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Posts posted by WittyReference

  1. I don't really hate teens. I think most age groups have people who suck. Also I really like how every teen on here hates every other teen because every other teen parties and has sex and tries to be 'cool'. Although I never really got why people wanted to be 'cool', most kids just like to socialize with friends. And who and what they do isn't really anyone's business but their own. And being a virgin, or being someone who has never drank or went to a party doesn't make you a special unique and pure person. I may not know much about being cool but I do know that hating on a group of people is certainly not cool.

  2. My dad cussed a lot and I learned quickly not to repeat anything that daddy said. So my first cuss word was repeating my mom. XD


    Kids are never REALLY innocent. Sure they are way more innocent than the people who raise them, but still. They will still grow up to be either real shitheads, or those few people who actually are good people.


    If television has taught my anything over the years it is that most people are in fact good people. There are a lot of awful people in the world but they are vastly out numbered by the good and even the great. The bad people just make more noise so we notice them more.
  3. I honestly think no one should watch Jersey Shore, I mean who wants to watch other peoples lives when you can live your own, just saying.


    Do we not all watch a show about the lives of six ponies? I for one enjoy watching televion over doing actual things.

    Sorry for not clarifying I am talking about the kids who's lives revolve around TV when some kids should just pick up a hobby, but than again you hold a valid point using everything I love against me SHAME ON YOU! ^_^


    But I am those kids whose lives relolve around TV. Thay are me. We are one.
  4. I honestly think no one should watch Jersey Shore, I mean who wants to watch other peoples lives when you can live your own, just saying.


    Do we not all watch a show about the lives of six ponies? I for one enjoy watching televion over doing actual things.
    • Brohoof 1
  5. I never said lie to them I just said that we shouldn't tell them. Like I said Childrens mentality rates differ depending on the child. I understand what your saying about the rating system and how it really doesn't matter (I actually somewhat agree with you), but in all honesty I don't agree with what you said in your 1st paragraph and closing sentence. Saw is a very graphic film as you know. I don't think they should even know what SAW is. It's one of those things were they just shouldnt. It's a proven fact that the brain absorbs more information between the ages of 2-10. That information can leave an impression on the child. Innocence is important to me because sometimes, it's all the kid has. YOur basically telling kids that they can't use their imagination. I need to ask you a question... Why should they be shown murders, sex, and profanity?


    I don't think Bronium wants people to forcefully show their kids murder and pornography. In fact I'm pretty sure showing a kid pornography will land you in jail. If I had a kid that wanted to watch Saw I'd let them watch it. I mean exactly how much of my kids innocence is going to be destroyed by Saw. They're not going to watch it, realize murder is a thing, get depressed and go on a bender. At most my kidd will realize clown dolls are scary and if your leg is trapped saw it off. That's not a loss of innocence, that's handy survival skills. Basically if you don't want your kid to watch Saw then don't let them watch Saw. But it's your fault if your kid's leg gets trapped and they decide the best person to ask for help is the guy with the creepy clown doll.
  6. Not to be mean or anything but has anyone ever tried whopping his ass? Cause the way i was brought up that would have earned an ass whopping and quick. But i will say this. You got more guts for being able to say it and recognize that there is a problem. And if this is your bio-mother she could learn a lesson from you. But all you can do(if your religious) is pray that they come to their senses one day.


    I am 80% sure ass whopping a four year old is considered child abouse. And that is generally frowned upon.
  7. Where did you get this information? http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

    Firstly tulpa act the way they are made, they will only be violent if you made them that way.

    Secondly I don't think there is a self-destruct code for tulpa, besides why would you make a tulpa only to kill it? (It's also rather mean don't you think?)

    Lastly a tulpa is just a thought you conjure up. Thoughts have no tangible aspect and cannot hurt you physically. The tulpa also cannot posses you so it cannot make you hurt yourself. Also if you die the tulpa dies with you, what does it gain from killing you? It's own death. So why would it do that?


    You can create the tulpa with a sort of code word that you can use to kill the tulpa if you wanted/needed to.
  8. Just FYI tulpas are highly unstable and violent. I sincerely hope that those on this thread that made one made it with self-destruct code. Because they will try to kill you.

    Your name sure fits that post, considering that's a witty reference to a creepypasta.


    If you were actually serious, I'd suggest applying common sense. Your thoughts can't physically hurt you.


    Tulpas have access to your subconscious. If you aren't careful and you upset your Tulpa too much it can make you do things. Creating a tulpa is hard work and although you may make it to be kind and gentle they can in some circumstances change. I think a loose but extremely popular portrayal of a dangerous tulpa would be Tyler Durden from Fight Club.
  9. Well..... about my xbox, funny story


    "I wanna break the xbox josh."

    "Is it a bad xbox David?"

    "It's a bad xbox josh"

    "Did xbox hurt David?"

    "Xbox did not hurt David."

    "Well good then there is no need to breakit then."


    I am 80% sure that conversation is from a Supernatural the Animated Series parody. Excellent taste in shows if it is.
    • Brohoof 1
  10. My friend has been in another state since summer began so I'm just really happy she's coming back. Also a friend who I thought was going to be moving far upstate for college has decided to instead attend the college closest to home so he can stay here. I and all but one of my small group of close friends (the friend that is coming home soon) are going to the same college. So I'm pretty happy right now. I spent most of the summer dealing with a few of my friends almost getting kicked out of their houses, one tried to run away, and I spent a lot of time worrying about a road test I ended up failing. I did however get to go to a few pool parties and one going away party that turned into a 'My friends a dirty liar but we're all glad he's staying' party. So now things are good and I'm looking forward to college.

  11. I actually just watched a few episodes just before I got on the forums. I watched a few episodes a few months ago when it was too early in the morning to find anything good on tv. I watched maybe 4 episodes before falling asleep. I completely forgot about it until I went to the store today and saw they were selling the first season. Now I've just been watching it for the past few hours.

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