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Posts posted by BlimpAtomic

  1. Oh.... I accepted that, sorry for not remembering. :( I'm so forgetful.....

    Been a while since I checked my friends list and such to manage it. :(


    Lol. It's fine. Just letting you know. And by the way, I just played a game with the Shaco build you suggested. Got 13/10/20. Not impressive, but better than my other attempts. Thanks!


    Nice I shall follow you guys and root for you! :)


    Man, does anyone else play Nocturne? I just purchased him and have been playing him, he seems extremely difficult to me. My usual champ of choice is Kayle and he seems worlds away from her.


    I do play Nocturne. Hopefully you're not trying to play him as an AP based attacker. But I'll assume you don't. The first ability you should max is Duskbringer. It's basically Nocturne's most needed ability. Max Shroud of Darkness second, due to the attack speed passive as well as basic defense. Level Duskbringer whenever possible, and if not possible, level Shroud of Darkness. In terms of items, start with Doran's Blade or Doran's Shield (either one works, pick based on your team). Next, pick up Berseker's Greaves. Then work towards Infinity Edge. After that, earn enough gold to buy Phantom Dancer, and you can sell your Greaves, considering Phantom Dancer takes the place of it in attack speed and movement speed. Then get a Black Cleaver, and if it's a long game, you'll want to get another set of these. So that means 2 Phantom Dancers, 2 Black Cleavers, and 2 Infinity Edges. This gives you a 2.0+ attack speed and the damage and criticals to make it worthwhile, as well as the armor reduction from Black Cleaver (on-hit effect).While this may seem to lack defense entirely, you'll be able to take down nearly any champion on the field, so their attacks won't matter. Umbra Blades keeps you healthy (but don't count on it for an insane amount of health), and due to your attack speed, it'll keep regenerating since every time you attack, Umbra Blades cool-down is reduced by 1 second. In fact, with a few health potions, you may be able to solo Baron. No lie, it's possible.
    • Brohoof 2
  2. You play on NA?

    You should add me! My summoner name is 'Lord Twi', we should play sometime. ^_^

    Unfortunately my champion roster is quite small in the NA server.


    That's funny. Because I'm the same guy you've said that to before. Lol. I'm still BlimpAtomic on NA. And I believe I've sent a request XD.
  3. Hecarim is amazingly fun to use. ^_^

    IMHO he is decent, but not that strong. Easily countered by slows. (Nasus, I hate you.)



    Personally I get Infinity Edge, Mercury's Treads or Boots of Mobility (Depends on are you lane or jungle.), Blood thirster, Frozen Mallet (For the CC and tankieness), Madread's Bloodrazors, and Black Cleaver. (No specific order.)


    Makes sense. I suppose that could work. I suppose I put too much effort into AD. But this could definately work. I'll try it! Thanks again!
  4. Try to end the game ASAP with Shaco, don't let it continue on, if you can end it. If you're AD get Infinity Edge to boost your Q damage.


    I've tried that. I paired with Phantom Dancer for maximum damage output and a Black Cleaver for a bit of an edge in terms of armor penetration and more flat damage in general. Unfortunately, by the time I actually acquire enough gold for all of this, it's already late game. It'd be a lot easier if Shaco had some sort of an area of effect ability. So I'll play one more game with him, and if I can manage to do well, I'll stick with Shaco for a little bit. If not, then Kha'Zix and Nocturne it is.
  5. And with the update in 1 hour my Rengar days are over.

    One of my most epic comebacks. Thanks Jayce for the epic baron steal.

    We were losing bad. Xin Zhao quit at the start, I actually lost my lane to the duo Olaf and Darius top. (They had a BS of 40 MR at the start of the game. :P)



    Olaf: Baroning.

    Jayce has slain Baron Nashor.

    Rengar: Thanks for the warning.

    Darius: Doesn't matter you guys still lose.

    *Next clash, everyone dies except Teemo.*

    Darius: Gg? We still have two towers in mid.

    *Ap Rengar with lichbane hits tower for 1700 while Jayce tanks.*

    *Wins game.*



    Here's the replay. (Need LoL replay to view.)




    Shaco needs deception and trickery to play, also if you are jungle you have to gank a lot. (Shaco is good at this)

    Shaco is good early to mid game, but falls off late game.


    K. Now I know that I cannot use Shaco. I've done somewhat well with him, picking up a triple kill and and an ace mid game, but I fell apart late game. Thanks for the advice!
    • Brohoof 1
  6. I just recently got Shaco. To be fair, no champion is bad or good. It's all about how you play them. I've been trying to say that about Shaco. I'd like to play him with an AD build, but it takes way too long to get everything I'd need. I'd choose AP, but it isn't as good. Any suggestions?

