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Everything posted by Unexard

  1. Well, there is a difference between knowing it's there and worrying about it. A kid can hear about murder and stuff while still remaining "innocent". The difference is that he is already prepared and can let the notion of murder, rape, etc. mature as he grows up instead of everything hitting him in the face at 10-12 years old with a big "hey sorry kid, the world is not pink... in fact, you are boned! Have a nice day!" Knowing that murder exists didn't kept me from hoping I could go super sayen when I was 8... My point is, it's not the fact of kids knowing stuff, it's how they "assimilate" it that makes the problem. I don't want to risk my child to be an ignorant just because I don't have the courage to sit next to him and explain to him what is going on and why things are how they are. If second grades are talking about pussies and guns, it's not because they are growing too fast, it's because their parents don't give a shit about them.
  2. Hum... I would say that the biggest difference between internet and IRL is the bad words I use. IRL I'm polite but on internet, I use the words fuck, shit and all that stuff A LOT! I think it's because I use a lot my hands when I talk about something and I need to use "bad" words to remplace that on internet. I just feel that using these words gives the "energy" my hands give when I talk. Oh and I'm pretty rapidly losing my patience on internet while I can stay calm for a long period of time IRL. Besides that, my sarcastic and negative behavior is pretty much the same IRL or on internet
  3. I give this show ... 2 years more... If they really want to beat a dead horse, 3 years... I give this community... 6 months after the end of the show to start falling appart and another 6 months for only letting the hardcore fans slowly sink into oblivion.
  4. You know guys, before... let's say... 150 years ago, kids were already deep in the reality of the world at a young age. The whole "protect their innocence" is fairly new. I personnaly think it's better to have a kid who KNOWS that shit is hitting the fan every second in this world than having a clueless one who thinks that everything in his perfect pink and retarded world is going to be fine. My parents never told me about the lies type Santa or Easter Bunny and I was as fine as the other kids. In fact, I think it made me much more aware of the lies adults can use on you when you are a kid, and helped me stay away from religion and all that crap.
  5. Rengar can't tank enough, can't deal enough damage, can't win his lane if the opponent is not retarded, needs to snowball to be effective. In short, he is trash and anyone who goes like "yeah but I got an op score with hime so you are wrong and I'm right!" are seriously starting to piss me off. I saw him in game, I saw him played by pros, he is the typical case of "everything I do, others does it 20 times better". Who is up for a game?
  6. Wash my mouth... Then send the pony back... I'm not in that kind of stuff... Or maybe study the pony, to see how their magic works, duplicate it and rule the world with it! MOUHAHAHAHAAHA
  7. Considering most emulated games are now games hard to find in stores that cannot give more money to their creators anymore, I don't see the big deal. Anyway, most people emulating games would not buy them if they couldn't emulate it so...
  8. Hum... Now that I look back at my comment, I see that the only one stupid in all these situations was me. Me for not telling the guy that everyone was laughing at him, me for not correcting the girl who thought that "fiscal paradise" was an island that she was wrong and thus letting herself getting ridiculised in front of the class, me for thinking that not knowing the word "annihilate" makes you a stupid person when this word isn't even important to know. I feel ashamed of myself. I feel... well... stupid... In fact, we are as much stupid as them for spitting our venom for no apparent reason. And for what purpose? Felling better about ourselves? Pointing them out while thinking "at least I'm smarter than them"? A friend once taught me that nobody in this world deserve to be called stupid. I now understand why...
  9. I don't like the non-violence BS I see everywhere. If someone is too dumb to be reached with words, you have to let his brain know by hurting him. Dumb people can only be talked to with dumb methods. My moto is: Ask nicely three times, then LET THE WRATH FALL UPON THEE! HAMMERTIIIIIIIIIIIME!
  10. Well, with my parents breaking up and my mother trying to suicide herself, coupled with the fact that all my friends are busy this summer, I can say that I'm waiting the beginning of school with impatience. I'm not feeling great but, what can I do besides move on and try to make friends (and girlfriends!) by starting from scratch in a new university? ^^
  11. Has Albert Einstein said: "There is only two infinite things in the universe. The universe itself, and humanity's stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe one." or something like that. Well, as a supposed "genius" I find a lot of people stupid. Even if I must admit that I act retarded most of the time, it's always for laught or just because I don't see the point in trying to look smart when it's easier to act stupid. The ones that worry me are the ones looking like retards while trying to be smart. I've met teachers as dumb as rocks, students unable to comprehend or memorize the word "annihilate" and a girl who thought that a "fiscal paradise" was an island like Bahamas or Canaries... But even all of them COMBINED would not even come close to the display of... emptyness... that I met while doing some Roleplaying at a friend's house. My god that dude was stupid! I can't even describe how pathetic that guy looked when he was trying to say something relevant. And, for some unknown reason, that guy hate me. Maybe because I'm the only one not laughing when he is doing something stupid. He must be thinking the others are laughing at his jokes while they are laughing at him... A shame...
