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Spring Storm

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Everything posted by Spring Storm

  1. So they found a lot of cancer in my eyebrow, even after having two surgeries to remove skin. I think my surgeon may have mentioned a cream I could use instead of chemo, though, so getting rid of the cancer might not be that bad. But, we'll see. Still need to meet with an Oncologist.

    1. Wingnut


      Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that. :( Hope you can get rid of it...cancer is no joke.



    2. Unpredictable Ranger

      Unpredictable Ranger

      Had chemo, but I think it's takes a toll on me. How did you cope anyway, Spring Storm?

  2. Got the pathology report from my eyebrow cysts back, and they found a mild form of skin cancer. Having more surgery in a few days.

    1. tdtuesday1


      Good luck to you. I hope the surgery goes well. Keep us updated!

    2. Spring Storm

      Spring Storm

      Thanks! I'll post another update.

  3. I like a lot of things that others might find odd, from My Little Pony all the way to my interest in women and lack of interest in men (tons of homophobes out there), but I'm not really embarrassed by any of my interests and will proudly share and support them.
  4. I know a lot of bisexual girls, don't know if I know any bi guys (loads of gay ones, but bi seems to be rare among the guys I know for some reason). All the bisexual women I know are either single or in opposite-sex relationships, though. However, I am a lesbian and my girlfriend is pansexual, so you can add her to the "bisexuals who would have a same-sex relationship" list
  5. Some of you are failing hard at this. "The Great Muffin Caper - Spike has to help Pinkie Pie track down the walleyed pony who's been stealing all her muffins." Who WOULDN'T want to see this episode? Even if you hate Spike and Pinkie, it'd be worth it for the Derpy. "Let Me Stand Next to Your Dragonfire - Spike accidentally sends Twilight's private diary to Princess Celestia, and has to go to Canterlot to get it back before the Princess reads it." Not a fan of the title, but this is kind of an intriguing concept that could make for an interesting episode. "Blackscale the Pirate - A band of dragon pirates take Spike hostage" Dragon pirates? Do I even need to say how AWESOME that is? "Too Long, Too Cold - Rarity and Vinyl Scratch are stranded together during a snowstorm." A Rarity and Vinyl episode? BUCK YES! You guys seriously need to step up your game and make all the episodes actually sound bad. I guess I better show everypony how to do this right: Episode 1: Pandora's OCs Part 1 - The mane six go on a journey to find the legendary Pandora's Box, and halfway through the episode, they find it and open it. Equestria is flooded with OC's as a result. Deer horns, snake eyes, Homestuck hair, bat wings, exotic markings not seen before in the show, and eye-bleedingly horrible color schemes all become the norm as the mane six feel short due to the average height of ponies tripling. Episode 2: Pandora's OCs Part 2 - Celestia and Luna are overthrown by a much more powerful Alicorn, who is then overthrown by an even more powerful Alicorn, and on and on. Chaos ensues throughout all of Equestria, as only a small number of these ponies are actually normal, not insanely powerful or hideous ponies. Both the Elements of Harmony and Cadence's love fail to stop these horrific monsters. Episode 3: Pony Rewind: Bloodhooves the Death Master casts a spell on every non-OC pony in the show that begins to age them backwards. As the near the baby stage, they notice that they aren't changing into normal gen 4 babies. Their heads are bigger, their limbs slightly longer, and their eyes are much bigger. At the end of the episode, gen 3.5 Scootaloo wakes up from her dream, and tells her friends all about how "Friendship was magic". Episode 4: Two For Tea: Pinkie Pie and Toola Roola have a tea party. Despite being capable of having a fully-functional tea party, they must still wear diapers because BABIES. Episode 5: Portrait of a Pony: Toola Roola paints Sweetie Belle's portrait. Episode 6: Gotta Go Fast: Rainbow Dash wants ice cream, but the refrigerator is all the way downstairs and on the other side of the house. She crawls as fast as she can to get it, finally obtaining and eating it at the end of the episode. Episode 7: Shake Yo Twist Thing: G3.5-ified Twist shakes her booty for 22 minutes. Episode 8: Scootaloo's Toy Train: Scootaloo receives in a package in the mail. It's a toy train. She proceeds to play with it. Episode 9: Rainbow Dash's Fashion Show: Rainbow Dash designs outfits for everypony, helping them all learn to dress in style. Episode 10: Starsong's Musical: Starsong performs a musical with her pony friends. (Note that Daniel Ingram is no longer the show's songwriter, as all of the DHX staff were replaced by the gen 3 staff as of episode 4) Episode 11: Cheerilee's Story Time: Cheerilee reads to her little sister, Scootaloo. Episode 12: Griffon the Brush-Off: It turns out Gilda was actually real, and she shows up in Ponyville. The events that follow are very similar to the Season 1 episode, with some changes: - Things are altered to fit G3.5. - At Pinkie's ending party, we see her leave shortly after Gilda does. The episode then focuses on the rest of the party-goers for a little while, and then Pinkie returns. Everypony is oblivious to the fact that she left. Episode 13: Diaper Problems: Sweetie Belle is out of diapers, and goes to Cheerilee's diaper shop to get more. Episode 14: Cupcakes Part 1: This episode plays out exactly like the fanfic does, only with G3.5 ponies. This time, nothing is altered to fit G3.5. Episode 15: Cupcakes Part 2: Continuation of the Cupcakes story. However, at the end, there is a brief fade to black, then we see an autistic 5-year-old staring at the G4 and G3.5 ponies he holds in his hands.
  6. I could see Flim and Flam returning if the ponies do more traveling in season 4. My idea is to have a carnival episode, and Flim and Flam have a stand where they swindle ponies. Obviously, wherever Flim and Flam are encountered won't be Ponyville, hence the need for travel if we see them again.
  7. When I first saw screenshots of her demon form, I was like, "HOLY CRAP, THIS IS BADASS!" In retrospect, it's not really all that XD But I still think it's quite a risk to take to put a demon like that in a little girls' movie, and helps make EQG less of a stereotypical high school movie and more of an adventure.
  8. I think relationship exploration could work well in season 4 if it was done right. A one-episode thing is probably the best way to go, where a character has a crush on somepony, then they lose interest by the end of the episode for some reason or another. Any Sparity stuff likely won't result in the two getting together, as that would kinda be the equivalent of an 18 year old dating an 8 year old. It will most likely be some touching moments between the two with Spike swooning over Rarity, much like we saw in "Secret of my Excess". If they do explore a full relationship, they're swimming into sticky waters, with both the fandom and parents. The fandom won't like anypony from the mane 6 being shipped with somepony (much like how the majority aren't fond of Flashlight), and parents may be opposed to making it seem like the girls need boys, or might find it provocative (I know it isn't, but it's the over-protective dummies I'm talking about; the few parents who have to complain about anything and everything). The writers would really have to be smart to successfully pull something like this off, and hopefully they will be. They are fantastic, and very smart about most things, but there's still the possibility of another "Mysterious Mare Do Well"-esque train wreck.
  9. Two sweet kitties sleeping on the couch with me <3

