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Posts posted by Lucky

  1. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rarity

    How did you find MLP Forums?: Through an old friend

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: A friend showed me an episode

    This may be not a very sad event, but I found that this place just isnt right for me and I have to go back to my "Home" on Ponydom.org Its been a great run and all, but I just find the simpler things are to be grateful for.

  2. "Oh. Both situations are quite bad. I am suprised they both havent driven mad" Zecora chuckled. "Let me see what I can do. For I will make a special brew. To let us see what happened to him. Before it all I will add a dash of Shim". Lucky was sorta confused. "I guess she is making a brew to tell what happened to me before I lost my memory"? Zecora nodded agreeing with Lucky.

  3. Lucky yawned once he had reached the closest town. (Which happened to be Canterlot.) Some ponies asked him about his education since he was only 15 (In human years) but he didnt worry about it. He learned things in each town about life itself that really mattered. He checked into a hotel with the bits he had earned doing spare jobs and went to bed. "Tommorow is the day I go shopping I suppose". He then fell asleep.

  4. Lucky backed away a bit as he was sorta creeped out by the masks. "Ummm. I dont understand. What are these for"? Lucky was taking deep breaths as that is what he did when he was nervous. It was somtimes more like hyperventilating.

  5. Lucky still followed Morning Rain by just hovering down the slope by just simply flying. "Im tellin ya. I actually barely use these" he said jokingly. He laughed at his own joke and almost brought a tear to his eye. "Are we almost there"?

  6. "Alright. I think that would be absolutely swell for you to lead the way as I do not know the way"! Lucky seemed cheery. "I still feel like I should be somewhere" he mumbled. "And if you dont mind me asking, who is Zecora"?

  7. Lucky awoke the next morning. He stretched out his hooves whilst yawning. "Well. I could say that was the best sleep I have had in a long time. Or at least as far as I can remember". He jumped off the roof, forgetting he had wings. "Ouch"! He quickly got up and shook his head. "Well. It seems as if I forgot that too" he said with a laugh.

  8. Lucky looks at Morning Rain. "Well. If you say so". Lucky then walked outside and flew up to the roof. He then lay down upon the roof and began to sleep. He felt like it was....natural for him to sleep outside.

  9. "Zecora Zecora. Sounds strange, yet familiar". He put a hoof to his chin. "Sorry. I really dont want to intrude on your meal. I will leave my portion so you two may have more". Lucky sat down on one of the chairs and almost immediantly fell asleep.

  10. Lucky nodded and walked into the Cabin. "Yellow pony. Pink mane....This memory is so messed up I cant take it"! He sighed and shook his head. "What am I supposed to do"?! He walked in circles around the inside of the cabin.

  11. Lucky looked around confused. "Isnt there a yellow pony who lives around here on the edge of this forest" he mumbled to himself, but loud enough for everyone else to hear. He keep walking around aimlessly around the cabin.

  12. Lucky was walking along a dirt road in the middle of nowhere in particular when he saw a pony running his direction off in the distance. Lucky walked towards this pony's direction and let the pony catch his breath before he spoke. "Yes" Lucky said in a questionable tone.


    "I..have...an...urgent message that needed to be delivered to you right away" he said taking a deep breath between every word or so. He handed Lucky the message and he unscrolled it to reveal,


    Dearest citizen of Equestria,


    You have been invited to a grand party at the Royal Canterlot Castle on Wednesday. We would be overjoyed for you to attend this grand occasion where many ponies will take part, including Fancy Pants, The Wonderbolts, and Princess Celestia herself. The party will feature attractions such as croquet, ballroom dancing and fancy dining. We hope you will be ecstatic to receive this letter and hope you decide to attend.



    Canterlot Royalty



    Lucky was a bit suprised. One of the reasons being that they were able to find him, and the second being him being invited to a fancy party such as this. "Well. I reckon that I better get me some better clothes if I am going to participate in this event. Thanks messenger" he said walking off towards the closest town.

  13. Lucky looked around aimlessly, "Well Morning Rain. I dont know what we could do, let alone what we are supposed to do. But perhaps there are other people who can help with this predicament, wouldnt you think so"?

  14. "Hm? A book? I dont see how a book would help me remember things if I am not mistaken. But if its what you think that should be done then by all means lead the way Morning Water and I will follow". Lucky looked around aimlessly again.

  15. Dangit. I guess I made it too late didnt I? Unless one of you are willing to "Double up" as the saying might go as to use two characters, I guess I didnt really make it did I?


    Well. I dont know. If its experience you are worried about then I would just want to let you know this isnt the first forum I have been onto. I actually participate in many roleplays at http://ponydom.org/ Just go to the roleplaying section and you will see Me:Lucky is in a particular roleplay that has been going on for about a year now. But if you feel the need to add Magneus then by all means add him. I wont be mad.

  16. "Alright. Lets.....Lets go". He walked up to the librarian and bowed. "Thank you for letting us stay for the moment and thank you for your time and consideration". He then walked back over to Morning Rain. "Are you ready to leave"?

  17. No I was not, I was talking about the next person that joins will have to have a female OC.


    I just noticed that I haven't put your OC up there and that I actually do need a female OC instead of a male, I don't know what to do now..


    Anyway, the roleplay is now up so feel free to start posting!



    I've started the roleplay so come and join the fun!


    So........I guess I will just wait here until you notify me that there is a female that is available? Thank you for your time and consideration.

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