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Posts posted by irobern2857

  1. I have seen a lot of back and forth on this thread about wither the songs are good or bad or special or needed or not. I never intended to say that the songs were in any way bad but just that they were ham fisted to us in the first half of the season. unlike S1 where they were spread out and each one hit us fairly freshly.


    after seeing that the amount of songs were rather consistent through the seasons i think i have found why I started this thread. Its not so much that I don't like the songs (actually love Apples to the core and Discords song (I know all the critics can kill me later)) its just that almost all the songs were pact so close together that they stopped being a fresh shift and more of an expected thing for every episode.

  2. As for the newest episode: Pinkie Pride; that was a musical episode with Pinkie Pie, a musical character, and guest starred Weird Al Yankovic, who is a very musical person. So, it makes sense that the episode had a lot of songs in it.


    Here I actually need to take a step back and confess that I never realized it was Weird Al. Looking back if I had known the songs probably would have come across better. I doubt I would enjoy the shear amount but I would have at least understood.

  3. So is it just me or do songs not seem special any more.it almost seems that in season 4 we get a song or two almost every episode. To me it seems that they found that the fans liked the songs a lot so they decided to add a lot of them. I don't know any more. I used to be "OMG this episode has a song to it!" now its more like "Welp another song.". They are still good songs but they just don't seem to have the same force to them in my opinion. What about you guys?





    I have seen a lot of back and forth on this thread about wither the songs are good or bad or special or needed or not. I never intended to say that the songs were in any way bad but just that they were ham fisted to us in the first half of the season. unlike S1 where they were spread out and each one hit us fairly freshly.


    after seeing that the amount of songs were rather consistent through the seasons i think i have found why I started this thread. Its not so much that I don't like the songs (actually love Apples to the core and Discords song (I know all the critics can kill me later)) its just that almost all the songs were pact so close together that they stopped being a fresh shift and more of an expected thing for every episode.

    • Brohoof 4
  4. So we all know that after her one speaking appearance Derpy has been not allowed back in the episodes.




    As it turns out the animators of MLP have been screwing with us all through season 3 by hiding Derpy in different episodes just look at this:



    and here is one of the biggest nods to the fan base:



    Derpy is alive she is just the pony form of Where's Waldoimg-1348747-1-derpy_emoticon2.png

  5. I would have to say a bit of Twilight, AJ, and RD.

    I have good grades and love to read, but I am a pretty hard worker and get pretty dirty at my job (I'm an mechanic and am part of WWII vehicle restoration crew), I love outdoor activities such as fishing skiing and biking, and I am way into sports and competition.

  6. I prefer to think of it as Cadence, my love. It's more romantic that way.

    That actually makes sense because Latin languages like Italian and Spanish do tend to have their phrases in reverse order as English languages and google translate dose not correct the order, so it might be Cadence, My Love 

  7. I just happened to read over Cadence's full name a little bit ago and it made me wonder what language it was in so I put Mi Amore Cadenza into google translate and had it auto detect and it said that it was Italian and out of curiosity I told it to actualy translate and it came out as I Love Cadence. Yes her actual name is Princess I Love Cadence. 

    • Brohoof 10
  8. It was decent but it was obvious that it was going to be good. Its not like they are going to have her sing they were going to hire a good voice actor. Its not the same voice actor that speaks. but the song was ok a little to sappy for me.

  9. To be honest I liked the episode. Ya if Hasbro catered food like they cater to fans they could feed half of Africa, but that is beside the point. the plot was decent and the ending a little predictable but still nice. I only have two major qualms with this episode.

    1. Its like the tried to take two episodes and mash them together. The destiny switch and the alicorn change could have been two separate episodes in my opinion. The Alicorn Change should have been a season or series finally. Not thrown in half way in the season. (unless there are only 13 episodes this season.)
    2. The amount of song was a little much. Ya a good song here and there is not bad. But they went over the top your air time of song should not be double the air time of actual talk. I did like the "This is What My Cutie-Mark is Telling Me" song but they just went overboard with the songs.

    Other then that a pretty good episode


    And even if we did not want it, The fact that the producers went into the fanon and found what was popular shows that at least they are trying to do what we like and not just dismissing us as a random group of people like most major shows do. I commend them for that.

    • Brohoof 2
  10. Usaf sat looking at the scanners realized that there was no way to get back to Equstria with out being spotted. "Dam, Simmons were not going to make it back to ponyville for a while. It's too bad I know you wanted to see the Twilight Sparkle Memorial Library."


