An entire canadian fishing village has gone dark, and its XCOM's job to find out what the aliens have been up to. Outside intel suggests a large amount of chrysalids have been spotted, so preparation against them will be key.
Gearing up
Due to the Chrsyalid heavy resistance we will face, the troops have brought a specialized loadout featuring a lot of flashbangs and AP grenades, this will be used to slow down and blow up enemy advances. We also faced a shortage of trained troops, a lot of our infantry are too fatigued to go on another mission so we bring 3 rookies with us, they will be taking lighter armor so they can run away faster when the aliens show up. (no really, the further away they are from the chrysalids, the better).
So basically Ashley, ooBrony, SCS and Sergei will be babysitting the rookies while they find out which hole their lazguns shoot out of.
The Mission
The squad drops of just on the border of the dock, they plan to advance slowly and spend every term ready on overwatch incase they are attacked.
Our first contact, a single zombie. But this means a that the chrsyalids have been here planting their embryos onto civilian bodies. A whole village of civilians, all turned into zombies, that will end up being a lot of chrysalids to deal with, the squad better keep on their toes.
From a sudden ambush the chrysalids arrived, gunning straight for one of our rookies, but together the squad stood strong and eliminated each threat as it came. Lets just say that ET should have phoned home.
After that there was silence, so the squad kept edging forward through the town.
Small pockets of chrissys appeared but no other alien types were found.
Ahead the squad spotted a wrecked ship.
SCS being the witty man he is he announced "Now there's your problem"
Moving forward into the ship the squad spot something truly horrifying.
'Game over man, game over!'
The chrysalids have taken hold of this whale and are using it as some kind of hive. This infestation could spawn hundreds of chrysalids, the effect on canada would be devastating!
With all this surprise and scifi movie horror, the XCOM soldiers were trained and know what to do in new hazardous situations... They bugged out and called it even activated the ship's transponder and ran for evac before the shells from air support came raining down on top of them.
The Chrysalids tried to stop the squad's retreat but were dealt with by equal forces of ferocity and shotgun shells!
Once the squad was escorted out in the skyranger, our interceptors let 'em have it.
'Nuke the site from orbit, its the only way to be sure'
Thats 43 less Chrysalids in this invasion, Feld0 would be proud.
It looks like everyone but sergei got a promotion in that mission.
SCS got Lance Corporal and now has CCS - Close Combat Specialist which allows him to shoot anything automatically that comes within 5 tiles of him. This is very good in general as an ability incase any aliens get too close.
ooBrony is now a Corporal and has got Opportunist - This allows her to overwatch for enemy movement and take much more effective shots while doing so.
She also got a new nickname, being branded as 'Shotsy' by the other troops.
Ashley is also a Corporal now and with the nickname 'Dozer'. She has taken HEAT Ammo as her skill in order to do extra damage to robotic aliens, this will be extremely useful in the mid to late game.
With more panic reduction and money in pocket, XCOM can stroll out of this operation with a smile on it face.....and alien guts on its guns.
Stay tuned for base developments up next.
XCOM out.
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