    1. Wingnut


      Lucky you! It's very rare for me to have more than one cat sleeping with me at a time.

    2. Spring Storm
  10. I'm sure little boys watch MLP. They're probably the rarest demographic who watch the show, with adult men and little girls the most common demographic, but I could totally see young boys getting into the show
  11. I like to think about how it would be if I lived in Equestria and the epic adventures I would go on. Sometimes, though, if I'm suuuper tired, I'll hallucinate voices. I'll just hear a completely random conversation that usually only lasts a few seconds (probably because I'm not awake for much longer than that when I'm tired enough to hallucinate). One time, I had taken a high-strength sleeping pill, and procrastinated on getting to sleep. I got to a point where I was at probably my most extreme tiredness ever, and was about to finally go to bed, when I needed to go to the bathroom. When I was in there, I hallucinated that the towel and the doorknob were talking to me. I wonder if this ever happens to anyone else, because this is the only way in which I hallucinate.
  12. Every time my tail twitches, a kitten is snuggled! 8D I love kittens! Oh butt, I still have 30 characters left. Meow, meow, purr, meow.
  13. I've had loads of good candidates for this: being stung by a giant wasp (I am afraid of wasps), the guy who abused me when I dated him showing up and killing my family, being stalked by Slender Man in a house we just moved into, demon shape-shifters coming in through the kitty door and being creepy, being chased by creepy things all throughout the house and my girlfriend's face becoming something horrifying, a little dog/lizard hybrid that could kill people in one bite, creepy stuff relating to the Energizer Bunny... But I think the thing that takes the cake is all the nightmares I've had of being on a roller coaster, driving down slopes really fast in a car, and even one where the house I was in shook and turned, and even went completely upside down. See, I've always been afraid of falling. Always hated the rush of air around you and just the feeling in general. But before these nightmares came along, I could handle rides with drops. I was too chicken to go on major roller coasters, but I could handle the drop at the end of Jurassic Park: the Ride, for example. I would get scared, but I was alright bracing myself. And then I had these nightmares, where the feeling of falling was extremely real. I was essentially getting tortured in my sleep, and I kept having them for months and months. Now even a simple Ferris Wheel or an elevator is enough to scare me if the drop is harsh enough, and I sure as heck won't ever be going on any roller coasters.
  14. I highly doubt that a place that was dreamed up by the creators of a cartoon exists outside of said cartoon, but I guess anything is within the realm of possibility. I wish Equestria was real too
  15. I too find "Helping Twilight Win the Crown" to be the best song in EQG. The others were just alright - not bad, but the fact that they aren't staying in my head means they weren't great either.
  16. I like Fluttershy, Cadence, and Scootaloo best. Fluttershy just looks even more beautiful, Cadence's natural cuteness is exemplified, and Scootaloo looks extra spunky
  17. Well Mr. Cake said wings and horns are hereditary, as he has a family member who was a Unicorn and Mrs. Cake has a family member who was a Pegasus. My headcanon on wings and horns is that there's greater likelihood of them being passed down if the parents have them, but still a chance if a family member has/had them, so the Cake twins are a slightly rare occurrence. But that's getting a little off-topic, so we should try to get back to the original topic.
  18. I think the ending to the movie allows it to go either way - they could indeed make a show, or they could leave the movie as a stand-alone. Personally, I would enjoy seeing an Equestria Girls show, but there are some things I would worry about: I wouldn't want it taking time and resources away from FiM, and I wouldn't want it to cause seasons of FiM to be postponed even further. When season 3 ended, I thought, "It's mid-February, we might see Season 4 as early as August!" and boyyy was I in for an unfortunate surprise when it was announced that Season 4 won't air until winter. And I do wonder if EQG is partially responsible for the long drought. I would also worry that the quality of FiM might go downhill with the staff working on two shows. But, perfect-world scenario: We'd wait about 6 months between seasons of FiM, and get EQG in between. It would give us something new to look forward to while we waited for more pony, and I think there's a lot that could be explored in the human universe. And both EQG and FiM would continue to be amazing. Hey, a brony can dream...
