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Devious Detonation

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Posts posted by Devious Detonation

  1. Never knew Traditional instruments don't have gauges :o . Myself, playing a guitar, a String instrument, i often get a question of what gauge my strings are. (9)


    Oh well, Do you have your own band, Orchestra in Equestria?


    -Well, my spot belongs to a band called Haypocalyptica. We are four ponies that play violoncellos and headbang, playing metal on them with pickups, and whatsoever. Sometimes I get asked for performances in Canterlot's Royal Orchestra to have a spotlight in symphonies, but that happens rarely.



    /Note: Haypocalyptica=Apocalyptica, just pony version.\

  2. What is your String Gauge?


    -There are no String Gauges in Violoncellos...


    In any case, my cello's strings are soft. There are loud, medium and soft types of strings.



    (Unless you were making a reference of some sort, you've mistaken my instrument with some other...)

  3. -Hello everypony! Here I am, back online, and with spare time!

    Ask me anything you want to. Let the questioning... Begin!



    /OOC: Ask anything right away!\

  4. Time to insert gifs.








    My boy.








    I've added so many gifs... I have many more, which I wont post in here.

    Well, maybe later, but not now.


    (gifs do not work. Damn it!

  5. Ding!

    Sorry it took a little longer than expected. I hope this looks okay to you.

    Your hair is a bit of a pain, but I think it looks alright.




    Also, I wrote your name in Japanese at the bottom :3

    Love it!

    He is like *POW* *BOOM* *KAPAO!* et cetera.


    I really love it!

    I guess I found a new avatar! Now I know my name in japanese, oh my! I've learned so many things today!

  6. Draw me maybe?


    I mean, if you can do some chibi art of me, I would be thankful, but I will only ask for a drawing of my ponysona.

    Oh, yeah, it's in my signature!



    (Also: Ignore that chibi thing. Just because you are japanese, it doesn't means you can draw that kind of thing...)


    (Also: Also: You're Japanese, right? By that name, I that is all I can know, but correct me if I am wrong. I am not good at knowing nationalities...)

  7. Perttu heard Captain Snow's orders.

    Well... He could not argue much with an alicorn, because for him, alicorns were like Gods... The rank below Octavia.

    He sat behind the alicorn and thought in the 2nd subterranian level, Snow's briefing room.


    He had his eyes closed, and, despite Snow's orders, he started to think again about all this pony stuff happening.

    But, immediately after so, he thought again in the room.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Upon closer inspection, Fletcher recognised the man he stood upon. "Perttu?" He got off of the scientist, and held out a hoof, to help him to his feet. Fletcher couldn't hear the Brooklyn in his characteristically slow, deep voice this time, and it sounded as it always had. Maybe... It was a sort of transition process.  "You know who I am. Don't be silly." He heard the Brooklyn that time...


    "Perttu. A pony is talking to you. Perttu. THERE. IS. A. PONY. TALKING. TO. YOU!" Perttu tought, but immediately recognizing that damned accent.


    "Wait a second... I don't recall you beeing a pony, nor having power to be one... What in the world has happened?! This is pure madness!" Perttu said, looking at the pegasus, getting up with his help.


    Perttu was shocked, and what made him even more shocked was he beeing in the cells...

  9. Perttu got hit by a pegasi. Now that was some good physics! He fell down by the force of a PONY!


    "Whoa... Take it easy... I am not a cusion...  Nor a pillow." He said, still in the ground, liking the idea of having ponies around him.


    "I am here to... Well, find out why and how did you get into the cells, and... Find out who you are, of course." He said, looking at the pony which was pointing his horn at him, yet he looked a bit confused.


    He then saw some guy jumping towards the guard, who apparently was releasing the ponies.


    Perttu tried to move, but he had a PONY on top of him.



    • Brohoof 1
  10. (OOC: Oh my... I had to read 67 posts because you told me to read what everyone says... My eyes are almost dead...)


    Perttu noticed a comotion in the lower chambers in the Laboratory. A gun-shot? Something's not right... He was sure that there were no weaponry tests right now going on.


    He decided go deeper and try to find what was going on.

    Perttu was in the cell level, deep inside the facility. He then looked at the impossible.




    No way.




    NO... WAY!


    NO, NO, NO, NO!!!


    Perttu fell to his knees, almost like something pushed him down. He was hallucinating, for sure.


    "Oh, my. Those  are... Ponies! In real life! That was about that new world the scientists were referring to... Now I see! I can't wait to..." Perttu stopped. He was now in shock. Why were there ponies in the cells?! He was confused, but decided to meet them.

    He went down the as he saw a pegasus flying.


    "Hey, you!" He said, but then immediately regreting so.

  11. As Perttu arrived at the so called Laboratory, he got his Identification out of his pocket in his coat. He had a feeling that it could just be another day, nothing special happening besides opening dozens of letters from fans and such at home, when he came back.


    As he started to raise the Identification card, one of  the guards smiled and let Perttu pass. Damn, was he that noticable? He was surprized, because he did not brush his hair.


    Perttu entered the Apperture Labs.

  12. (OOC:It feels so weird to roleplay as myself in third person!)


    Perttu was waking up to the sound of birds singing. A sweet melody entered his temporary appartment as he resisted the will of not staying in the bed, beeing lazy. As he yawned, he went to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

    After so, he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. He left watery footprints all over the way to his room.


    "... I'll clean that later." Perttu said, ignoring the mess he was doing.


    He looked at the clock, and felt relief.


    "It's just 3:30 am... There's nothing to worry about!" He said, with a smile on his face.


    Perttu Turned the television on, and then gasped.


    "No! My clock is late! Damn it!" He said, quickly putting some clothes on.

    He looked at his Octavia plushie and waved, like she was the real Octavia, but ponies did not exist.


    "The Lab, damn! I wont have time to tame my hair by now!" He muttered.


    The man left his appartment and went walking at a rather quick pace than he normaly would, headding towards The Lab.


    (OOC:Wait did I screwed everything or what?

    Was I too soon? DAMN IT! Ignore this if I was dumb enough to post)

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Howcome I did not notice this?! I am your fan! I feel sorrow now...

    I had no fault of beeing in Denmark that day, though...


    Anyways you still, and always will, impress me! I love the way your art is concepted, it's just, unique.

    You're unique, I say. Let's now celebrate and we shall rise our pints filled (with cider for you, and beer for me) to the brim, and drink in enjoyment!


    Your biggest fan,


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