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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Perhaps~

  1. There are many instances within the show where Celestia is kindoff an ass. Such as...sending only 2 tickets to Twilight despite knowing that she has 6 other friends, and just sitting back and watching as Rarity falls to her doom... or maybe she did those because she knew that twilight and her friends were going to learn an important lesson FORCED MORALS FTW
  2. Ooohhh, I have a feeling this thread is gonna spark a LOLLERCOASTER!!! If it already hasn't, that is...
  3. Chris Chan: The Original Brony

  4. I don't play many NES games, despite owning one. Maybe its because I only have LoZ, Super Mario Bros, and Castlevania 2... That was on SNES...
  5. I think she lives with her and Raritiy's parents, and Sweetie Belle just comes over on certain days, weekends, and when their parents are going away. The real question is, where does Scoot live? Or is there something I missed...
  6. Perhaps I thought it up on the spot... Haha oh my god that pun was amazing i gotta write that down...
  7. yeah...cool...thanks. This is going in the garbage... I give the next Pony official Sonichu comics.
  8. Oh I get it, you're unhappy because Blaziken is banned, aren't you? He's banned because he as access to the ability "Speed Boost". Which means he can set up a Swords Dance and Speed up in 1 turn, making it so no time is wasted setting up. He also has crazy high attack, and combine that with the ability to raise its speed every turn...its just awesome. Typhlosion is just a Charizard clone. Same stats, but different Dream World Ability. Typhlosion also doesn't have the 4x Stealth Rocks weakness so I guess thats a plus...

    1. Chigens and Kay
    2. VladmireV.S.(Crank)


      ^ What they said-_-

    3. Gone for good

      Gone for good



  11. So...my team is almost finished. Should I replace Magnezone with a Stealth Rocker? Because honestly my Magnezone trapping scheme probably wont work due to the fact that there is only 1 other person here who does Smogon competitive battling seriously. heres a hint its kirby
  12. But if you're the only one who knows the teams, how does everybody else know that other people aren't? Being able to change teams in the middle of the tourney is stupid.
  13. Don't agree with what list? The ban list or the Pokemon bans? Okay, have fun playing a game with no strategy where everyone spams Double Team to the point where even Ariel Ace wont even hit. Also Red, I think we should make everybody list their teams just to make sure nobody is cheating by changing their teams to counter the opponents team.
  14. Lets use Showdown. Its more up to date with the metagame, it doesn't glitch out as much and its more visually appealing.
  15. Well...you can directly download them to your game through a site called Pokecheck.com. Those ones were probably made with Pokegen.
  16. So...Red... Shall we ban Wobbuffett from the tournament or leave his broken blue ass in? Well, you could always use Dugtrio with Arena trap. But Dugtrio is more of a revenge killer and he's kinda frail...
  17. I'm thinking the battle would have to be restarted. Or we could just ban Wobbuffett from the tournament if you guys think it could cause predicaments like this. I can always fill my last slot up with something else...
  18. If they are both holding Leftovers, the battle would never end. Leftovers would heal more than Wobba can deal with Struggle.
  19. Is your team completely compiled of Choice Pokemon? Also are we allowed to have more than 1 choiced Pokemon?
  20. Sign me up! I play on Pokemon showdown all the time, and I am quite knowledgeable about EV's and all that stuff. And I have assembled the perfect team that counters any Pokemon that counters other Pokemon! also i use wobbuffett inb4 rage i wish Garchomp wasn't Uber. That landshark is one of my favourite Pokemon....
  21. The user above me is on a mission to assassinate the Queen of England to save Christmas.
  22. They would split up, and reflect on how many Ponies lives they ruined and how many fans they annoyed...
  24. MLP Season 2 mostly sucked Applejack is a bland character. Call of Duty is fun with friends BL (Boy Love). Its stupid, the authors are always homophobes in denial for some reason, the relationships they create make no sense (Sonic X Shadow WTF?), the artwork is disgusting, and the authors usually have the IQ of a Fork. I've seen South Park BL. SOUTH PARK. PEOPLE DRAW ART OF 10 YEAR OLD BOYS DOING IT WITH EACHOTHER. DON'T BELIEVE ME? CLICK HERE. There are literally 6 pages and there are only like 3 of em that aren't BL. Vore. You know, its that retarded fetish where "artists" like to draw their favourite characters really fat because they either really like the large ones (If you know what I'm sayin'), or they're trying to cover up their own shame because in real life they're fat disgusting hogs who devour everything in the fridge in 10 seconds flat. Or at least thats from my personal experience with these sick excuse for human beings... Some dubstep is actually kinda cool. Pokemon Ruby Saphire and Emerald sucked, and are overrated. Sonic SATAM sucks, its the worst of the Sonic Animations next to...all of it except the movie.
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