Two ponies on the bed was too much for Time Bomb now. Sneaking into the captain's cabin had been one of the worst ideas he's ever had, and he couldn't really move, as there always seemed to be somepony in there at the same time. No words had been uttered yet, and the cottonweed around him under the bed was beginning to tickle him. Though he was still debating whether the ticklish substance was alive or lint.
He would have exposed himself earlier, but now that he had finally come to getting enough courage to confront the captain from under a bed, the new pony had come in, and he didn't want to show himself just yet, until she was gone. Then again, it was bad enough that he had stayed under so long without letting the captain know he was on his ship!
Shifting because of the uncomfortable feeling that was beginning to grow in his back thighs, he accidentally elevated himself and slammed his head onto the bottom of the bed. It was a loud sound, and though he didn't speak a single word of exclamation, he knew the ponies above him now knew his location. Crawling out from under the bed and standing up, he emitted a rapid fire sequence of words. "Pardon me, captain, but I have tried for years to become a pirate, and I thought with my talent of bombs, I wuld become in handy, but nopony had taken me, so I had to sneak on board, and I didn't know what I was thinking, and...I'd just like to become a pirate on this ship." He expected anger immediately, instinctively shielding his face.