The 502 error is a server-side problem. It has been repeating for the past few weeks and the only way of temporarily fixing it is to restart the server every day.
They are currently looking into fixing the problem, so please bare with us as we try to figure out whats crashing eqtv.
I don't imagine it will be too long until the problem is found and fixed, however tech is also handling the migration of ponymc onto poniverse servers, so we are going to have some patience on this.
This will not effect any etv events such as movienight or episode streams. Although im sorry you guys can't access your channels when you want, ill check etv regularly and ping tech for a restart whenever I see it down.
Blank Flank is a title you get for having no posts on the forum. You can click the member icon of another member to see the amount of posts needed for each rank.
In the case of a blank flank, you would need to make 5 posts in order to become a muffin rank, then after that 40 posts to become a cupcake.