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Everything posted by FairestMoss

  1. Thank you. I think I may be done with my questions, but if I do have anything else to ask later I will be sure to PM you.
  2. "Pleasing to the eye" is extremely subjective. Anyone who has been practicing art long enough is probably drawing something that they themselves find appealing or pleasing to the eyes, but just because they themselves like it doesn't mean others will. The fact that you would tell me that there is no requirement and in the same breath tell me that it has to be "pleasing to the eye" tells me that it's very likely none of you have even bothered to discuss those personal preferences to come to a consensus about what you do and do not like or want. This disorganization forces everyone who's applying into pure guesswork, which is unfair to applicants.
  3. I haven't sent in an application, I made a post nearly two weeks ago on this thread asking if there were any style requirements for becoming a site artist.
  4. It's been over half a month since any moderators responded to this thread, and even longer since any staff responded... That's not looking too good, guys. Is there some kind of hold up?
  5. It is when I feel my most vulnerable that I am best able to appreciate the kindness of others.

  6. Are there any style requirements for becoming a staff artist? For example, do we have to draw in FiM style and does our art have to be perfectly clean or will sketchy do?
  7. I decided to take a couple of super old characters of mine, both of which I made back in G3 days and both of which I only really drew once or twice, and redraw them using my current style and ability. The old drawings in this case are both somewhere between eight and ten years old, and the digital drawing was originally a traditional drawing which I traced over using the original MS Paint program. I have come a long way hahaha. * ~ It is recommended that you do NOT click on these images to view the larger versions, as they are extremely large at over 4,300 pixels wide. ~ * So this is the process so far. Next I will be adding a background to it. If you're wondering - the first character was never actually given a name or anything. I'd seen her in a dream and did my best just to remember the design for her mark. Naturally some of her design, including that of her mark, got lost and I had to improvise. Actually now that I think about it I don't even remember what role she'd played in that dream.... Oh well. The second pony, however, does have a name and a couple of pieces of a personality. Her name is Starlight Savannah, and, well naturally, she likes to stargaze. I'd also added a note saying that she was friends with Kimono, who had been my favorite pony back in G3. Not a whole lot to go on, but hey, I was a little tween who'd just gotten into writing. What more could you expect? ...Actually I might not have even gotten into writing yet. As for why I only ever drew these ponies once or twice, well... that's simple. They're sort of complicated to draw hahaha. Especially back then, when I just couldn't seem to pull off the looks I'd been going for. I hope you guys have enjoyed my very first blog post.
  8. Hello, Amethys, and welcome to the MLP Forums! It's nice to meet you! I'm sorta new here myself haha, having only gotten rid of my Blank Flank status yesterday. I hope you enjoy it here! Maybe at some point we might wind up doing an RP together? It's something I'm planning on giving a shot, myself. ^^
  9. @@BabylonSister Hah, I appreciate it, but I do know how to PM. I may be a stranger to this site, but I am not a stranger to forum sites in general. Thank you for the encouragement! I'll definitely be keeping these things in mind. You too!
  10. "Up and Down: Reality and the Mind" My mind has been jumping around a lot lately between my current place in reality, where I want to be, and of course the world of my imagination. I always seem to have a lot going on in my mind, and today is no exception.
  11. Why did we start drawing ridiculous lines in the sky and calling them "constellations"? Isn't the sky more beautiful if we don't muck it up with bad imaginary imagery? What are the true differences between men and women when you strip away all of the social and cultural differences? What would life be like as a celestial being?
  12. Thank you! Your art's really nice, too! I can't do clean lines for the life of me haha. Your life is grim? How so, if you don't mind my asking?
  13. Thank you! Hah, it could kinda be said that I made the group, but that's sort of something else. So you're into the whole horror/grimdark-type stuff?
  14. @@Wolves Oh! The @ system works here. Somehow I missed that earlier haha. Thank you for the warm welcome, and for the compliment! I wish I had a more recent fullbody drawing of her that I could show. I'll have to fix that~ By the way, what do people normally use Blogs for here?
  15. Thank you! And we'll see. I have been known to drop in and out of activity a lot, and I have a bunch of life things I need to keep track of. I will be doing my best to give this place a proper shot, though~ Thank you! What do you draw, if you don't mind me asking? c: Oh my goodness, that image;; It's nice to meet you, too! I certainly hope I do enjoy it here that much! It can be really hard to find communities I like online. I will keep the PM thing in mind! Thank you! Oh wow, that is definitely news to me! I'll have to make a point to catch those! Thank you for letting me know about them! thank you for the welcome too, of course~ Thank you! Love the gif haha
