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Flying Whales

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Everything posted by Flying Whales

  1. Been playing some Beyonetta 2, League of Legends and Child of Light woop woop!
  2. There were definitely some cult aspects but there was no religious worship, still kinda creepy though
  3. I was once taught by the elder sages of Oreos the best way to eat them is to stick a fork in them, dip them in milk, wait until nice and soggy and ensue to enjoy life. Haha can't eat them any other way.
  4. You and I both brotha I've also wanted to get into archery for so long now but can't find anywhere to rent gear, sadness
  5. Yeah, I thought the same thing too when I heard AJ's voice but I didn't really think anything of it. Also couldn't believe they tried to brainwash the girls by keeping them captive, as well as expressed some socialistic ideas. So much for a kids show
  6. From my experince from what I've heard from friends it is mainly clop. And I'm not saying this as a bad thing but from what I've experienced Bronies are treated like furries.
  7. Right now I'm drunk as hell so feeling A okay, and if you guys aren't feeling quite as well I'd love to talk to you and maybe change the mood
  8. So personally, with my friends I've come across a few things I love that I guess most people don't that being Angels and Airwaves, MLP, and Taylor Swift just to name a few I was wondering what you guys out there liked that most people considered to be terrible, that you like anyway?
  9. Oh god I forgot all about this, why?! Why would anyone do this to me????
  10. Sure as heck can, taught myself too ;D
  11. A good frined of mine needs a lot of help with a Minecraft server he just started and I thought I'd love for the people of this forum to be on our little server we have running. He needs a builder if any of you are interested. The server address will be listed below, if you are interested when you come on the server just tell those online you were sent there by Whales from the MLP Forums. You will be given creative to build, also if you are interested in our sever you will be rewarded with diamonds, rank, and the in-game currency. We would be most greatful if any of you would stop by and help us out. Server address: UltimaCraft.minecraftserver.net
  12. As of the 13th of next month I'll be moving to the San Diego area, I wanted to ask if there was anyone on this forum that is looking for a roommate in the San Diego area. Would be pretty epic.
  13. I really prefer CDs, but that is mostly because I have a 5 disk CD player with a nice sound system in my room. I've also lost all my music before when I had an HD crash on me, before then I used to download all my music, and since then I've just went ahead and bought the CDs, I never want to lose a huge library of music like that again. Such a pain.
  14. I'd love to join! But I main top I'm also Bronze IV, but my MMR is a lot higher than Bronze IV because I get 22/25 point games. If you'd be down to duo then I'd surely be up for that, and good luck with your team.
  15. Personally, I wouldn't want Rarity having a boyfriend, it just does not seem necessary. Also I have a soft spot in my heart for Rarity so I wouldn't want to see her with anyone else. Haha No one is good enough for Rarity!!
  16. Hmm interesting question, I think before the show, I was a bit more self-conscious, I think that comes with age as well, but this show and the community has really helped me grow as a person. I don't have to justify things to myself anymore. If I like something that is the end of it, I don't feel bad or weird about liking something and being who I am anymore, so that is really awesome.
  17. I am so ready to get flammed for this one xD You know what though? This song has such a great bass line and I'm ready to give credit where credit is due.... Even if it is Justin. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ys7-6_t7OEQ
  18. Honestly, I think we are just people of our time. When I say that I mean gender stereotypes aren't quite what they used to be in this day and age, I don't think we are so far ahead of the curve as you think we are. While I think the Bronies are good for society I don't think we are groundbreaking. People in general are becoming more and more tolerant. I do however think we stick out. A lot of us are grown men, in their 20s watching a show who's demographic is young girls. I think in the eyes of others we are challenging the stereotypes in a bit more of an extreme way. I mean just before us not too long ago there were the "Emo" and "Scene" kids for example. I remember those guys wore eyeliner and straightend their hair and the whole nine yards, so while there have been some before us I don't think it has been A: to this magnitude, and B: Something so positive. While there is nothing wrong with the afore mentioned emo and scene kids what they stood for and what they did was not nececarily positive, Bronies on the other hand, I would consider a positive thing. I our little motto we have is "love and tolerate". What could be wrong with that?
  19. Yeah, it's a natural thing. I was quite active on these forums for some time. But lately I've been doing other things. I have class, I like to play Minecraft, League of Legends, Magic, I watch anime from time to time. With all of that said I haven't been as involved with Ponies as I was previously. I still love the forums, the show and the fandom though. I really wouldn't stress it. Sometimes you just need a break, and sometimes you just grow out of things which is totally fine. Either way, I wouldn't worry about it.
  20. I think there was a thread about what if Derpy ever left the show, or something along those lines. Then I thought I really wouldn't care too much, as she is only a background pony, but now that it appears Derpy is gone for good I am a little sad about it, she was always a fun easter egg to look out for each and every episode. I kind of miss that.
  21. Of course, and I'd go as far as to say that this should apply to everyone, not just MLP fans. Who cares what people outside think? Have some confidence in yourself and brush off all the flame.
  22. That's complete bs man. If you were that distrought over it; then like Photo Finish said up there, get them online, but if I were you I'd just ignore them. That's crap man and pretty unprofessional of the store clerks. Keep your head up and don't let those who don't understand impead you of being yourself. If I were you I'd actually continue to buy pony merchandise from that Toys 'R' Us and try my best to make that clerk feel uncomfortable. Like if he was snickering at you I'd say something along the lines of "oh, is there something funny here?" and just be real conforntational about it, but that's just me. I can get kind of spiteful.
  23. I tend to be blunt, personally, I feel like I owe it to people. If something is worth being honest about then freaking tell me about it. I feel as though I should then do the same for others. If you need to hear something, or there is something important you need to know I'm going to tell you and I'm going to tell you exactly how it is becuase to me, it seems like the polite thing to do and I'd hope people would do the same for me.
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