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Posts posted by TyHopkinson

  1. I got a couple of pony shirts myself! One has "crush kill destroy swag" on it and the other is vinyl scratch posing with Soundwave from the Transformers. Really cool stuff! I was really excited about getting them. They are sweet!

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Hello bronies! Today we discuss the matter of food. It is one of the essential buildin blocks of life and each individual has a preference. So whats your favourite food? I love sushi, fish and chips and poutine. Yes two of those items are bad for you but again, always in moderation. Weirdly enough, all of these foods come from my heritages: 1/4 japanese, 3/4 english, born and continue to be raised in Canada.

  3. Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Fav Fandom(s): Massive Game of Thrones fan and a big fan of Sherlock

    Hobbies: Video games, writing music, playing guitar, singing, listening to music

    Musical Interests: Hey Ocean, Daft Punk, Pink Floyd, QOTSA, Rage Against The Machine, Linkin Park, Hans Zimmer

    About Me: kinda shy, friendly, supportive 100%, loyal, brutally honest. PM me if ya want and ill get back to ya! Cheers! /)

  4. It looks like a poor mans version of the interface. It is hideous! Ill stick with iOS 6.1.1 for now thank you very much. Smh x5000

  5. Living in Canada, i just experienced a very scary event today in the city of Toronto. At around 6pm ET, a massive rainstorm hit my city, causing over 300000 people on the city to completely lose power. As time passed, highways were flooding trapping cars underwater. Literally from my window, i saw a car catch on fire. Some people had to stand on a bus to prevent drowning and wait for help. What would you guys do in a scary situation? P.S i contacted Peter New via twitter and he said he will look into it since he has friends from Toronto. /)

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I had a girlfriend when i was 13 years old. Long story short, I bucked up and the relationship ended. We've since reconciled and are good friends. Flash forward 3 years and im still single. I became a brony halfway through 2012 so my bronyness hasn't affected my love life in the slightest. Although I do have a friend at school who is a pegasister but im too shy to talk to her IRL.

  7. I am an agnostic. However, some of the buddhist teachings such as reincarnation greatly interest me. I respect everyones religious choice even though i tend to disagree in the religions themselves. But thats just me.

  8. Hi Tual! Another fellow Canadian here! Ahh i remember the insanely friendly welcome i recieved when I joined the site about 8 months ago... Memories. But enough about me. This is about you and all I have to say is WELCOME! This is a place where everypony is your friend and don't be afraid to say what you want! I hope you enjoy your stay at scenic MLPForums! /)

  9. Hello everypony! I have a slight suspicion that this topic will be merged with another one because im paranoid like that. Anyhoof, I would like to ask for your opinions on why the brony fandom is so great. Personally, I love how everyone can just relate to each other. Its so rewarding to hear someone go through the same experiences that I might have gone through because I know where they may be coming from. Also, I greatly appreciate how kindly everyone treats each other. Finally, I love how no one judges you for watching a show about pastel coloured talking ponys with sunshine and ranbows and stuff. So yeah! Cheers!

    • Brohoof 3
  10. Well, i believe it is a tradition of sorts for people to drop there spaghetti all over the floor. In all seriousness, its a place where you are probably gonna feel accepted as you are among people who like the same stuff. At brony conventions, there is a lot of things there that you can find at other conventions like artists, panels, contests, raffles, actions and much more. Plus you can buy tons of shit at various vendors across the showroom floor. Ive never been to a convention before but im well researched and they look like a blast!

    • Brohoof 3
  11. Yeah i hear you. I don't really know if ive ever met someone who has a problem with me being a brony. Which is great since I wear pony merch sometimes at school. It could be that they probably don't know what bronies are and just shrug it off. Thats my theory at least.

  12. Hello everypony! Now, as everyone knows, high school is the number one destination for judgemental people and being a brony, that could be devastating to ones self esteem and confidence. Frankly, I really couldn't care less about what people think of me because to be the best you can be, you gotta be yourself. I've always avoided following trends and now we reach the present. Today, some friends of mine actually told me they are fans of the show. Its great to be in high school and have a group of friends who understand you for who you are. So my question after insane amounts of rambling is this. How many bronies are in high school and how do you react to haters and judgemental people? Cheers!

    • Brohoof 10
  13. Ive told my family and they really don't care that much. A few of my friends know and they are cool with it. I am somewhat open about it in school although im not gonna just go up to some and say that I watch MLP. I am insanely open about it on twitter as over half my tweets are mlp related. I also have some pony merch too which I wear regularly!

  14. Hello everypony! Ahh, it feels nice to pop on the forums again after a bit of a hiatus for the past few months! Anyways, i want to talk to you guys about how I dealt with being a brony initially. Lets jump back to summer of 2013. It is the end of the school year and grade 9 is finally over. I saw some pony pictures on a meme website that my friend was looking at and asked him what bronies were. He explained to me that they are fans of the new my little pony show. Then he told me that most of them are male. My jaw unhinged and hit the floor. I think the impact echoed throughout the cafeteria. Being optimistic myself, I say to him that Ill watch it and give it a chance cause there has to be a reason why everyone loves it. In the interest of time, lets just say I fell in love with the show relatively quickly. Anyways, skip forward a couple of months and I'm in that dilemma state where I don't know if i should tell people about this or not. I end up telling people and they don't really care if the 6 foot 1 guy in grade 10 watches ponies. (Thats me btw) In fact I met some other bronies and pegasisters to boot. So yeah sorry for the essay! What is your story? And how did you deal with it afterwards?

  15. Hello everypony! So I've read through the forums recently about posts involving the inspiration for the Changeling Empire and they think that it should be like feudal Japan and I think that the Griffons should get a Kingdom/Empire too! So Ive got a question for you all. What do you think the Griffon homeworld should be inspired by? Ive got 2 suggestions. The first one is like Asgard from the movie Thor. I think a beautiful kingdom in the sky would be amazing. The second one would be like Columbia from Bioshock Infinite. If not a kingdom with golden buildings and such, why not a freaking city in the sky? Minus the racism and such (if you have played the game, you know what im talking about.) I would love to hear your ideas guys!

    • Brohoof 2
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