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Posts posted by MidnightStallion

  1. I've tried vocal lessons because I was given a free trail. Holy shit it was intense. I'm pretty sure that if I stuck with it, it would've been much easier, but I don't have that much interest in it. Still, massive props for being able to achieve something like that.

  2. Unless you were naked, or held up your social security number in front of the camera, you have nothing to worry about. I actually am in a youtube video were some guy randomly brohoofed me because of my shirt.

  3. How would you feel if rarity and Blueblood got together (as an alternate scenario)?


    Would they make a cute couple if he was actually a Prince Charming? (remember alternate scenario)




    I think the idea of any of the mane 6 getting into a relationship but if there were to be an episode like that, it would most likely be about rarity. I don't know though, I guess I want a completely new character to get involved, one that compliments all of rarity's flaws. In all my life, I've seen these types of relationship blossom the most, real life and in fiction.
  4. The genre's of music that I like consist mostly of Hard Rock & Heavy Metal.


    Classic Rock, hard rock, blues-infused rock, heavy metal, grunge, alternative, various punk bands including - the Ramones, Flogging Molly, Green Day etc..


    I instantly like you just because of your good taste in music. :P But honestly, thats me in a nutshell!
    • Brohoof 1
  5. Not to sound rude or anything but if you make a thread like this you gotta make sure you:

    1. Make WAAAAAAY more options for people. You should go look for what different genres there are and then make a bigger list of options.


    2. You should let us pick more than one.


    So I'm gonna wait with voting until you fix these things because Jokuc be mad when his favorite genres are under "other" as if they weren't as big as the other ones you remember in your head.


    I understand that I missed some major genres like country and -billy but believe it or not many music gernes are not as popular as you think. However I am updating the list with every suggestion I get so don't worry your pretty little head spikey-wikey


    Please also be aware that If I were to add everysingle genre, even with grouping, the list would be too big to actually get an opinion from. I do agree that it is flawed though.

  6. I feel bad for people who simply look up online answers to game puzzles or endings. (I'm guilty of this, but only for portal, shhhh). I still try and do that with many games. Disgaea is my most prominent example as its story is so rich and developed that it would spoil it looking up the ending or how to go around certain battles. The best part is that is a underground game even though it is released on ps3. There aren't many videos about, not that I would watch them any.


  7. Something called alternative. Not just Christian alternative anymore. More broad.


    Bands such as Three Days Grace, Fireflight, Skillet...


    TDG - post rock (or grunge)

    FireFlight-...ok you got me there

    Skillet- Idc what you say, thats religious music, It would fit in other for me.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. You can't remove and option because everyone would pick it :P


    I love dubsep in general (even thought there are loads of awesome pony versions).


    And isn't pony dubsep called pony step anyways? I always thought that was a completely different genre :P


    I guess I just phrased is badly, I wanted to know people's opinion outside of mlp, but people would just opt-in for dubstep regardless, it was the only way, Imma so sorry I have left out your option. :(

  9. That moment when your favourite genres are not on the poll.



    Horror Country


    The only things remotely close to what I like would be metal and punk, and not even very much of that.


    How the fuck did I miss psychobilly, thats all my friend thats talks about, he even has a double bass. :blush:

    • Brohoof 1
  10. what do you mean nothing would be acomplished if you added dubstep? i also noticed your missing a few other genres such as rap, jazz, disco, electro swing


    Because I feel as if everypony here would vote dubstep because of the immense amount of dubstep pmv there are. And I am feeling slightly retarded for missing those genres, hopefully it won't be that big of a problem.

  11. I did not include dubstep for the single reason that nothing would be accomplished if I did. So, go ahead, what's your favorite music gerne MLPForums? (Please forgive me if I forgot anything).


    *Edit: I've updated the list again, hopefully I've hit the major groups.

  12. I actually had a lucid dream with MLP. I was walking in a beachy area and all of the sudden I saw the mane 6 and a bunch of random characters. I stood in my place and watched them go on with their...whatever they were doing and never got the courage to go up and talk to them. Even in my dreams I'm shy! :(

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