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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Felix

  1. , @Artemis, @Lightwing, , , and I love you guys so much. You have had significant meaning to me in my life and have taught me so much, helped me in my time of need, and done things that I just can never repay you for. Thank you guys. So much. And to all my other friends I love you all too. Just being my friend means a lot.
  2. Tomorrow Land was actually enjoyable. I wouldn't buy it, but it was fun to watch.

    1. Geek0zoid


      Sounds familiar :P

  3. See kids, when I get low on protein I act drunk. Once I get that protein I feel hung over. Don't be me kids, get your daily protein. ~_~

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 1111


      have you told a docter about that?

    3. Sunshower Raindrops

      Sunshower Raindrops

      Look up the different types of Protein Deficiencies and see which one is yours. It's probably nothing since the body will act that way when deprived then returned of a missing nutrients. I'd still check out with a doctor though incase cause again I'm just another forumer :P.

    4. Felix


      No trust me I'm fine guys, really. ^^ It's not a serious thing. It's just my body being deprived like you said. I'm in Biology, I know this stuff. It's not an illness. Besides it rarely happens anyway.

  4. Man, when my parents argue with each other it's the scariest thing ever.

    1. Felix


      Had to go upstairs from all the yelling.

    2. Jeric


      Sorry you have to deal with that. Sometimes it is best to do just what you did.

    3. Felix


      Yeah. Hoping it doesn't go too long. :(

  5. Good episode! Was glad to see Gilda turn good in the end. <3 Gilda, you and I will no longer have problems anymore. I was happy to see them also go back to the idea they presented at the first episode. I knew they would eventually it just took a while. I have to say though, do they plan on mentioning any of those seven items soon? ...Or was the special chalice one of them?
  6. How is everyone? ^^

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Felix


      SAME! I'm great thanks!!!! It'd be cool if we happened to get in the same battle together!

    3. Bojo


      HYPEHYPEHYPE! Well, it's possible, but we could play smash or mk8 if that doesn't happen :P It'd be epic though

    4. Felix


      Yes! And that will still be exciting!

  7. Birdo. I dunno, I actually liked playing as her. I think considering the new way mario kart 8 is made she'd be a lot more interesting of a character. They could really fancy up her tricks and whatnot.
  8. People that are shy, blush, have freckles, are sweet, have imaginative and fun loving personalities, wear glasses, don't wear make up, aren't afraid to show affection other than kissing (cuddling, hugging, sweet lovey dovey things like that) and uh...I dunno. Honestly I can be attracted to a lot of things both normal and not. Oh and when I listed some of the things I'm not saying all at once. x3
  9. That banner. I bet Feld0 is happy. :P

    1. Lavo


      Lol, He better be.

    2. Felix
  10. The avatar. I love it. Lol. <3

  11. Oh definitely what Admiral said. That sounds like a flock of bats.
  12. Ah...such a beautiful morning. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, I could totally have a great time outside today. ...Which means it's time to play some video games!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deae Rising Shine~
    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I think I have had my fill of games for today. Once one angers me to a certain point my enthusiasm for them drops like a rock on an anvil.

    4. Felix






      Aww. Hope that gets sorted out!

  13. Alright, back later!

  14. I have a four day weekend starting tomorrow! Aw yeah!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Felix


      Smash brothers. xD

    3. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      I wish I had the new one >.> Want to dominate as Lucario some more XD

    4. Felix


      Oh yeah. xP

  15. Man, some nights I get in touch with all my friends and then others I see only one.

    1. Attack of the Pwns

      Attack of the Pwns

      I'm here...does that count? (If so, yay!, you found one!)

      I think some of it may have to do with the fact that most all of us are in different time zones.

    2. Felix


      Well, you are my friend yes. ^^ I guess I'm talking more about those in my close circle of friends though. :P But yeah the timezone difference is definitely true.

    3. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      Well, I am here too X3 But Timezones are harsh at times

  16. Personally I agree with one of the commenters on the article. There was a delay for the episode, so even if that wasn't particularly the reason it definitely didn't help. I even liked this episode more than the last.
  17. I was three years old so I have no idea. I think I still lived where I was born though.
  18. Made my second ever batch of cookies. Much better than the first time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Felix


      Not that great. Actually legitimately made me sick lol.

    3. vivishy


      well it's good to hear you're getting better at it.

    4. Felix


      Heh, yeah. ^^ Thanks.

  19. Dang, you find the best Twily avatars

    1. Celli


      Hehe, thanks <3

    2. Felix


      You're welcome. <3

  20. Hi! ^^

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Felix


      Oh yeah? Well, no worries about that. x3 Nothing particularly eventful story wise has happened since the Premiere and 2nd episode so you're fine for now! Although there has been a new minor character.

    3. MatrixChicken


      Yeah. I'll have to watch it sometime in the future...

    4. Felix


      You should! Been great so far!

  21. Life Is Strange Part 3 came out today. <3

  22. Sorry if I'm bothering you at all. I was wondering if I could friend you though? :P Or do you prefer knowing someone first?

    1. Jeric


      You didn't have to ask, I'm no one special. Sure friend away. And no you aren't bothering me. :)

    2. Felix


      Pfft, everyone is special! I like you anyway so. :P And thanks. ^^

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