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Little Miss Fluttershy

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Everything posted by Little Miss Fluttershy

  1. Thanks for all the birthday wishes my ponies! Good thing I always check in once in a while! :)

  2. Fuck you coworker. You lied to me.

  3. Hi :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Little Miss Fluttershy

      Little Miss Fluttershy

      Doing good kinda bored :x

    3. NinjaPomeranian


      is ok,kinda bored too

    4. Little Miss Fluttershy

      Little Miss Fluttershy

      I thought my xbox was my only hope of being entertained but no success :(

  4. Hi :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Little Miss Fluttershy

      Little Miss Fluttershy

      I'm doing great as well thanks for asking! :)

    3. kelseymarie805


      That's great! So, what's up?

    4. Little Miss Fluttershy

      Little Miss Fluttershy

      Not much just playing some xbox and talking to you :) What are you up to?

  5. Thanx to all da birthday wishes! Me love you all long time! (;

  6. So I played the last of us DLC the other day and I stumbled upon this cutscene involving Ellie and Riley kissing in a romantic way. I thought it was pretty cute and many people have been discussing this particular scene out of the entire dlc. It sucks that the dlc was pretty short but I still enjoyed it fully including this scene. At first I was just repeating "What the f%^&, what the f%^&?" But after a while I just kept watching it over and over like a real weirdo but somehow every time I watched it, it just got cuter and cuter. I'm glad they decided to show that Ellie loved Riley and that Riley was alright with the kiss because she also loved Ellie. The best of friends can also become lovers if they care about each other enough. Anyway if you haven't played the dlc I suggest you do it's pretty damn good. Anyway just thought I write this on here since I made a really dumb mistake on Facebook involving losing two friends on there.
  7. Dsanders please remove my relationship status with Virulence.
  8. So me and Virulence are dating now. We have been friends on here for about a year now. When we first started talking I was really into her when I saw her picture on here. After a while I found out that she was into me, but complications arose when I saw she had a boyfriend so we remained friends to not ruin her relationship. Eventually about a couple of days ago she decided to be done with him and being with me has made her much happier. Anyway I'm really happy I'm with her and I can't wait to go fly and see her in December. (: Edit: There's alot more story to tell but it's got some personal business I rather not say and I'm also very exhausted from work, so I'm too tired to write it all out ;P
  9. Josh's voice: Aaah lie lie lie! You stupid idiot! Um I think you should go back to playing BF3 24/7 and read a book!
  10. Yet I see you play it all the time. You have broken Battlefield 3's Heart you bastard. (;
  11. I personally was not expecting this when I first started the video. I was like "Oh this is a pretty cool song while pinkie is running around." But after she just plain out punches Twilight's lights out (including her head) it was a little too much for me. I mean sheesh do you have to be that gory to show that Pinkie is psycho? It also sucks that I cannot listen to that awesome song without remembering that video. Grr
  12. Happy birthday Azura! Hope you're having a happy birthday! (:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Little Miss Fluttershy

      Little Miss Fluttershy

      You're very welcome! Hope to talk to you again soon! I miss ya! <33 :D

    3. Azura


      I miss you too, so lets talk now! :3

    4. Little Miss Fluttershy

      Little Miss Fluttershy

      Okey dokey I wrote you back! ;D

  13. Geez could you get anymore beautiful? Lol (:
  14. Depressed. Lonely. Alone. Gonna be like this for a few weeks. FML.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. longgone


      I understand that you don't wanna talk, but if by some chance you ever do, you needn't hesitate to PM me c:

    3. Heretick-Tock


      You should totally message me. I actually can help.

    4. FluttershyForever


      why are you feeling alone? please PM me if you need anything....

  15. Mmmm Subway yummy yummy! (;

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Little Miss Fluttershy

      Little Miss Fluttershy

      I'm sure school has kept you busy 24/7 but that's understandable. :(


      It's just sucks that I can't talk to you while you're in school ):

    3. Azura


      I'm not THAT busy. I've got time to chat every once in a while. :3

    4. Little Miss Fluttershy

      Little Miss Fluttershy

      Well I should message you again to make up for lost time :) Besides I miss you :D

  16. Lol I almost hnng'd when I saw it, but then it looked so tasty to eat x) I wonder if it would still smile after I took a bit out of it
  17. It's like a cute little jumping jello
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