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Everything posted by rainbow_hearts

  1. Hell yeah! I just noticed when they made they showed us a little preview in their commercials the Pinkie clones were saying Party! TPAM has once bought pony merchandise
  2. I'm just going to leave this thread now. 1/10
  3. Why do we keep talking about gak? I have seen commercials that looped 12 times! Lets just talk about g3 Pinkie Pie in g4! http://draikjack.deviantart.com/art/Bet-ya-can-t-make-a-face-crazier-than-this-337035089

    1. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      Need a topic to talk about? Why not Zoidberg?

    2. Nas


      I honestly cannot wait for that episode.

  4. Nah. Come over here! TPAM can't make a face crazier than this. http://draikjack.deviantart.com/art/Bet-ya-can-t-make-a-face-crazier-than-this-337035089 (I couldn't find an image of this on google images without getting taken to Tumblr)
  5. 0/10 I feel like a crystal pony with amnesia. I have no idea who I am rating! And they are all higher ranking then me!
  6. I thought this episode was awesome! This is the first time I saw a villain died in g4! But I still didn't like King Sombra. He did nothing.
  7. Gak is weird. The live stream we were watching also watched littlest pet shop and everybody was talking about gak. I had fun.
  8. No. My sister changed it. Tpam..... is going to pony pony at 10 pony M.
  9. On a livestream at Mlp fim.com I heard they live stream so I plan on watching it there. I hope they do! I have an audience this season!
  10. Is mayonnaise a instrument? Also yes. The piano. TPAM likes dogs? (I don't know! I don't know what to say)
  11. Season 3 is so close! I have this weird feel in my teeth.

  12. First I was like HELL NO! Then I was OK. cause I found out that it was for the songs. I would be sad if it was for writing episodes. f
  13. It took me a while to finally realize it. So a couple of pictures of ponies after "Bridle gossip" My first episode was "Secret of my Excess"
  14. I never knew TPAM has or just heard of the new pony app.
  15. 7/10 I don't know why maybe 8/10 I don't know.
  16. Never heard of that. I choose to steal cookies TPAM likes these wonderful motherbuckers. http://www.google.com/imgres?num=10&hl=en&safe=off&tbo=d&biw=1280&bih=699&tbm=isch&tbnid=GVYfmVahwtOTvM:&imgrefurl=http://www.101cookbooks.com/archives/001370.html&docid=RuuoKMZk6mHDxM&imgurl=http://www.101cookbooks.com/mt-static/images/food/thinmintrecipe1.jpg&w=680&h=454&ei=9wSbUJbFBJCMyAG3u4GgCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=972&vpy=205&dur=408&hovh=157&hovw=210&tx=189&ty=99&sig=101120387719230254219&page=1&tbnh=147&tbnw=183&start=0&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:0,i:136
  17. ^ No, I took a personality quiz and got Applejack. > Supposed to be doing school. V Is not a pony.
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