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Posts posted by ~WhiteHawk~

  1. On the regular search I got some chick's mugshot that has my exact name, including middle name. Without my middle name I got this actress chick. 


    On the images just random pictures of people with my name. 

  2. Here's mine:


    whitehawk is drug dealing
    whitehawk is an invitation to all that the magic of summer is soon to arrive
    whitehawk is even more
    whitehawk is put through its paces ©stefan goroncy
    whitehawk is but 23 summers old and yet he has seen more battle than many
    whitehawk is made up of young pilots with big dreams of reaching the top
    whitehawk is a 240 home swim and tennis family community located in the golden triangle between lawrenceville and suwannee
    whitehawk is a saulteaux first nations woman from the cote first nation located near kamsack
    whitehawk is a special
    whitehawk is a special place where they want to live
    whitehawk is a large public housing estate on the edge of brighton
    whitehawk is a true tournament test and has four sets of tees for maximum playability
    whitehawk is een ontwerp wat zich inmiddels ruimschoots bewezen heeft
    whitehawk is an enrolled member of the winnebago tribe of nebraska
    whitehawk is available on stand no
    whitehawk is almost finished
    whitehawk is no specialised sprint
    whitehawk is for sale and no longer available for charter
    whitehawk is a member of the cote first nation
    whitehawk is a living panorama of my life process
    whitehawk is a proven design
    whitehawk is above the white hawk in sheepcote valley
    whitehawk is a member of the winnebago tribe of nebraska
    whitehawk is one of them
    whitehawk is herself an avid and accomplished hunter and has recently added to her many skills bear hunting?her special talent lies in
    whitehawk is no longer practicing wicca
    whitehawk is clean
    whitehawk is just a tad bit mistaken
    whitehawk is a local watering hole on its shores
    whitehawk is injured
    whitehawk is also knocked off
    whitehawk is very kind and caring and has a great native american website
    whitehawk is planning a gobo hunt in about a week
    whitehawk is the community liaison worker
    whitehawk is part of the new deal initiative
    whitehawk is a lush
    whitehawk is an estate
    whitehawk is a member of the cote band near kamsack
    whitehawk is out of the water and the waterline scum has been scrubbed
    whitehawk is back at c dock
    whitehawk is the lovely countryside all around
    whitehawk is otherwise a safe place to live
    whitehawk is the president of the st
    whitehawk is a sprawl of terraced red
    whitehawk is providing range balls
    whitehawk is the place to stay in sheffield
    whitehawk is created
    whitehawk is promoted to ambassador
    whitehawk is a massage therapist and adjunct faculty member at the atlanta school of massage
    whitehawk is here to see him
    whitehawk is?
    whitehawk is a typical paternal figure full of good intents but serious and responsible
    whitehawk is here
    whitehawk is promoted to demigod
    whitehawk is located in palm desert and consists of 298 single
    whitehawk is a no
    whitehawk is hereby denied
    whitehawk is perceived as being too expensive especially for parents on low incomes
    whitehawk is funny sometimes


    I'm funny SOMETIMES???!!! 


    what are you talking about I'm hilarious. 


    I'm a no. ok. 

    • Brohoof 3
  3. Update from Florida:




    oh wait never mind Florida just finally realized what the hell winter means. 


    I'm also waiting for the manatees and dolphins to rise up from the water and kill us all. it'll totally happen guis 

  4. Oh come on, there's no way that song will become so popular it'll become an overused internet meme in the time span of a few days that shows up in every place you look online! That's crazy. 

  5. People always seem to think I'm a lesbian. I'm pansexual. THERE'S A DIFFERENCE.


    People also think I'm attracted to pans. Mainly just because they don't know what pansexual means.


    People also think me being pansexual means I like to date or screw everybody. I've only had a single relationship in my entire life, not to mention I'm a teenager, thus a virgin.


    Others also think I'm nice.



    (it's not actually One Direction, by the way)

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Damn, I've never met a hater in real life, much less someone that tried to physically assault me. I guess it's because I'm a girl, so people decide that it's fine for me to watch the show (which is total bullshit by the way, treat me as an equal dammit).


    But you definitely dealt with it well. Like Betez said, don't take it personally. My opinion is that anyone so ignorant to make an opinion without looking into it first isn't worth the air to talk to. Why waste your time fighting with haters instead of watching more ponies?

  7. Eh, I don't really know about mine. For right know I guess it would be 3 feathers? At least, that's what I have right now. I really like birds so I guess that would be it.


    Mainly cause I'm not good at anything but being sarcastic, and I can't figure out what sort of symbol would represent that.

  8. What! This is an outrage! How dare he enjoy a tv show and express himself in a respectful and kind manner?!


    Come, we must copy and paste fake death threats about 300 confirmed kills to show our discontent!

  9. My personal headcanon is that the MLP world is an alternate dimension, with different qualities than the one we live in as well as different versions of everything.


    I like to imagine that in the world of MLP, there is a ponified version of everyone on Earth and vice-versa. They have different names but similar if not the same personalities. For example I imagine that ponysonas are just the brain peeking into the alternate dimension ever so slightly, only being able to see bits and parts of it. That's where the show came from, and where our 'ponysonas' came from.


    So my headcanon is that each person here is a pony in that dimension.


    If only that were real, because then they'd be a human Rainbow Dash.

  10. I honestly don't really care about the reputation of the brony fandom. People are gonna assume things, it's just how it is. Me being a furry myself, I've grown not to care about what people think about me and/or the people I'm associated with. There's always gonna be cloppers and gore artists (I also enjoy both types of art), and there's always gonna be the people that dislike it. I've just learned not to care about what people think about me, so I don't get offended when people dis my fandom.


    Just my opinion, though.

