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Posts posted by Vido

  1. Now that I can definitely understand when it comes to liking the fic. (Sorry if I was sounding snippy before. XP Headache was giving me a bad attitude, not that it's a good excuse for being snappish with anyone.)


    Being able to imagine the feelings you'd personally feel in that situation and how the reader would feel raising her and wanting those d'aww moments. Maybe that's what I'm missing there. I can't really picture myself reacting that way now that I have my own kid and know that it's not all the non-stop happiness presented in the story and knowing the extremely frustrating, hard to deal with times when dealing with a baby are important to bonding too, so I can't really imagine myself even being in the situations as they're presented in the story.


    And...wolf spider? O_o If that's your pet then you have nerves of steel compared to me. If it isn't your pet and just wandered along...Are you Batman? I'd never be able to deal with any spider that calmly let alone one called a wolf.


    =D no, we get them in our house a lot in the summer. They get trapped in my light fixture and die all the time.I'm actually kinda arachnophobic to be honest >.<


    I I understand that if one cannot identify with the situation in this particular fanfic, it may not have the same affect on them.

  2. I saw no father daughter bond. A few briefly touched on moments are not bonding unless you think dumping a box of hallmark cards and picking out some scenes equals a touching series of events. Especially not when the moment is "By the way, we baked a cake. It was fun" and not when she went from baby to teenager at lightening speed just so they could get to her being RD. I can see where people were given room to imagine the course of things, but to me there was just a lot of gloss and fluff and people have filled in the blanks for the author. A good story shows, not outright tells all the time. So saying "And I loved her like a daughter" over and over doesn't cut it. it gets the point across, but the feeling isn't there.


    Yes, i did read it COMPLETELY. And yes, I still don't understand the reaction. I don't begrudge people liking it and I don't think they're wrong, but I don't PERSONALLY get it. It's a fan gushing over a pet pony and not acting like a realistic parent to me. And I find it a bit unfair that you think I read it with a blinded mindset just because -you- liked it. I gave it as fair a shake as I give EVERY fanfic. And to me it didn't hold up when creating a loving parent child relationship.


    If you think it's a great story, that's fine. it's great that it touched you. Some folks think Twilight is great and I don't agree with that either and will say so in a thread asking for opinions, but it's not my business if they liked it and it doesn't reflect badly on anyone who did like it like yourself.


    The fic about the Cakes making a gingerbread house and remembering the course of their relationship was far more compelling when it came to creating touching bonds between characters in my opinion and took enough time to create those bonds rather than settling for making it into a short story that feels half baked.


    We clearly have different taste in fanfics then :3


    "It's a fan gushing over a pet pony"

    In the beginning yes, which many bronies such as myself daydream of. Of course you're going to act like it's fucking awesome until the realization hits that it's actually real, and then comes in the responsibility part which I feel was represented well and many bronies could see themselves (in a fantasy of course) in the same situation and haing to decide what's best for something the whole world can not see. This is basically why I loved it,and maybe others love it for the same reason, I can't say for sure.


    Anyway, there is a wolf spider on my light figure that needs attending to.


    Auf wiedersehen!

    • Brohoof 1
  3. post-6472-0-90531600-1343542590_thumb.jpg

    Me tired as fuq. For anypony wondering, my gauge is a size 0 (Not allowed to go any bigger at my place of employment, otherwise I would)


    Sorry for crappy verizon free phone picture quality, but gotta make do with what I have >.<

  4. Not going to lie, I shed a tear or two. One of the best fanfics out there in my opinion. I was kinda skeptical at first being that the main character is a human. But it's actually really great!


    I'm one of those in the "Didn't care for it" category. The human character just didn't act realistically in my opinion.


    -Spoilers ahead if you haven't read it-


    Not if the goal was that they were supposed to have a realistic parent-child relationship. He didn't treat the situation like he had found a newborn baby and everything that entailed. He treated her like a coveted prize because he had been using MLP as an emotional crutch and not like a living, breathing child who would have been a massive change on how he would have to live his life. Which is fine for generic 'Person meets Pony' fics, but it just really missed the mark for me since the point of the fic is supposed to be the father-daughter bond. And I feel like they never made one. He wrote how people would daydream being in that situation is but it didn't have any of the reality.


