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Posts posted by Valureon

  1. Hmmm.... good idea....

    What about Jayce, you're quite good with him and he seems quite a good champion. How do I build Renekton?

    Also how do I build Jayce?


    Renekton is..... pretty ummm..... Eh?..... He really isnt a good pick.... He is a really boring champ to play and he is really overall pretty average :huh: .... Jayce on the other hand is amazing.... ^_^ Like If you are thinking of picking up a good top bruiser.... Then without a doubt... Pick up Jayce.... He is way to Godlike at the moment.... :wub:
    • Brohoof 1
  2. Oh my god dude, same thing happens to me like EVERY morning. Having to get more milk...fricken' tedious. And if the milk wasn't in the fridge, it's warm! I HATE WARM MILK! xD


    Yeah its the worst thing ever.... Actually no! Its worse when there isnt any milk left at all.... after that tiny little bit left in the carton.... And its like.... What am I supposed to do with that?..... Its... NOT.... ENOUGH.... :(
  3. Yeah, but I want to go further on that philosophy. If he created more chaos, I thin that eventually something harmonic would come to appear as well. As in, always a proper balance of Chaos and Harmony. Should Discord realized this...what would be his point? What would he do? Would he continue? Or would he stop after an eventual meaningless deal after deal of harmony going back to destroy his precious chaos once more?

    Since...(According to this theory) that harmony will always come from Chaos eventually..... I would like to think that if anything... this gives Dicord purpose.... something to live for.... He will always have something to fight against, he will be able to battle harmony and always try to spread Chaos across Equestria.... It may be a fight he will never be able to fully win... (Which is why you may think... and he may very well see it as a useless endeavour and give up).... But I still think he wouldn't see it this way.... And I think it gives him something to live and fight for.... And he would continue doing what Discord does best... Spreading Chaos and all things that go with it... I may very well be wrong with this.... But I dont think I like the idea that he would just stop... because he realises that it is a neverending conflict and that he cannot defeat harmony fully....

  4. Bugs


    When people don't listen or consider anything I say

    When I am talking and the person just brings their attention to someone else

    How fast my phone dies

    Scratching noises (fork to teeth, nails to chalkboard)

    Close minded idiots

    People who bully others

    People who fight about music

    People who say dubstep isn't music

    People who are outrageously obsessed with shitty boy bands

    People who like and share the photos of abused dogs and people ect....

    Animal abuse

    When people screw up your order at the drive through (do your fucking job correctly)

    When you are ordering fast food and the person says "is that it" every time you add something

    Swag fags


    Waking up early

    When my dad wakes me up on weekends and won't let me sleep as long as I want

    When my brothers are just being generally annoying

    When teachers and parents punish everyone for something one dumb ass did



    People who type like this "lol u shld cme over tmr nd we can lay cod"

    People who overreact

    People who can't take a joke



    Double standards

    Stupid Feminist


    When Vegans attack you for eating meat

    "First" comments on anything



    General Idiots

    The "lol wut 302 views and 1342 likes?" comment.

    Bandwagons (Teen suicides)

    Weed users who will not shut the hell up about anything but weed

    People trying to talk to me every time I put in headphones

    When my browser randomly decides to crash

    1- 10 word tbh's on Facebook

    Idiots who ask Youtube celebrities to add them or play with them or for a shout out

    Howard Stern

    People who generalize groups based on one to few members (Bronies)

    When Funnyjunk is all butt hurt kids

    The Funnyjunk vs 9gag war

    When my phone has shitty call quality

    Having to wait months just to upgrade phones

    Attention whores

    When nothing is on TV

    When people blast their shitty rap really loud in cars

    Console and video game wars

    Hackers and cheaters

    Girls crying about not being able to find a "good" guy

    When I forget money for lunch

    When I forget to watch a show

    When my parents tell me to watch a show or something instead of watching Youtube (IT'S THE SAME THING!)