    "It's ok Sir. I would rather be alive then reading books. But where are we going to go?"


    "How about Weiß Weideland? I haven't been there in years and it's a great place for some R&R. FILIS set a course for White Pasture."


    I'm sorry sir but that system is no longer in my data base.


    "What. How? your connected to the COE database."


    "Unknown, Sir."

  11. Usaf picked up the three other ships on his scanners "Buck this! FILIS set hyper-drive coordinates for the dark-side of the moon."


    "Yes Sir."


    "Why the moon Usaf?" called Simmons from the gunner seat.


    "It will mask our radar signature so that those Buckers can't track us anymore."


    And with that Usaf activated his hyper-drive and flashed to the back side of the moon and landed in a crater.


    "All right time to let this cool off. If someone needs me they can call me."

  12. Usaf looked at the soldiars standing outside the ship then back at his crew. "Do they really think that small arms will make us leave the ship?"


    "No they are probably thinking that your a saint and fallow all the rules." jeered Simmons


    "Sir logic dictates that it would be ideal to launch and fly to another location then to engage with the officers." stated FILIS


    "Yeah it's getting a little to hot in Canterlot. FILIS take us up above the clouds then set a heading for Ponyville. Oh and put all shield power in the underside shields. I don't want a dent in my ship from some trigger happy guard."


    "Yes, Sir"

  13. I am heterosexual and as long as you are not constantly flaunting your sexual orientation and making a big deal about it(this goes for both strait and gay couples) then I am fine with you. as for shipping I am not a big fan. Romantic stories are not all that interesting to me. There are a few that I have seen that are truly good. There was a TwiDash one that was not exactly overly romantic but sad as it told the story as a series of flashbacks that lead up to Twi's death.

  14. I love playing my Maokai Support. early game he is pretty average but late game it takes three people to pull him down and the amount of CC and and wide range of abilities to hit you at distance leads to a ton of assist. And so much health and armor. This is just a basic build on Mao and i still had a good 5000+ health at the end. All he lacks is some MR but that is fixable with a few items.

    Here was my last game:

    I love playing my Maokai Support. early game he is pretty average but late game it takes three people to pull him down and the amount of CC and and wide range of abilities to hit you at distance leads to a ton of assist. And so much health and armor. This is just a basic build on Mao and i still had a good 5000+ heath at the end. All he lacks is some MR but that is fixable with a few items.

    I'll be working soon, so I won't be able to play as much LoL as I like. I'll also probably be quitting Summoner's Rift (and maybe LoL altogether) because I want to be good enough for ranked, but I fail at jungling. I can top, mid, adc, or support just fine, but I keep reading that one has to be at least mediocre at all roles to be good enough to play ranked.


    My problem with jungling is I can't seem to balance jungling with ganking. I feel bad when I'm jungling and top dies. So I'll gank more, but then I fall 2-3 levels behind the rest of the team, so I jungle more to make up for it and the process repeats itself @.@

    You don't have to quite, Jungle is one of the Hardest spots, but there is always someone that wants to do it, just call any other position and you should be good. Like take top not many people like to play top because it is one of the most stressful lanes but if you know how to play it you are pretty set for a lane.


    so what do we think of the new Champion Thresh? 

    I like him he has good CC and can drag his victim or threats out of team fights for a moment, tho flay seem like quite a pain if you have to turn around to pull  with it.


    but his passive is only good  if you can push players back then farm 

    I have to say that I am loving him so far. I love tank supports like this. I play a maokai supp and Thrush has a lot of the same types of abilities (minus the shield)

  16. Usaf and the rest of his crew took off from the space port and did a quick flight twords Appalusa just to shake any possible tails then flew straight into a cloud and stopped useing his scanners he checked the surrounding area for any signs of a following craft. After seeing none he turned the ship around and flew back twords Canterlot. Being carful to avoid any conntact with ships or Canterlot airspace, he flew his ship back down on to the mountain overlooking the city.



    "Ok now we can see how this all works out with out being spoted by every guard in the city." Usaf thought out loud.

  17. I dare you guys to go look at skyeverlasting's match history.

    Every game he's played he's played one character except 1, which was when I played it.

    Level 14 guy, total noob.

    Its pretty stupid isnt it.

    The whole only playing one character is not that big of a deal the fact that he kind off sucks at this character is not a good sign. I personally only use a set of two champs (with one or two others in blind pick basic testing) and with those champs I can play anywhere. I am also a good supp and a decent jungle. I am lvl 30 and an above par player. in short not the selection but the execution.

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