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Everything posted by Flutterwing

  1. Some screenshots I got from Castle Mania, hope you enjoyed the episode as much I did! How far up do you think he'll go Rarity? I'm not entirely sure darling Godspeed Spike Godspeed..... Getting real tired of your shit Fluttershy Woah there somepony likes having AJ's hoof over em and then some other general silliness Cuz why not?
  2. Fluttershy uses whimper and pouty eyes Pinkie returns the favor! Fluttershy slowly starts to build up courage and builds up the STARE! Pinkie suddenly pulls the cheese out of her mane distracting Fluttershy! Fluttershy is distracted and unable to use her STARE! Pinkie quickly starts to inche the cheese towards her mouth! Fluttershy is saddened and whimpers... Pinkie pauses, looks down, and is paralyzed with concern Fluttershy looks away giving up the cheese to her friend with a small smile Pinkie splits the cheese! Both use hug and win the battle with a happy smile!
  3. that plush! where'd you get it? its 20% cooler than the other plushes ive seen, is it a custom one or a mass produced one? also my gf drew this for me and my love of ponies, she also likes em too so, anyways hope you guys found it as awesome as i did, she isnt a serious drawer i think, she just has a bit of a knack for it~
  4. not sure if it was posted, but if isnt im glad im the one to post it here it is AWESSSOOMMME~
  5. GAH WHY MUST YOU POST SUCH MAGNIFICENT PICTURES! They are all so beautiful and touching your last 3 posts.... Hasbro and whoever drew those pictures why must you give me so many feels .... im glad discord got his first friend and im glad its sweet fluttershy of all the ponies, i cant really see the other ponies working well with discord, except Pinkie Pie perhaps but we all know what would happen then hehehe wish i could brohoof chaotic discords brohoof my first time shipping anything may end up being discord and fluttershy, and im glad that its those two that mark my start. i have lots to learn about shipping and im glad to spend a lot of time learning
  6. i swear ive seen this picture posted on these forums a long time ago and it is one of the first mlp pictures i have on my ipod... i remember getting it on my ipod at the very least before i finished watching season 2. if you havent seen the latest episode, you should watch it, ITS AMAZING. for those of you who have, anyone have an idea who made this pic? it is...... god i dont want to spoil anything here but just wow what are the odds? it makes me wonder whether the my little pony staff saw this picture as they were making the new episodes, kudos to whoever made this pic, it made my day when i almost recognized a scene and said wait a minute ........ and after looking through my thousand or so pony pictures i finally found it and just went or like this inside my head
  7. found rarities "whining" easier to listen than the dogs whining , the dogs spend more time whining it seems
  8. oh god i got the new ipod gen 5 and the pony app... it looks amazing and the ponies the colors omg they are soo much more... adorable now... hate to say it but gameloft did an amazing job? still wish they didnt try and extort so much money out of it though.. i think you may need the wifi? have you ever used the time glitch to skip forward a couple of days?
  9. ummmmmm i had heard about bronies and one of my friends being one but i had never actually thought that bronies were people that watched MLP or that MLP had even existed... i remember being a bit puzzled and ribbing my friend a bit for watching "ponies" because thats what he said he watched and since i didnt have any ideas as to whether it was some kinda like real live animal kingdom show or animation or etc i was quite thrown off.... i remember like months after that finally hearing him bringing it up again and i said you still watch ponies on national geographic or something? i felt so stupid when he finally explained and i felt horrible for the slight ribbings i gave him as a joke too, even though i had no idea i tried it out that day and well lets just say <- this right here sold me, up to that part and a little afterwards i was like.. im not sure if this is something guys watching would be socially accepted by others (im terrified of being judged by others not as much as i used to be though ) but i decided to stick with it and just watch it, and i gotta say im glad i did, love the brony community, the fandom and everything! i ended up doing a full 2 season maratho btw, thats how hooked i got after a while (id say around episode 6 was when i was fully sure i would continue watching the show and become a full time brony) because up till that point time seemed to fly by so quickly and my mind was in a slight kinda daze from the, ummm..... cuteness overload? XP
  10. man i havent read every post in this thread but... i feel bad for all of you guys, i know i think my parents have noticed but decided to just let it go "un-noticed" and leave me be and usually thats exactly what they do.... however im still waiting for that day they confront me.. but i have plenty of friends who have gone through parents buying them MLP merchandise as a joke and other things like that and id try and reccomend ummmm just go full out? show you like it and thats that? dont be aggressive about it but like simply just say, i like it and theres really nothing more to it, keep cool? thats what my friend did when he got all these "joke t-shirts" he said thank you and accepted it and wore them the following day to school, if you show you are ok with watching it then others will most likely be fine with it too after a while, especially if they are friends or family
  11. has anyone had problems with gameloft lately after the update? it seems if i want to access social i have to relogin continously after 5 minutes or so of the app turned off, is this normal? it used to always relog me in if i turned the app off and turned it on again, anyone know how to fix this too perhaps? oh and cadance and shining armor arent in my shop, they disappeared even though i didnt buy them or anything, any help regarding that issue? not that i plan on spending a 100 bucks or so anytime soon to get them -_-;; hope gameloft gets their act together and cuts off on the greed for gems, even the seasons Christmas events gotmore gems out of you then you recieved... wow gameloft really?..