  7. Hehehe no worries about winning and all. And Starbolt is famous?? *Confused.....*

    Well after I finish this LoL download I'll look forward to playing with you! :D


    Thanks! I appreciate your lenience and yes, you're famous, at least in my opinion. I've seen you everywhere, so, yeah :P but I definitely look forward to the eventual match (I have to make sure I plan my games right, or I run out of time)!


    You mind adding me to the mix? :P I sent a "Lord Twi" a friend request in LoL, and my summoner name is "Electrobolt3" so yeah :P Although I am a rather newbish player, I do hold my own sorta, especially as Sion, love him now xP


    You are most certainly welcome! The more the merrier, and it would be cool! You might want to wait for Starbolt's input, but by me, you're always welcome.
  8. ^_^ Dem turrets.

    IMHO Heimerdinger is an underrated champion. He is quite decent, his passive is amazing, he is amazing in poke wars and defending turrets. My only dislike about him is that his team fighting power isn't that high compared to other AP carries, like Fiddlesticks, Annie or Karthus.

    You play in NA? I would like to play with you sometime feel free to add me, summoner name is Lord Twi.


    Why yes, I do play NA, and it would be a tremendous honor to fight with or against the famous Starbolt. My name is BlimpAtomic in-game, but I must warn you, I'm only level 13, so don't expect too much :lol:
    • Brohoof 1
  9. Heimerdinger. Where do I start with Heimerdinger? Over - powered? Maybe, but he is fun to play as! There is no joy like leading a fighter into you're turret trap and stunning them with a concussion grenade when they try and run. While he's not a pusher, to me, he is the essential character every team needs, the organizer and mechanic, who regens turrets and champions alike while making relative safe havens for your allies and eternal pits of suffering for the enemy. Heimerdinger. Ok, yeah, he's over powered.

  10. If Hasbro ever put AJ as a background pony, I would drop-kick a bitch. She just needs some more love in Season 3. The BEST type of love they can give her is give her an entire episode BUT no Derpy or anything like that AND she gets her own song :wub: x200.


    Agreed. Sometimes Derpy just ruins everything. I mean, everyone just remembered Derpy in The Last Roundup. That really kind of ruined it.
    • Brohoof 2
  11. None of us want her to be replaced as a solution to this problem.

    They just need to work on her more and give her better roles. They don't seem to realize that, though. -_-


    I don't mean to say that someone else should. All I'm saying is that AJ is so underdeveloped that she may as well be background pony.
  12. AJ also has a workaholic side of her and her relationship to her siblings can be interesting. We also know that she once lived in Manehattan.

    By the way, I think Fluttershy has the cheapest character development. She overcomes her fears...just to be as shy as before in the next episode.


    While true, I believe we only see this workaholic side once, in Applebuck Season. After that, AJ is just as bland as any other pony. Fluttershy also has pitiful character development, but some of the audience can relate to her easily. Her relationship to her siblings is special at times, yes, but Rarity also has a little sister and what not, so I feel as though it's nothing special. In short, AJ has poor development, and may as well be a background pony. We'll find someone else who can take on the Element of Harmony: Honesty (which we only see once in the whole series in the second episode).
  13. I really do appreciate Applejack as a character. Unfortunately, she gets no love simply because while everyone has their own personalities (Rainbow Dash = Arrogant/Cool Rarity = Fancy and what have you Pinkie=Random and Fun Fluttershy = Shy Twillight = Studious, Responsible, and a bit psycho), Applejack is left as a hard-working character who really only serves a point in certain episodes, and even then AJ shows not a bit of true personality. Screw it, Luna, whom we see less of than AJ, has more character development. Sorry, but it's always been this way, and is unlikely to change.

  14. I don't know if she is, but I'll tell you this. I'm a fan of the underrated characters. For example, Applejack and Twilight. Everyone is into Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow. I won't go as far to say Fluttershy is overrated, but I will say that that particular deserves less attention.

  15. I don't have any spiritual beliefs. Won't change. I even have a hard time hearing that I was baptized, a decision which has been taken against my will to please other members of my family.


    I won't go into this matter any further, as I do not wish to offend.


    Don't worry. I think being controlled against your will is wrong, and I'm a Baptist. I've been baptized, but I'm not offended. Good day! :lol:
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