  19. I would love to see EQG get made into a series! There's loads of potential for stories, and since human Pinkie mentioned Twilight having a twin, it removes the necessity of having pony Twilight enter the human universe. Maybe the first episode of EQG could be "The Search for Twilight", where they find her "twin". I think the best thing about a potential EQG series is that it would hopefully air during the long gap between MLP seasons, giving us something new to look forward to while we wait for MLP. It would make it seem as if the next season of MLP arrived twice as fast
  20. You're wrong! The ponies do have genitals! They completely melt into the pony's skin when he/she doesn't need them, only being visible during reproduction and when they use the bathroom! They are completely invisible at all other times!
  21. I'd say they're around 8-10. EQG is set in an alternate universe, where the CMC's counterparts can be a little older, like around 14 or so. But I think the CMC from the pony universe are a bit younger.
  22. My girlfriend and I finally watched it on YouTube, not really wanting to wait till the 13th to see it in theaters It was really good! Not quite great - could have used a little extra length to develop Flash a bit more and slow the pacing a tiny bit - but it came really close to being great! It was like an extra-long, really good episode of MLP. 9/10 would definitely recommend!
  23. I like their names. I wonder if perhaps the people who work on the books don't pay attention to fanon. Or perhaps, they thought using the Pac-Man names could result in potential legal issues, so they just didn't use them. Even so, I question the canon-ness of the books. The Crystal Heart Spell brought Gilda back out of nowhere, with no explanation as to why Rainbow would even want to talk to her in the first place, and put Trixie back into an antagonist role that seemed unfitting after her redemption in Magic Duel. So I'm really torn as to whether I should consider the books canon or not. Either way, their names are cute, and I like them. Noteable is how Pinkie's mom, dad, and sisters have different last names. This fits with my headcanon that names work differently in the pony universe.
  24. Colgate. I don't know why I like her more, I just do XD Though I LOVE Carrot Top, too. I guess I just like blues a little bit more than yellow and orange.
  25. I was abused by my ex when he and I dated, so I would definitely avoid dating him at the very least. I might not even date men at all, now that I know I'm only happy with women. Shoot, I could avoid dating all together until 2011, when I would meet my soulmate <3 And now for an embarrassing story: I had mental problems out the wazoo in high school. I was reeeeally OCD about my eyebrows. I'd pluck them, then if I'd plucked too much, I would use pencil over them. Well the penciling became too much of a habit, and I messed up my right eyebrow. The hair won't grow on about half of it, and it eventually developed into a lot of hard lumps under the skin. The doctor said they were likely the result of sweat built up in a way it shouldn't have been, and that the lumps were likely benign cysts. I just had the lumps removed yesterday, and the healing process isn't really what I would call fun. So if I could go back in time, I wouldn't mess my eyebrow up in the first place. I also messed up senior year. I could have had great grades all through high school, but the medications I got on for depression and ADD just made my problems worse. It doesn't super matter, because we don't have the money for me to go to a prestigious college anyway, but I still would have done better senior year of high school, because I can But other than those things, there isn't really much else I would change. I live with my mom who is the most wonderful person ever, who accepts both my lesbianism and my pony obsession. I have the best girlfriend ever, who liked ponies long before I met her. So yeah, everything is very wonderful, but I'd still make those changes if I could.
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