybe it's supposed to be that way). Also it doesn't really have that 3D-effect. The third weapon, "JUDGEMENT", is also really nice. But the right part of the hammer could be more symmetrical to the left one. I have nothing to say about the fourth weapon, "SHADOWSTEP". Really nice creativity and details. I love how you did the handle And at last, your second drawing. I'm really curious what it's supposed to be? You said you're working on a game, is this some kind of symbol that represents something in the game? It's really nice looking overall, but the right "wing" could be more symmetrical to the left one. Besides those small points, really nice drawings! I hope to see more of your work in the future
  4. So I decided to learn how to draw ponies, and well here's my first stab at Rainbow Dash: So I would like some advice on how I could improve in my art?
  5. How tough are ya? How tough am I? I listened to the My Little Pony intro at school. Yeah, so? Without headphones. Oh! Please, right this way
  6. I just started thinking about something, what if MLP:FiM was the first generation of MLP? That is, the old generations would never have existed. I think that we bronies wouldn't get as much hate from the outside community as we do today. From what I've experienced people assume that this new generation is just like the old generations. That is: REALLY girly. If those generations wouldn't have existed people would just have this generation to base their opinions on, and I think that would lead to less haters. Of course there would still be quite a lot of haters, after all it's a show about colorful ponies, but as I said, I don't think there would be as many. What do you think?
  7. I don't even want to think about it... I have lost forums before, but this one has touched me more than any forum. I would probably be really sad and don't know what to do, but I wouldn't be angry. If it's shut down they probably have a damn good reason for it. I would just be... Sad...
  8. Haha, I absolutely love the Jaws reference And you got some really smooth lines going on there! Smoother than what I usually draw And the tear filled eye on the second one is perfect, I might steal that technique Good job!
  9. Welcome! Haha, I don't really like real ponies either. Cartoon ponies are much more cooler Hope that you will enjoy your stay here, I sure have
  10. I understand what you are saying, but I still believe that you don't need to love and tolerate to be a brony. Sure as you say that is what the whole fandom is about. But the definition of the word brony is a person outside the age/gender group that the show is intended for. Those who doesn't love and tolerate I consider as "bad" bronies. It's just like saying that a christian that has committed a murder isn't a christian anymore. He still believes in God, and that's all you need to be considered a christian. The same goes with bronies.
  11. I don't really agree with you. I think that a person is a brony if they regularly watch MLP:FiM. It's the whole meaning of the word "Brony". What you explain is the difference between "good" and "bad" bronies. But just because they're "bad" doesn't mean that they aren't bronies.
  12. My family have walked in on me using the forum a lot of times. They haven't seemed to notice that it was My little ponies. But everyone except my stepfather knows. They don't care at all, although my stepfather looked a little strangely at my Fluttershy shirt today. It's Fluttershy screaming: You're going to love me! So you can't really see that it's a pony. But I don't he is the kind of guy who forbids me watching it.
  13. Yes, that is a really great song. Ever since I heard it for the first time I have listened to it over and over again. Absolutely love it
  14. I don't really agree that she is a "flat" character. But it would be really nice to get a little bit more background story about her. To see her parents would be really great!
  15. Juggler

    movies/tv Subs Or Dubs?

    I think it's quite annoying to listen to them speaking in Japanese all the time so I prefer dubs But only if it's in English. You guys at least have some good voice actors to dub. Here in Sweden (more or less) all dubbers are really, really bad.
  16. Even though I love all of the mane six ponies I love Fluttershy the most. I really don't know why, but it's probably because she is the one which is most like me, and from what I've heard people tend to like the pony that they can relate to the most.
  17. I would still watch the show and love every second of it. But it wouldn't be such a big part of my life as it is now. It would only be one more show to the list of shows that I follow.
  18. Again, I'm really sorry about my lack of knowledge... It was a honest mistake, I don't really have knowledge in what music genre some music goes into. And since I just couldn't say "dubstep" or "remix" because it's more broad than that, so I said techno. But your term seems to fit better, so I have changed the topic title. I'm really sorry for my mistake...
  19. Sorry. I have never heard the term "dance music" before. I tried to explain it so people would understand, and apparently they did. I'm not an expert in what music goes into what genre and all that.
  20. So I'm searching for some brony music to fill out my iPod playlist. I have found some, but when I search youtube I mostly find remixes, dubstep and stuff like that. Some of those songs are good, but many of them aren't my cup of tea... I mostly prefer other styles of music. I found Mandopony which has a lot of great music. So are there any more musicians that makes music in the same kind of style like he does?
  21. I love to add banana to various dishes. The favorite is pizza, there is nothing like banana on pizza! But it also goes really well with asian food and tacos
  22. No pokemon can beat Ditto. As seen in an episode, they can learn how to use the attacks of the pokemon that they transform into. So you can turn it into any pokemon that you please! (With lots of training of course...)
  23. I don't support any ship except for RariSpike. But I don't think that it's going to happen in the series. And I hope that it doesn't either. I like their relationship the way it is now.
  24. As long as you don't start "infecting" your videos with pony related things (saying stuff like brohoof, pictures of ponies and stuff like that) I don't think that you will loose your subscribers. I think that most people doesn't care that you are a brony as long as your videos doesn't have any pony related stuff in them.
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