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vinolent cupcakes

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Everything posted by vinolent cupcakes

  1. *spike enters* " I beleive i may be the le stallion you are looking for?" yes, i realize that it would never work, but i really want sparity to become canon
  2. I really don't know. I know that I like chicks, but I have never tryed anything with a dude, so I can't say for sure what my sexuality is. But I really don't care either way, so it doesn't matter. XD
  3. oh, ok thanks! that actually makes a lot of sense, and thanks for telling me which choices paired me with Emi, that helped me understand it a lot better. I hope i get the good ending though, bad and very bad sound, well, bad.
  4. I always get a running start and just jump as high as a can, trying to take as many steps as I can. I usually get like 5 on the first jump, and then 2 or 3 on the rest. I also trip and fall down the stairs a lot, as well as running into people, especially if the stairs turn into a corner and i cant see where im going. When I go down stairs, I grab the railing on each side and swing down. I usually make it down the staircase in one leap, if its no more than 5 or 6 steps high. I run into people a lot doing that, too. Stairs were made for running, though, and thats what Im going to do on them!
  5. Ok, so I am playing Katawa Shoujo because my friend Holt told me it would make me a better person and would teach me a lot about life and people, and for a while I just played the game, I stayed up pretty late last night playing it and now I am a little over 4 hours in. What I don't understand is that I looked up the game and apparently there are different routes you can take where you become closer friends with each different girl, but my game seems to be centered around Emi, even though I have made maybe 4 choices, max. How did this happen? Was the game set up to be centered around Emi randomly at the start of the game, or did the few choices I made turn the game towards her? I am pretty far into Act 1: Form, and apparently once you start the first act it is decided which path you go down??? I don't know. But can you change which character you are hanging out with, because Emi is cool and all but I think Misha is cool too. I know there are already threads like this, but I have specific questions about the game so thats why I started a whole new thread. so basically, my question is this: 1) did my few decisions decide that I am hanging out with Emi, or was that predestined, and 2)can I change it and hang out with other people, and 3)is it normal to not really get very many options? Because I have been playing for a while and I havent had very many choices at all Also, about how many hours does it normaly take somebody to finish the game? I have been playing for a little over 4 hours and I dont really know how long it will take
  6. I used to, but then I read a lot of really sad fanfictions about characters who gain immortality and have to watch their friends grow old and die, which sounds pretty lame.
  7. Is ponymon like a mod of pokemon or is it where you name your pokemon after characters of the show? If it is a mod can you please post a download link to it?
  8. Thanks everyone I expected people to point out alot of mistakes im glad it wasnt as bad as I thought. The program I used is Clubcreate
  9. I dont think it will be or is a fad, because it already was a fad and it kind of died down. I do not see it making a recovery and being as big as it once was.
  10. I think that sounds cool but it is totally unrealistic. As other people have said, it would be a sausage fest, and also we would have huge civil wars about who is best pony. What I think would be funner is if we made a reality TV show like Glass house with 5 Bronies and 5 Pegasisters, except nobody gets kicked out. And we could have a contest to find the top 5 bronies and top 5 pegasisters in the world to get to be on it, they would be judged on sense of humor, looks, and just whoever would make it an interesting show and wouldnt give us bronies a bad name.
  11. well, this may sound like a lie, but i dont. Whenever i start to feel embarrased, i just stop being embarrassed and be awesome instead. If people laugh at me, i dont care because im always making jokes, so if they dont laugh i would be confused. Well, i guess there was this one time i got embarrassed when we had a big family reunion and someone brought out a karaoke machine and i got up to sing. I didnt mess up or anything though. I guess i was more nervous/worried than embarrassed. Oh, or when i say something really smart in class and the teacher points it out and tells me good job. That usually embarrasses me.
