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Lord Theoretical

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Everything posted by Lord Theoretical

  1. It would most likely be this; From one of my favorite NES games.
  2. First forum I joined was NintendoLand. Just your typical video gaming forum, nothing too interesting. Two years later, here I am.
  3. Does My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic being canceled count as a fear? If not, then heights and the dark.
  4. BOTH! They would each make a great team. Speaking of which...
  5. What a nice start to the forums. Glad to meet all of you. =D

  6. This is truly one of the greatest Super Mario hacks I've ever played. Download is in the description of the video, if you're interested enough.
  7. Trying to decide with either HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey or Darth Vader from any of the Star Wars films.
  8. I really like the songs "Never Gonna Give You Up" and "Together Forever" by Rick Astley.
  9. I'd put on a pair of dark sunglasses while I walk slowly down a stairway as really heavy techno music comes on. Or, more realistically, lock myself in the bathroom for ten minutes yelling and screaming with joy.
  10. Currently, I'm in the middle of playing EarthBound on the Super Nintendo. It's an underrated RPG that has gained a cult following over time. Check it out if you get the chance!
  11. I guess I'd kiss you, because I like your avatar.
  12. Thank you all for welcoming me. I'm glad this forum is run by friendly people.
  13. Seems easy enough. I liked Spider-Man 3. Grape juice is the worst thing ever. The Nintendo GameCube is awesome. Dubstep makes my ears bleed. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to The Past is overrated. That's all I can think of at the moment.
  14. Each time I work out at my Shaolin Kung-Fu class, I imagine Rainbow Dash as my coach, shouting random things to try and get me to work harder. It really does benefit.
  15. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rainbow Dash How did you find MLP Forums?: One day (seven minutes ago, to be exact) I was searching upon Google for a good MLP: FiM forum with a great community. Then, there it was. MLP Forums. I clicked on it, signed up, and... ...that's it. Yeah, totally anticlimactic. But hey. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Back in the late spring of 2011, I was nosing around on an online game called ROBLOX. After looking at weird pictures of cats ordering "chezbergurs" at McDonald's, I had come across an image of a... rainbow-colored pony? It was an image of Rainbow Dash (now my favorite of the Mane 6) in the "wub woo" pose. At first, I was confused. Where did this come from? What was it supposed to be? I had then sent a private message to the uploader asking where it was from. He said, and I quote; "your stupid it's from my little pony friend ship is magic obviously!!" Baffled at both his lower intelligence and the fact that a boy at fourteen years of age (well, he claimed to be 14 anyways) would be posting a picture from a show like My Little Pony. After doing a little bit of research, I had discovered that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was a animated cartoon show currently airing on the Hub and had an abnormally large fanbase. Curious, I went to the Hubworld website and checked the local airings for MLP. Tomorrow at 10:30 AM. Okay, cool. The episode I proceeded to watch was "Owl's Well That Ends Well" and after the episode had ended, honestly my jaw had dropped to the floor (in the good way). Ever since then, I had the privilege of calling myself a brony. Salutations, fellow bronies and pegasisters! To introduce myself, my (user)name is Lord Theoretical. But you can call me Brenden, or any other name that shares relations with mine. Since I wrote most of my introduction in the two slots at the top, I'll keep this one short and simple. My favorite episode would probably be A Canterlot Wedding (both parts as a whole). I also have a YouTube channel you can check out (located on my profile) but there aren't any videos up at the moment, and probably won't be for a long time. Well, I guess that's it. See you all around.
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