  12. some adorable pics i found, warning possible diabetes? and a pic i had to post in the funny and cute section cuz i thought it befitted both! and this pic really got me in the feels and left me feelings tingly all over, Friendship is Magic indeed? Christmas is nearing and i wish you all MERRY CHRISTMAS! Everypony keep doing what your'e doing and keep our community awesome and 20% cooler than others!
  13. for those of you playing the gameloft My Little Pony Game~ and some pics that will make you go wat? in different ways btw can any pony tell me how to do spoiler tags? still havent figured it out or gotten a reply when i asked, thanks in advance! and some funny fluttershy pics and a pic that seems disturbing? accidental or on purpose idk i cant upload the pic so ill link it http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/451/423/5b9.png
  14. Who needs sleep when there are pony related things to be done? anyone else agree with this pic right here??? wonder if somebody could make a rage comic using pony memes i think thatd make the rage comics 20% cooler. and rarirty saves the day! hopefully im not reposting any previously posted pics in this post
  15. proof this server is full of awesome people THANKS EVERYPONY! love you all and will continue to gift back, hope you all can get enough hearts to buy those heart ponies! ive found more chests than this before but forgot to take a screenshot of them anyways thanks for all the chests i know it can be quite hard to go through a huge list of people especially when it takes such a long time for one person to load
  16. Happy Thanksgiving everypony~! Hope you guys have a wonderful day full of food and rest! maybe hasbro will release a thanksgiving themed episode with a return of the buffalo, wouldnt that be awesome? maybe get some more apple pie action too, hopefully peaceful
  17. Happy Thanksgiving everypony~! Hope you guys have a wonderful day full of food and rest! maybe hasbro will release a thanksgiving themed episode with a return of the buffalos, wouldnt that be awesome?
  18. open up MLP and then kill the app, after you kill the app go to settings and manually set the time and allow the game to load and whatever the time difference is the game will have had that much time pass by (id reccomend turning off the wifi my brother changed the date by 2 months and loaded his games and never changed it back so when i gifted everyone on my app i gifted everyone 2 months later and i have to wait 720+ hours now) anyways the time glitch is there to use but not fun since it kinda kills the game just be wary to not use the social with the time glitch just pave everything with a dirt road or cover it with trees and decor and you wont ever get any rocks or parasprites
  19. ive offered this advice to others i know on the forums and real life and it seems to have gotten really good results each time, kill the wifi with airplane mode or something it seems to let the game load, that doesnt work then im not sure? well if you go to my place you can see i paved and put something in almost every spot thats availible (the decors and road are much cheaper than the money it takes to remove stuff) cheapest rock is like 200? or 100? road is 75 and you can pave that quite quickly, this has saved me A LOT of money, and they also remove the chance of sprites appearing so id reccomend paving everything? and decorating it all? btw my social says i have to wait 700+ hours for some people after i like just pressed the gift all button as many times as i could..... im guessing something went wrong..? is there an email that i could email to so gameloft could maybe fix that for me? sudden quick brohoof, did it work? hopefully your game works now
  20. http://www.bronyland.com/pony-personality-test/?img=plz&q=MTAxMHw0MjgyMjU well fluttershy and pinkie pie (id say dash a bit too but fluttershy already has that occasional snap if you lose in the areas you are good at ) i guess id say im pinkie pie but awkward about showing it or going overboard and being a bother or annoyance? i like fun but i worry a lot and am quite self conscious and do flinch often and jump over things (usually im just in my little world and so i dont expect it)
  21. Well guess that pretty much sums it up since i like all the ponies but if i was absolutely hard pressed i guess id say fluttersay or pinkie pie?
  22. WOOT I AM PAST CELESTIA IN LEVEL! AND THANKS TO ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN SENDING ME GIFTS AND TREASURES DAILY I LOVE YOU ALL Wish i could donate bits i got quite alot. Does anyone else think the gems are WAY TOO PRICY? 50 gems for 1.99$ wasnt too bad but man..... 1.99 now wont even buy you a carnival try hehehe...
  23. Well even if gameloft caught wind of it quickly youd have to update the game for the fix to take effect and well if you dont feel like using the glitch updating wouldnt be a problem. It seems like not too many people are interested (maybe because its a "glitch" and people are afraid to use it? idk..) but ive sent wingred ratchet a pm on how to do it and a guy who emailed me. the method is really quite simple and something anyone could stumble across so i doubt anyone would get in trouble for it. go to the shop, the ponies should cost bits now instead of being carnival ponies, enjoy and leave a memo whether this worked for you or notedited the first post to say the same thing
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