  12. Oh look what I found! A confession thread! Here we go! Let's ridiculise myself! 1) I really like slugbox's art about ponies... The ones who know who Slugbox is know what I'm talking about. 2) I never read a single fanfic because I'm too lazy to do so. 3) I personally hate how bronies are using the word "hater" at the exact second someone isn't interested in ponies and how the whole fandom is always over-reacting to something (like a pink Celestia toy or the re-dub of Derpy). 4) I love the idea of a lesbian in the mane 6... But... HUm... I'm not thinking about Rainbow Dash... More like... Fluttershy... Think of all the possibilities for a great episode and the lessons you can teach to the kids... AND THE SHIPPING FANFICS! *Hides in a corner*. 5) I only have MLP inspired songs on my MP3... and a bit of LoL rap... Oh and Bang Install too... Yeah my taste in music are not really high :x 6) I never paid for "Baloon party" or "After Party". 7) Ponies, mostly Pinkie Pie, helped me with my fear of the dark. 8) I really think that season 3 is the beginning of the end for the G4, I feel like there will be too much influence from the brony community and the show will become less and less childish... I fear that I'll loose interest in FiM if it goes that way. 9) Scootaloo is best pony, followed by Rarity and Rainbow Dash is the worst character out of the mane 6 in term of personnality. There LET'S RUN NOW, BEFORE THEY SHOOT ME!
  13. Well the idea of having a crippled pony could make a great episodes about handicaps and stuff. That could teach kids to respect and appreciate people with limited capabilities. On another note... WHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYY SCOOTALOOOOOO WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:
  14. There is nothing to worry about dude, 99,999999999% of bronies haters are either too fat to move from their chair or too stupid to find their way out of their own home. For what's left, it's people too afraid to show their faces in public so, we have nothing to worry about. One thing we could have however is a brony who goes apeshit because he is from the... dark and retarded part of the fandom if you catch my drift... and becomes violent. In that case, I'm sure that true bronies will react the Rainbow Dash way... AND KICK HIM IN THE FACE!
  15. My friends told me almost everything I know. It's not that I was retarded or something, I was just... lost. There is so much I own to them, it's incredible. They taught me so much that a list would take hours... I will just say that friends teach you most of the things just y being there with you and not by talking to you. Be carefull who you call "Friend" it's a very powerfull word.
  16. I never dream, mostly because my ways of sleeping never let my brain go to the deep sleep state. But I had some awake dreams, mostly involving me getting shot in the head by some creatures. And I had some hallucinations after spending 13 days without sleeping more than 2 hours per day. I was conviced that I already passed an exam when it was for tommorrow. And for the rare times I dreamt, I didn't like it. Seemed like an useless thing to me.
  17. Forrest Gump. Man that film is powerfull. Than after in order you have Requiem for a dream, 300, The green line, Avengers and Black Swan
  18. I never shot any bow... But I shot some arrows from a bow at my young age Decimated rabbit and stuff. I was pretty good at multiple shots in a row but not very accurate at long distances due to my eyes having a bad depth perception.
  19. I don't like people hugging me, sometimes I don't even shake hands. I only hugs three people and they are all girls... And I don't see them a lot so you can say I never hug anyone.
  20. Edit: I would like to had that most 18+ sections on forum like this one end up in either some sort of porn gallery ora big infinite loop of trolls trolling other trolls, never really on healthy conversations...
  21. In my opinion, the most drama caused on a forum comes from the people whining about the fact that there is drama. When someone points out "Oh my god there is a problem! We must remedy it with the force of a thousand suns!" everything rapidly snowball incontrolably. I personnally can't see any drama on this forum, mostly because I don't participate a lot in the discussions actually, but I really wonder hat happened to cause all of this. Can't we let the people work on their problems by themselves instead of coming behind them screaming "YOU CAN'T FIGHT HERE! FEEL MY WRATH WITHOUT EVEN WAITING FOR YOU TO THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!" Why do we need to make up new rules? I don't get it... But again, I'm probably missing some informations so...
  22. Moved from my village to a city then came back to my village. The first thing I noticed was how sad the city is. It's grey, dirty and always polluted. And when I came back to my village, the first thing I noticed was how boring that village was. Colors or occupations, make your choice!
  23. First of all, if Twilight came from nowhere to make that proposition I would probably elbow drop the shit out of her. I mean, seriously, I do not take house infraction lightly! But if I met her in the street or somewhere like that, I would probably think I'm having an aneurism and that my brain is going coconut. Once the surprise is past, I would say no, without any hesitation whatsoever. As they say in the show, friendship is the most valuable thing in life, and I would leave my friend for nothing, not even a promise of paradise.
  24. Everything... and nothing at the same time. I analyze, observe and think about everything I see. Everything around me needs to be explained, to be analyzed, to be "known". Unfortunnately, that leads to a lot of... disapointment when you arrive at the point where most of the mysteries in your life are easily explained by your logic. But still, even if I founded an answer to every question I ever asked myself in my life, I sometimes looks at the sky, and stay there, watching the stars...
  25. Mortal Kombat... Hum... Gory but you don't FEEL the violence... Hum... Madworld? Still not enough... But do we talk about the most violent or the best violent? If it's most, probably mad world. If it's the best... hum... SPPAAAAAAACCCCEEEEEE MARRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENS!
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