    And maybe it's just because I am a parent that it bothers me so much to see a human treat an infant like that, since that is essentially what she is. Not so much in a way of love and repsonsibility toward a child but in the "I've always wanted one and it will fill all of my emotional holes!" way. His reaction to her was like finding a puppy rather than a little person. Especially since there was a lot of "She just knew" when it came to her aging and so he was never that invested in the process of raising her when he kept writing that she did it herself. It felt like the story just raced past all the important parts of what bring a parent and child together because the author wanted her to hurry up and be Rainbow Dash.


    So yeah. I really don't get the reaction people have to it when to me it was a fan holding onto this baby out of obsession and mental issues and not real love and obligation to this foundling in need because he skipped every part that should have been the foundations of real love.


    Did you not read the entire thing? A great father-daughter bond is developed later on, and it especially shows during the end. And honestly, if you found a cartoon character in a box, wouldn't you react the same? After all, it was a young, non-speaking pony that acted like any ANIMAL would, therefor the main character's actions are justified. You clearly didn't read the whole thing or read the rest of it with the mindset of he treated her like a prized possession and were too stubborn to get off of that. He tried his best to protect her by not telling her the truth because he knew it would hurt her, just like a parent doesn't tell their child that the world is actually a place where you grow up having to work your ass off to survive. The story represents bonding moments i.e. failing at baking but still having fun. I'm sorry, but I think if you read the whole thing, you failed to see the connection everyone is raving about, and I don't see how you could.
  5. I would like to see how you have progressed :)


    But it's SOOOOOO bad! I would honestly be embarrassed. I would describe it as looking as if a small child drew it, but it's honestly worse D=


    I had it up for an hour and got embarrassed and took it down although im pretty sure nopony saw it because no comments were made >.<

  6. This picture is fantastic! The details are spot-on! I wish a could draw ponies half as well as you can! Keep at it.





    Wow that is beautiful, i can never get the heads right on ponies, but you got it spot on there. Well done!


    A great sketch of my favorite pony! I love it! This looks like something I might be able to draw if I tried to actually draw.


    This looks absolutely amazing! I hope you continue drawing cause you seem to be good at it!


    That's a pretty good sketch of Flutters! love it!


    Nice job! :)


    I am debating posting my first attempt at Fluttershy, but it's so incredibally bad that I probably won't. It would be cool for you all to see how I've progressed as an artist though.
  7. I was extremely confused. I thought, sure, it might be a good cartoon, but there are plenty of good cartoons that aren't so girly. More and more of my friends started becoming bronies, which just added to my confusion. Then one night I was listening to a podcast (The comedy button), and the hosts were kinda bashing it, and I was thinking that considering so many people are bronies, there has to be some reason why. So I watched an episode... then another, and another, and another, and so on. And here I am!

  8. Actually its not entirely a class... My friend is coming over to teach me how to draw


    That's honestly the best way to go about it. I went through many art classes trying to improve my abilities, but all art classes do (at least in my high school) is give you supplies and let you do whatever you want without any actual instruction.


    Good luck improving your skills!

  9. I personally think it looks really cool. I honestly cant even draw that good everything I draw ends up looking like sort of cloud thing >.< taking art class next week though


    Thank you. I was worried you wouldn't like it. Just out of curiosity, what art class are you taking?
  10. I did a quick pencil sketch of your OC. I'm by no means a good artist, but I enjoy drawing and am trying to improve my skills, so I thought I'd draw your OC. Don't be offended at my lack of skill >.<


  11. Awwww such a cute sketch! I really need to brush up on my art soon.


    Love how you titled it " Skootaloo pen sketch ". :P


    Whoops! Didn't even realize I spelled Scootaloo wrong =3. Just got home from a 10 hour shift at work and decided to draw, so I'm a bit tired >.<
    • Brohoof 1
  12. I am kinda proud of this one. I don't like the eyes, her right eye needs to have it's pupil rounded a bit, but other than that, I am proud of this one. =D Any criticism is appreciated as always.




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