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Posts posted by Mcayon

  1. Hey, that looks pretty good! Nice job, keep it up!


    Can't really see any obvious flaws in it though, but if this was only your first ever fanfic, I am interested in seeing more of you!


    Thank you very much! I don't know when my next story will be up, but it won't be too long, I hope.
  2. Well, I like playing video games.. and I'm going to learn myself to play harmonica (what have I gotten myself into!?). I have played the violin since I was 9... but I've never had an own violin, and I wanted to keep playing music actively... So that's what I do.

  3. I actually did this test a month ago or something like that, and this is what I got:

    Posted Image

    Since I'm a lot like Fluttershy it's kind of expected... but I must've picked like every answer pointing to her without knowing... so I did it again today, and it actually made more sense...

    Posted Image

    I guess I'm a bit like Rarity too.... but not so much like Twilight I'm afraid. But Fluttershy is still best pony imo!

  4. I'm a Mac user, I have a MacBook from late 2008... and you can tell that it's been with me for a while.... and if it doesn't crash or anything else bad happens to it, it will stay with me for at least 2 more years... and at the moment it needs more RAM and a new battery... going to order that sometime later this year.


    And if you wonder, no, I don't have an iPhone... I don't even have a smartphone!

  5. At the moment I'd be very unsure about it... but I think I'd go with them, to escape everything bad here on earth. Sure, I'd like to bring something with me... but I think still having my memories would be a good compromise...

  6. Well, I've tested drinking things with alcohol in them a few times... but I didn't really like it, and I've promised myself not to drink anything that I don't like ever again.


    And I've also decided, since the last time to be a non-drinker... because hearing stories on what some people have done or/and been through under heavy influence on alcohol scares me. And I don't want anything happen to me when I'm not aware of what I'm doing... if that makes sense...


    well... star wars is still popular and has a huge fanbase. and there aren't actually any bigger fanbases for one particular thing/show than this, star wars and star trek my friend. so i'm guessing the brony's probably wont be gone for maybe about 30-40 years.


    I think anonymstol is right here, I thought the same thing, even if the show will eventually end, the fanbase will grow bigger and it will still exist for many years... just look at the already huge amount of art, comics and fics, it will have reached a unbelievable amount by the time the show ends... so no, it won't end, not for a loooong while atleast...
  8. 1. Which pony would you watch a sad movie with?

    Rarity, just because I think she'll react SO.DRAMATIC.

    2. Which pony would you watch a funny movie with?

    Easy, Pinkie Pie.

    3. What would you do if Rarity hacked into your MLP forums account?

    Grab Dr. Whooves, say "Allons-y!", go into the TARDIS, set the time for when Rarity is about to start hacking my account and stop her.

    4. What would you do if you saw Applejack at a shopping mall?

    Go to her and say "Howdy, partner! Are you lost?"

    5. Which pony do you think makes the best cookies?

    Duh, Pinkie Pie, kinda obvious..

    6. Which pony would plan your birthday party? Pinkie, Twilight, or Rainbow Dash?

    Pinkie, again...

    7. What would you do if Fluttershy was fast asleep on your bed?

    Pet her, give her a kiss and go to my computer and sit there, checking on her until she wakes up...

    8. What would you do if Twilight came to visit you in the hospital?

    Say thank you and give her a hug, if possible.

    9. What would you do if you saw Twilight next to you in the train that you were on, reading a newspaper?

    I guess she'd be very interested in what she'd be reading, so I wouldn't bother her...



  9. Sooooo... I am slightly confused now. who is still in this role play and who has dropped out! I CAN'T KEEP TRACK.


    Alao this weeks theme for the RP is.......*drum roll* Romance :wub: deal with it.


    I am just in that kind of mood to torture you all like this.


    Well, I'm not in it anymore....
  10. For this one I reserved my place about four months in advance. ( They had a crowdfunding and when you put in 20 euros you were able to reserve a place and pay the remaining 65 Euros later ) They sold out a month before afaik. So yeah, you should buy them a bit in advance.


    Then your age... yeah that might be a problem for you. You will be 17 by the next time it will probably take place, so too young to go alone. Perhaps if you have an older friend?


    Well, my sister lives in Germany at the moment, so if she still lives there next year, she might be able to accompany me.. so to speak... but I'll see if someone else could come with me... :)
  11. Awesome! I will probably post a topic once we know more about it! That way we can meetup or something :)


    Yeah, that'll be good, I just need someone to go with, I think at least... since I'm pretty sure my dad will refuse to go with me... but that's maybe a good thing... Anyway, I guess I need to be early on getting tickets? :)
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