  16. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rainbow Dash How did you find MLP Forums?: I found the MLP forums while browsing images of Rainbow Dash in Google. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I've been a fan of My Little Pony since I found the Generation Two "Friendship Gardens" game in stores as a little kid. I've followed MLP diligently ever since, and as a result I wound up discovering Friendship is Magic before the second episode had even released. At the time I was far from impressed, but out of curiosity I kept up with new episodes anyway. Before long I discovered that the MLP fanbase was growing rapidly, and the turning point for me came when I discovered that a ton of the new fans were lovers of darker themes like myself. It was the first time I'd felt included and accepted for my love of MLP, so I stuck with it and pretty soon FiM itself grew on me too. Hello all! I'm FairestMoss, a 22-year-old female fan of the show, and something of a newbie veteran to the MLP Forums. For me this is one of my first times ever accessing the site as a member, but if you look on my profile it actually says that I have been a "Member Since 03 Aug 2012", which is also true. I joined this site years ago, but I pretty much wound up unintentionally forgetting about it. This time I won't be forgetting though, and so I hope to be able to meet some cool people here~ If you want to know a little bit about me, I am an artist, aspiring writer, and aspiring web developer. I have a strong love for psychology and themes of darkness and light, along with a dream to one day run my own business and travel the world. I believe that if you're not spending your life chasing after what really matters to you, than you're not living at all. If you're interested, here are some of my pony works: If I do become active here I will likely start up commissions, if that sounds like something anyone would be interested in. I do humanoid art too, but I feel that I have a long way to go with that before I count it as being presentable. As for my thoughts and whatnot on the show... My favorite character is of course Rainbow Dash, but I like a lot of the ponies. Pre-Princess Twilight, Rarity, Scootaloo, DJ P0n-3, Coloratura, and Luna are all great characters, and the list of characters I like is only a gradual decline from there. The characters I dislike the most would have to be Applejack, with Flim and Flam barely creeping into the lowest on the list. My favorite villain is Chrysalis, no doubt, although I was overall pretty underwhelmed by "A Canterlot Wedding" since I don't like love stories. My ponysona is Lantern Light, a white-ish unicorn mare with a tri-colored mane and tail ranging from dark teal to near white. Her cutie mark used to be of a dark glowing mushroom until I decided to branch her off from the fandom and decided to take away the mark. That mushroom still holds significance, though. Her ability is that of illusions, where she can not only create illusions of light but create, warp, and destroy illusions of the mind. She is fully capable of using this power for combat, but for the most part she uses her power to try and help other ponies who need it. As an individual she is very strong-willed and perceptive of other's emotions. She cares a lot about other ponies, but she tends to spend most of her own free time in solitude. If you have any questions or anything, please feel free to ask! If it would make things more interesting, I'm perfectly happy to have this thread double as an "Ask Me Anything" sort of thread~
  17. Ah, that's quite interesting and makes a lot of sense! It seems like it could somewhat be compared to story-boarding for animation too, in the sense that you start out with the simplistic/basic framework and flesh it out from there. That's probably not too different from the way most people would tackle it... I might just overthink things a bit. Thank you so much for your answer! I'll make a point to remember it. That chapter turned out pretty differently than what you just described, I notice~ It's sort of interesting too that you would put "ZZ" in places where one would expect Firefly's name. Was "ZZ" a placeholder until you decided who to use, a nickname for another character entirely, or something else?
  18. I haven't been on this site in forever, need to update things.

  19. I've got a question that's similar to Varrack's, but I wanted to ask it anyway. How exactly do you manage to come up with the details of your story - the various character iterations, cause and effect, etc.? I've been trying to write a story for years and I've only really managed to get spinets of detailed character iterations here and there, and I'm always worried that by the time I do get everything put together it won't feel natural. Is it something you think about, or do you just let it come to you?
  20. Gotta get used to this site xD

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