  12. I always just act cool about it. I used to get pretty excited and whip out my blindbags that i carry around in my pocket, but then I started meeting new ones on a regular basis and it lost its jazz. Its pretty cool that my school has so many bronies. Now there is usually at least one brony in every class i have except for weightlifting. And there might be some in there, but im not going to ask around, because my athlete friends are the only people i havent told about my love of the show because i dont want to lose their respect. Ha who am i kidding they dont respect me, but we are still bros and i think they might get pissed and disown me from the wrestling team if they found out.
  13. The song that always brings tears to my eyes whenever I hear it is Hallelujah by Leanard Cohen. I dont know why, it doesnt relate to my life in any way, it just makes me cry.
  14. Well, it sounds like the effort that it took to make it is worth $100, but really i dont think i would ever pay that much just for a plushie. One of these days i might buy one of those rag haired Pinkie or Dashies for 10 bucks at walmart, but i wouldnt pay more that 15 dollars for a stuffed animal.
  15. I don't collect records or have a record player, but once at a yard sale they were giving away some so I took them and hung them up on my walls. Now my walls are covered with around 50 old movie soundtracks that nobodys ever heard of.
  16. So, the other day in Marketing class we had a sub that just let us have free reign on the computers, so I decided to make a song with a program my friend showed me. I worked for like 1 hour on it so its probably not very good, but what do you guys think? Please tell me what i did wrong and stuff so I can get better.MusicLab (FirstSong).mp3
  17. Because Applejack can make the cider we deserve, just not the stuff we need right now. So we'll yell at her. We'll eat dirt with other ponies cider in front of her. Because she can take it. Because she's not a hero. Shes a silent cidermaker. A watchful salespony. A DARK APPLE.no but seriously thats why RD yells at Applejack; Because Rainbow needs to scream sometimes and AJ is the only one that can take it.
  18. Linux is free?!? wow, i had heard that it is very good so i would expect it to cost money! I dont really know a lot about different operating systems or how much they cost because i havent really thought about using a different one. When i get a new laptop then i will probably upgrade it, but first i want to finish all my computer class's in high school, or at least the ones im taking this year, so that i can use it to be an awesome hacker before i crash it.
  19. I am using windows XP, but just because im only 15 so i have ALWAYS used windows XP. it just feels natural, and when i try to use other systems it is harder. i know that XP isnt the best, but its sort of like if you are sword fighting and you are offered a better sword for an upcoming fight, but your old sword is the one youve always used and you can fight with it better even though it isnt as good as the new sword is better.
  20. thats cool, but what do you use to make this music? is it a program you have to download or what? holy crap youve only been doing this for a month?!?! thats amazing!
  21. Rarity because: Without Fluttershy all the animals would die because they arent used to taking care of themselves without Applejack ponyville would starve because alot of them practically live off of her apples without Pinkie Pie everypony would get depressed and commit mass suicide without Twilight's magic the monsters that regularly attack ponyville would kill everyone without Rainbow Dash the show wouldnt be awesome enough and nobody would watch it. without rarity nobody would have anything to wear. except that they dont usually wear anything anyways. Its kind of the obvious choice, if rarity dies then a couple people lose a few shirts, if anyone else dies the whole town gets slaughtered.
  22. Well, since my favorite pony is a tie between Rainbow and Pinkie, I would know that it was some sort of fucked up prank and i would tell them to shove it. If it wasnt a prank, well, im not a clopper, so i would tell them it wasnt to be because i am out of their league and also i dont see ponies that way.
  23. dude this is amazing! I love this song, and I hope you make many more! ill definatly subscribe to your channel, i cant beleive you are my age! (im not a creeper i just checked your profile and your age was listed) What are you using to make this? I like to play instruments and want to get into electronic music, and this is the sort of the thing i would want to make.
  24. well, she IS the element of loyalty. Im pretty sure she would rather have her friends get cider then for herself to get cider. Also, i think that she beleived that Applejack would save them some because they were close friends.
  25. Either Fooly Cooly (FLCL) or Gurren Lagann. But thats just because those are my two favorites, you might not like them. But WHATEVER YOU DO DO NOT watch Tsubasa. Read the manga, but dont watch the anime. Its just wrong.
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