    Little kids who whine and scream in games

    People who swear all the time

    People who always make sex jokes and they are never funny

    People who say "that's what she said"

    Stepping on legos or plugs

    When my dogs will not stop barking

    When my dogs steal my food

    When someone does not fully shut my door

    When idiots are screaming in the halls and shoving each other even though there is enough traffic

    When there is nothing I want to eat

    People who don't bother to make their typing just a little bit readable

    When I have to write something and I can't type it

    Reality TV

    Cartoon channels releasing more teen drama shows then cartoons


    Team killers

    When a game crashes or freezes

    When my keyboard decides to go back a page when I am typing something

    Old slow computers

    Reading class (I know how to read)

    Computer class (I learn nothing since I am good at computers already)

    People who don't pay attention in class and I am forced to help them even though they didn't try

    When I can't be open about being a brony

    When I never get to talk to my crush

    When I am shy around girls

    When stupid jocks think they are the shit

    Stupid trends at school (The current one is pink clothing)

    Snap backs and people who wear all Monster logo stuff

    People who spend 500+ dollars on headphones and act like a bad ass

    People who have to drop everything and have the new improved version right away

    Teens who smoke and post pictures on Facebook for attention

    The self defense rules at school

    Kids who instantly threaten to fight you if there is an issue

    When people complain about parents not getting them something when they are spoiled enough

    When people call you a nerd just because you play video games

    People who don't respect old retro gaming

    When my stomach always hurts

    When there is no ketchup, tea milk stuff, dressing, A1 ect...

    When there is no clean dishes

    When someone decides they are controlling the TV I am watching

    When I don't have enough hours in the day

    When people don't knock before walking in the bathroom

    Spanish class

    When I get hungry before bed (Like right now)

    Having to piss when you are dosing off

    Waking up in the middle of the morning and you want go back to sleep but you have to pee really bad

    When people vacuum while I am sleeping

    When people text back one word answers

    When people just stop texting back

    When people post on Facebook "I AM SO DEPRESSED" and you ask what is wrong and they say "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" then why the fuck are you posting it for everyone too see?

    The fact that this much bothers me

    When I don't like food and my parents say "EAT IT NOW! BLABLABLA"

    When I am not hungry but am forced to eat

    When my parents blame all of my problems on the computer

    Stuffy noses

    Sore throats

    When people say "get out of my business" on Facebook or "don't comment" then why did you post it?

    Not being able to see

    WWE turning into this drama filled crap hole with 99% less fighting and more talking

    Shitty unnecessary movie squeals that ruin the movie

    Some times prequels are annoying, just go in order please

    Steriotypes about music like "you are emo is you like screamo" "you are a gangster if you like rap" "you are a hipster if you like dubstep" "you need to get with the times if you like old stuff"

    The majority of pop stars

    When people won't give you alone time

    When people think you hate them if you don't answer a text

    Not knowing what to be for Halloween

    Having to drink lactade milk

    Not being able to eat as much junk food because of your stomach

    When someone calls you and you call back right away and they don't answer

    When I can't stop thinking of things to put on this list

    When other people make a mess of my room

    People making a ton of messes

    When parents don't accept you for being a brony

    When you can't get pony merchandise because of parents

    Not being able to drive

    Having to clean hamsters

    People who say Twitter sucks and use hashtags on Facebook

    People who don't use the edit button on Facebook

    When you can't get toothpaste out of the tube




    There is probably way more, I am out of them though. I doubt anyone actually read all of those.


    Hooooo Leeeeee Craaaaaap...... That is a lot of things that annoy you.... ^_^;) .... you know what annoys me.... The fact that I would never have the patience to type down all the things that annoy me.... (As seen above)..... Like seriously.... That took comitment to put all those things down.... well done..... well done indeed. ;)

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Haven't gotten around to reading it.... Don't ever intend to..... World is dark and depressing enough...... Wouldn't want to spend my time reading something that twists and mutilates the values and ideas from the show that I love to bits.... Im just not personally into that sort of thing.... I know many people do enjoy that sort of thing... And im fine with that... but personally I dont see the appeal and I wouldnt want to go and read it myself....