    • Brohoof 4
  11. I actually left my school because of how much I hated it. I'm homeschooled now.


    I can't even BEGIN to say how my I hated my school. I'm litterally boiling right now at the thought of it.


    Everyone except for a few friends were giant DOUCHBAGS. My principals hated me, and they loved all of the popular people, They ADORED them, even though they were all ignorant assholes.


    My old Civics teacher hated my guts for whatevery reason. I honestly have no idea to this day. She would just glare at me sometimes. I think she heard some of the rumors spread around about me.


    Speaking of which, when I say I wasn't popular, I lie. Everyone knew who I was. They just hated my fucking guts. This girl who was the first person I met when I moved into that area, who was one of my best friends for a while, was a compulsive lying bitch who spread countless rumors about me and my best friend. She convinced the whole school be and my friend were dating even though neither of us were interested in each other at the time and had boyfriends. I am pansexual and like the same friend at the moment, but I still hate things being assumed about me. Everyone also though I was a bitch who beat that girl who spread rumors about me up, which was also a lie because I've never been in a fight in my life.


    I think the worst I've done to deserve the bitch title was when I yelled at the people in my art class because I was done with their bullshit. They kept trying to get me to go out with my ex again even though I've made it clear millions of times that I wasn't interested anymore, because he had told my friend to kill herself AND cheated on me. Not to mention they had most of the class laughing at me at one point because of my religion. I guess that was what I got for NOT BEING CHRISTIAN. I had held in my anger at my school for a while and I snapped. After that, no one really screwed with me. They just continued to talk behind my back like I couldn't hear them.


    I left the school after my grandfather died. I was already pissed at myself for not talking to him for months before his death and didn't want to deal with the assholes at school anymore. So I left. Now I'm homeschooled at Florida Virtual School.


    This is why I hate Pasco. It's full of close minded idiots, like my old school.


    I miss my friends, but honestly, I was just done with the bullshit.


    *le rant over*

  12. When I was at the beach with my friend, we had gone down outside late at night to get some soda at the vending machine. The stupid thing kept eating our money and we were complaining. Then this creepy old man walked by us and whispered "I'll give you a coke" and walked away.


    Then we went back upstairs. It was the creepiest shit.

  13. You just contridicted youself there, and your statement isn't true. I can never agree with the saying "ignore it and it'll go away". It's the only thing I ever encountered that I can honestly say I completely disagree with. True, sometimes, rarely, but sometimes it works, but for the majority of people, they won't go away. Ignoring is the same as doing nothing and wishing your problems away. I have yet to find a better alternative, so I do ignore, for the most part, but it never solves anything.



    Haven't I answered this? I don't like making fun of dumb or ignorant people, it's none of our buisness what they think. I mean MEAN people, who think something of themselves, thus becoming total idiots and douchebags. For the love of god, read the original post next time, and use it as reference.



    That would be survival of the fittest, no offance or anything, no reason to be offended, but I'm just sayin'.



    That's a total cliche, and rude. I haven't seen a perfect person, but the way you wrote it it sounds really stupid -_-




    Okay, that's genuinely horrible. I wish traumatizing experiences on those people :3


    My stories were from before I realized that I shouldn't keep responding and just ignore it. That was when I could hardly control my anger so I responded. I ignore them now, but they're still some of the stupidest people I've met.


    And sometimes, when you ignore them they do go away. Most of the trolls want attention. If no one gives them that attention, then they might give up.


    It doesn't always happen though, I'll agree with that.

  14. Like others said, you are definitely not insane. I'm not sure if it counts as having a tulpa, but I've had this voice in my head for a few years that I would talk to when I was feeling lonely. But it was before I knew what a tupla was and thought she was just a voice in my head.


    Anyways, I am very happy for you and Brandy. Even if the rest of us can't see her, that doesn't mean you shouldn't be happy. ^^ I wish you both the best. :)

  15. Gaaaaahhh I agree with Dr3adnaught and cuteysindyhoney, the new episode was AMAZING. The Asylum of the Daleks, Rory and Amy, the one Dalek that thought she was human, it was just perfect.


    As happy as a am that there will be a new season, I'm pretty sure this will be the season in which the 11th Doctor regenerates. Him and the 10th are tied as my favorite, not to mention Amy is my favorite companion and with the Doctor leaving she will be soon to follow. I love 11 so much and it will be very sad to see him go. ;.;

  16. I know this is sort of late, but I'm really sorry about what happened, Sarge. I may not talk to you that often, but you are one of my friends on here and you are an amazing guy. You shouldn't have been sucked into this because of a silly game and an overreacting father. You even sent messages saying how none of it should be taken seriously!


    Hopefully, the father realizes his mistake and calms down. He probably should have looked into the site more and saw that it was a site for bronies, not for small children. I get that at first glance it seems nice and innocent, but really, he should have looked into it more. He also should have seen that it was a game, and you didn't actually mean that you would kiss the girl.


    You have nothing to apologize for, Sarge. You were just having fun and playing a game. No one can blame you for that.


    I hope things get better for you, and don't feel like you should leave the forums. You are an amazing guy, and it really would be terrible to see you go. Something like a misunderstanding shouldn't be the cause for you leaving.


    I'm sure things will get better. If this father does continue to overreact and try to make things worse for you, I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that I would be willing to help you in any way possible.


    Good luck, Sarge. I hope things get better for you.

  17. Eh, if he was acting like that then he really isn't someone you should care about. Not much of a friend. Just ignore him. And if he wants to continue to be an asshole, be smart. Either ignore him or make it clear that you don't give a shit about what he says or thinks. You shouldn't be ashamed to be a brony just because of the stereotypes people give us. You know they aren't true, and that's all that matters.

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