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Final Rainbow

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Everything posted by Final Rainbow

  1. hi conroybumpus, guess the addiction is why we're all here^^ have a great time here /)
  2. That brings me straight to a question i was wondering about since I've watched EQG for the first time. In the Human world was everypony who also lives in Equestria, except Twilight. If they would all come to the human world (I'm referring to the Mane6) there'd be twice of each of them, but where is the human Twilight?? I also gotta say I really enjoyed and like EQG and I'd be super happy if they'd make a sequel to EQG, but i don't think it'd be a good idea to let everypony go to the human world, but thats just my personal opinion
  3. Maybe their reality is the real reality and they're wondering about humans who wear weird colored clothes, drive weird vehicles and sit most of the day in front of a weird thing called tv watching cartoons XDD realism is relative
  4. Yess, i think the same way, my OC also has those hooves but since I'm male i think it's ok. Though i wouldn't like to see all the ponies, especially the female ones, with hooves in the show, so better leave everything as it is
  5. I definitely like English, even though some say it's weird sometimes and i can fully agree with it, but it just sounds cool^^
  6. Definitely not, I've read mine quite frequently when i was a kid but as others have already stated, it's nothing more than generalized things that apply to a lot of people, but as kid i was always happy when something happened what the horoscope predicted, well as kid i also believed in santa claus as probably every kid did. There is a way to predict... no i better call it guess, what might happen to someone in the future if you know the said person very well. I mean nothing like oh in 3 years you'll have an accident or things like that, no, but maybe you know that someone is good at school you can say he'll probably get a good job one day but that has nothing to do with planets or stars and their constellations. Conclusion: I don't believe in such thing as horoscope
  7. 1. its how they all live together, forgiving each other for mistakes, being friends you can rely on. also, i like the style how its drawn and to be honest the ponies really look cute^^ 2. thats hard to explain, when im watching mlp, or being here, it feels like to be in a quite different world, i mean where else can you experience so much kindness and tolerance? its something i really miss sometimes in real life 3. i intend to make my own plushie sometime^^ 4. a friend told me of it, so i gave it a try and here i am^^
  8. oh wait, ive just remembered pinkie pies singing telegram, in which she invited everypony to gummys first birthday, too funny^^ ive listened to it for about 100 times, still like it XD
  9. I like the music/songs too, specially "This Day Aria". i agree that they are well written, any of them makes sense (not like some others that are singing about completely insignificant stuff) and i also hope for more songs in Season 3 and that they are at least as good as the ones in S1&S2^^
  10. lool that'd be a great idea, i had my headphones on while i was watching, and i dont listen quietly, and at the first transition i was like "woooaaah" i almost flung my headphones against the wall XDD
  11. I like it too^^ my personal fav is dio - rainbow in the dark, its an amazing song i havent heard in quite a while^^ the video is pretty cool, guess it was a lot of work, but it was really worth it, thx for sharing it with us /) only the transitions between the clips/songs is a little.. well... weird haha but nonetheless its awesome, keep on making such cool videos /)
  12. in the first place i wouldnt call it insanity, rather a strong imagination youve developed by/for yourself against loneliness. at first i thought this happens rather rarely to people, but as this thread shows, there are quite a lot people affected by those tulpas. in my opinion it was a great idea to start this topic since firstly it might help the one or another to have someone to talk about this, because i guess its not such a usual topic u would speak with irl friends about and secondly it was quite interesting for me to to read and learn about this, because ive never heard about it before. and honestly, as long as you are all fine with it, i dont see any problems with it.
  13. WOW even though its not finished yet, it looks soo amazing, keep up the good work Sheepie, its really worth it, i wish i could make one by myself that looks as good as yours
  14. Hi MarkKB, im not that goon on skates either, i dont do any tricks on a halfpipe or something, just riding on the street. and about photography, ive also started with it as a hobby, and it still is, but here and there i already got some offers to take pics on a wedding, or for a band, that really helps getting experience. well of course i took the offer and surprise... i got money for it^^ too bad that your cam is lost, i just hope it wasnt an expensive one, i would die if mine would brake or get lost, i dont even wanna think of it
  15. I live in Germany, its 18 degrees and cloudy, but at least its not raining... not yet but the weather forecast predicts that its getting warmer next week, so it can only become better haha
  16. im usually riding on weekend, when i have time to take photos, its way easier to carry around all my equipment than with inline skates^^ sure, i got a huge backpack for all my stuff, but its just more convenient to wear it while im riding my bike
  17. Omg im so so sorry coastercrutchfield, i thought cupcake was your name, silly me, it will never happen again thx Pixiesong, i accidentally saw this avatar and i also found it cute^^ but your clapping Fluttershy is also awesome^^ oh and Aerial~Shot, thx to you too^^ i have read My Little Dashie, it was soo sad, so emotional, i really love it too. But i havent read On a Cross and Arrow yet, is it a sad or funny story??
  18. Hi Cupcake, im sorry to hear about your accident, hope you are fine again, i also prefer cycling since i got my bike^^ anyway u r right, RD is awesome, even though i like all 6 ponies, but shes just kind of special^^
  19. You could pin them on the wall or a wardrobe or something so that everyone can see them^^ or you just wear them as they are usually supposed to be used XDD
  20. Hi Sheepie, i'd also like to see your plushies, i bet they look awesome, please post a photo of them on here, you really made me curious^^
  21. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rainbow Dash How did you find MLP Forums?: a friend told me of it, so i thought i check it out and here i am^^ How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I dont know anymore when it was (i guess about half a year ago), but i was chatting with someone and he told me something about mlp and ive watched the first episode. I liked it and watched all episodes. Then i figured out that there are lots of fanfics and ive started reading some. Well thats the way it happened^^ First things first, my name is Chris, im 24 years old and im from germany. My hobbies are playing guitar, taking photos (in a professional way), im doing some sports like cycling, inline skating, martial arts. Well im not good at introducing myself so feel free to ask me if you wanna know something about me, i dont bite XD /)
  22. I'd definately open it up, it looks way better when they stand on a shelf, free, as they are supposed to be^^
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