  6. Hmmmmm.... there really aren't that many "viable" builds that are similar to Ap rengar.... There are plenty of silly things that kind of work.... Like Ap varus, Ap tris (Which are both really fun, and they work alright...) but none of them really live up to what Ap rengar could do :huh: ... AP Rengar... the God of all silly champion builds... ^_^

    • Brohoof 1
  7. With the coming Deathfire Grasp nerf, and the Rengar nerf, I can say my days as AP Rengar in solo top are coming to a close. I need a new thing to do. :(


    Are you looking for something serious to do..... Or are you looking for another really silly really fun type of champion build to pick up? Because I mean Ap rengar was just silly..... really funny and really fun... but come on it was just so damn silly... ^_^;)
    • Brohoof 1
  8. Ahhhhh the whole there cannot be darkness without light and all that jazz..... Right.... Ummmm what would Discord do if he realised that?..... Well he still represents chaos... So I still think he would try to cause as much of it as he possibly could.... Just beause he comes to realise that both will always be present doesnt mean he wont continue to try and have as much of the prefered..... That of course being Chaos and Anarchy...

  9. I bought the Headmistress Fiora skin last night and I think that it helps me play better for some reason...


    Posted Image


    I have not lost a game yet today. That ruler is too OP.


    Skins dude.... Skins.... They automatically make the player better at that champion... no exceptions.. thats just the way it works ^_^;) ..... And nice win streak.... Fiora just one of those champions I dont like all that much... She is awesome I just can't stick with her.... Oh well either way, Nice job with the wins, skins Op and better nerf Irelia..... *again* ^_^

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I keep seeing so many AP or AD teemo's, but never any hybrids, while I'm usually able to beat both with ease when they play against me. :/ Now my friend says you have to go pure AP or pure AD, or it's bad, I call bullshit!


    Full AP teemo is the way to build him at the moment :huh: .... However I am still really fond of the hybrid (On hit effect) Teemo... So Maledy, Madreds, Wits end, etc etc.... Granted It isnt quite as good as the AP build overall... But the problem with the AP build is that most people have trouble playing it.... This is because his entire game changes... his positioning must be different his attacking pattern is different.... Not too difficult to learn... but it takes a fair amount practice to get right..... ;)

    However I still prefer the Hybrid teemo build just because I personally prefer the play style ..... Plus you can play him bot lane if you need to..... Wouldnt reccomend Ap teemo bot.... Just doesnt work out that well..... ;)^_^

  11. Hahaha that is so funny, I don’t think I’ll pour any money into it, but I can sympathize with you, I pour way more money into Magic the Gathering than I’d like to. Stupid addicting games! ^_^


    Yeah I didn't want to put any money into it at first..... but after playing it for ages I finally cracked and put some points in...... Then things escalated from there..... And now I buy most new skins that come out.... Even with all the money I have put into it.... I would have to say it is still worth it.... Without a doubt.... This game is soooo good ^_^;)

  12. Ahhhhhhh.... Dammit LoL..... What have you done to my life..... :blink: So much time and so much money *poof* gone (Free to play my ass XD).... buuuut having said that.... Would I do it all again?..... Why yes... yes I would... I regret nothing... ;)

    Plus on side note.... Halloween Skins! Oh hell yes! Seriously loving the look of zombie brand and underworld TF.....

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Actually since it's on EUW, @Valureon, I can't compete. 1k ping on average is way too much for me to do any source of good. I will have to decline this competition. Oh, and @Neikos the Omniscient, 150 ping is in my normal range for NA servers anyways, shame on you.


    Yeah I think I'm with you with that as well..... If is isn't on the NA servers I'm going to have a pretty nasty ping and no champions.... Oh well... Maybe next time ;)^_^

    And on a side note I'm seeing lots of people complain about 100-200 ping..... come on guys my ping hovers around 200ish ;)

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Well Val... let's be a team! We just need one other person if you would wish >.> but meh, I feel like we could do some fun stuff and I have a few of the same questions as I am in college...


    Ok then im down with that.... If the times of the matches dont clash with anything important I'd be happy to play this tournament with you then....
  15. Man this whole tournament thing sounds like fun.... Normally I would Love to take part...... But I cant be on LoL very consistantly at the moment.... The end of my school is coming up (so exams, graduation, etc) over the next month..... So I am probably not able to be on very much.... Which is a shame because it does sound like it would be fun.....

    And on a side note..... If this tournament happens when will it be and how long will it be over and (a day, a week?) and times..... because if they suit I would be happy to help out if someone needs a partner..... ;)

  16. Already posted about my failure to complete this challenge...... But seriously I just felt the need to say.... This song is just the best *pick me up* thing ever.... Whenever I feel a little bummed out this song is just so good for making you feel better..... :) I honestly (dead serious here) cannot watch this song without getting a big silly grin on my face and feeling better about everything.... Thank you Pinkie Pie.... Huge fan of your work ;)^_^ ....

    :wub: :wub: :wub:

  17. Well Im going with Queen over Dire straits.... because Queen is just legendary ^_^ (Long time Queen fan right here).... And the second one..... I think I prefer A day to remember, All I want..... I guess I just prefer it.... no particular reason why... I just do ^_^ ...... Actually No, I thought of a reason why..... its because I freaking love that song and because it's awesome ;)

  18. I just started playing Twisted Treeline today. I'm pretty iffy about it still.


    We won our first game Ezreal, WW, and Master Yi vs Ashe, Riven, and Darius.


    But I lost the next two games because of an AFK Teemo and an enemy Jayce who just destroyed us bad. ;.;


    But it beats playing Summoner's Rift and getting a bunch of trolls who purposely lose the game.


    Twisted Treeline is alot of fun..... the only problem with it is the Meta...... :huh: Only a few champs should be played on that map... like 20-25 champions...... If you dont have a team comp made up of those specific champions.... you will lose.... (This is for higher level play, but still kinda relevant)..... But thats the only thing that really bothers me about it..... But putting that aside Twisted Treeline is still a nice change of pace and is really fun and enjoyable to play every now and again... ^_^;)

    • Brohoof 1
  19. Yeah, I'd rescue Blueblood.

    I just can't stand to see anyone, person, animal, or pony, injured.

    A lot of people might say this, but truthfully, I care more about pretty much everybody than I do myself, so even if it meant dying myself, I'd rescue him. I don't really matter that much.

    That is very noble of you..... But would you really sacrifice your own life for just anyone?...... In my case it would have to be someone pretty special to me..... To give your own life for them..... Not trying to critique you or anything.... Im just genuinely curious..... Would you really just throw away your life for just anyone like that? :huh:

  20. God please Play Colors and Generations. Not saying you haven't but it's instinct to tell people to if they say current Sonic games suck.


    Also Wired Al lost? Jesus he just told everyone the entire plot of Episode 1 in an "American Pie" parody. Hell he made Episode 1 enjoyable. Bah whatever I still have some tricks up my sleeve, Queen will when this thing so help me.


    Errm...Anyway it's pretty easy to guess what I went with seeing as I'm the one who nominated Crush 40.


    Ok I'll definately give you that one.... I stand before you now a broken man...... humbled and.... well just corrected I guess ;)^_^But yeah your right there, sonic generations was actually really good..... but you have to know where im coming from... the sonic franchise is pretty much hanging on to the edge of oblivion at the moment..... 90% of the games they have been releasing in recent times are just... really bad (Pretty much after sonic adventure 2 battle... they just got pretty ehh) :huh: Which is a dam shame because I do love sonic.... always have a probably always will.... and its just a dam shame to see it go down the toilet like it has....
  21. I post pretty much everywhere..... Except for the Rp stuff... I tend not to get involved in the RP side of things because they require somewhat of a comitment and I really just dont have time for it right now... But otherwise I tend to post all over the place.... I think I mostly hang around the Fan-art and Fan-music sections though :huh:;)

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