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Everything posted by SilverNote

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-hjMZaIGrU ~TheDDJBron3 I'm back with more mixes. My original account on Youtube was OfficialTheDDJBron3, it was hacked and terminated. So now I've made a new alternate channel named TheDDJBron3. Anyway, I'm back and I'm still making mixes! My original channel had 400-500 subscribers, but I don't know how I could contact them and tell them about the new channel. Hope you like the mix. I'm an amateur at these.
  2. She was a great Mixer Her best Mix she had ever made was just recently deleted on Youtube because of Copyright Strikes. She hasn't uploaded anything since seven months ago. I started making Mixes about seven months ago, during the start of my seventh grade school year. Ever since then, people thought we were like kind of Rivals, I guess. I think I might as well replace her one day as the best Brony DJ Mixer out there I'm glad I actually did download her best Mix that was deleted. I'm going to re-upload it on my Channel, I just recently got permission from WMG and EMI to be able to use the songs inside that Mix. I hope that one day OfficialDJPON3 will come back and make more Mixes I hate the fact that most of my Subscribers on Youtube were actually once her Subscribers... so uh.. Goodbye OfficialDJPON3, we'll always miss you. (Hope you come back and upload more Mixes!) She was the one who inspired me to create Mixes. I have a slowly rising Youtube Channel. Here's what I could salvage of Smooth Dubstep | Happy V-Day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2bgrsLYhGY Please listen with 720p HD turned on for High Quality Sound, also, it makes the Image Quality slightly more better.
  3. OfficialTheDDJBron3's New Mix Series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlrkUy_p9nY It's really great! Can't wait until Part Two of it comes out! He's just recently reached over the 400 Subscribers mark also!
  4. OfficialTheDDJBron3 is a really cool Brony DJ who creates Mixes. He doesn't really produce music, but his Mixes are great! Most people say it doesn't take much skill to make Mixes, but I think it does o-o
  5. Special talent? Mixing of course! Anyway, I'm hosting a Brony DJ Party! My friend and I are hoping for more Bronies to come and hangout! There's an Online Brony Party! Join Now!: http://plug.dj/theddjbron3-s-club/
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqaTVf1TmnQ If you read the Video Description of this video on Youtube, there's link to watch the full Episode One in Japanese! It's also got Subtitles! The Episode is great!
  7. I'm not really active on this Site. But I do visit every once in awhile.

  8. I heard that they're making My Little Pony: Friendhsip is Magic in Japanese! I'm totally going to watch it when they come out with English Subtitles! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiMnCjVJlRY Can't wait to see what the Mane Six's voices sound like in Japanese!
  9. I've got something to say about that upcoming episode of TwilightSparkle becoming an Alicorn... Well, if Twilight actually became an Alicorn... isn't it Pony Lore that all Alicorns can live longer than One Thousand Years? Well, the average age for a Pony to die is actually 25-30 years old, so Twilight will actually outlive all of her friends, and even Spike maybe? (I don't know how long Dragons live) But yes, the image above kind of show what I think. What do you guys think? I actually think I'd be pretty cool for Twilight to become an Alicorn, the only problem is that won't she be an Alicorn all the way through Season 4 also? I'm kind of stuck whether I agree with Hasbro...
  10. OfficialTheDDJBron3 on Youtube just uploaded a new Mix... I just listened to it and it makes me want to beat Mirrors Edge again 8D Also, that Destiny's Path mix he made for about how Twilight is going to become an Alicorn, was pretty cool too
  11. I'm in a dillema, I'm trying to choose who I think is my favorite Brony DJ Mixer... Apparently, I'm stuck between these two: OfficialDJPON3 or either OfficialTheDDJBron3 They're both Youtubers. OfficialDJPON3 hasn't actually been uploading any Mixes in a long time, but her Mixes are great! But OfficialTheDDJBron3's Mixes are pretty good too! Also, OfficialTheDDJBron3 has been uploading up to 2-3 Mixes a week, but I don't know if I like him just because he uploads a lot of Mixes, or either because his Mixes sound better. Apparently, they've both got a great taste in Electronic Music... but OfficialTheDDJBron3 also has a thing for music with Piano and Orchestral Instruments also, he's got a Mix series call "Vinyl Scratch's And Octavia's Performance!, and it basically shows how much he loves Techno-Acoustic Fusion. SMOOTH DUBSTEP HAPPY V-DAY by OfficialDJPON3 is AWESOME!!! Well, I hope someone on this Site shares his/hers opinion too... I think I'm slowly edging closer to OfficialTheDDJBron3, his Mixes are getting better.
  12. MY MIND!! AAAHH!!! e,e So much painfulness... it's either blah blah blah BLAH or BLAH BLAH blah!!!! My head hurts now... maybe we should stop talking about this subject? ;D
  13. Wish I was in that room... if I were in that room... *Puts the Music Sound at FULL* Aww yeaaaah! *Is Blind* *_* Yeah... my eyes would hurt after being in the room... XD
  14. These Images I just uploaded above, THEY ARE AWESOME! /)^3^/) I hope that if you're reading this, that you'll post more Pictures! :DDDD
  15. Haha, this is an awesome Thread I made. Anyway, I hope more people start uploading Images! I'd like to see some more! I'll be showing some more Images also!
  16. Hello there, fellow Bronies! This is a Topic/Thread/Forum that I am creating! Instructions: Please post Images/Pictures that are related the My Little Pony here! Post the most coolest ones you found, the most cutest images that you find! WARNING!: Please no explicit or vulgar Images/Pictures, you could be Suspended or Banned from the site! NOTE!: You could post some Shipping Images, as long as they're not bad or something. NOTE2!: Posting Images with Swear Words are fine. As long as there isn't too much. I'll start for you guys! So, here's some Images I'd like to share that I found! XD They funny! Well, here's my first Image I wanted to show. Hope this Shipping Image isn't really that bad, nothing vulgar ;D ~Kinkiepie and TwilightSpankle (Ignore the Image Title if you'd like) If my Images don't show up, I'll fix them. But in the meantime, SHOW YOUR COOL IMAGES YOU HAVE FOUND!
  17. The Mane Six are currently still in their Travels though space. They have seen all of the beauties. Far off Galaxies, shimmering and glittering with all of the colours you could ever think of. Astroids fly by, meteorites fly by, in so many sizes. Small, large, gigantic. The Ponies pass by many different planets. Checking each one for any signs of life, for humans. How long will it take for them to find Earth? A Ponyventure - Adventures In Space NOTE!: Please listen with 1080p or 720p HD on with Headphones for High Quality Sound! (And Graphics!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=weaSTrn3uNU ~OfficialTheDDJBron3 (Youtube) As always, leave a Like, add a Favorite, Share with your friends, and also don't forget to Subscribe for more!~ TheDDJBron3 (\d^3^b/)
  18. The Mane Six have prepared their belongings. Princess Luna and Doctor Hooves have prepared the ships that they will be using. Princess Celestia has sent them some more companions, for backup uses, and also as mechanics, or entertainers. Some of those ponies would be Big Mac, the CMC, and also more. They are now starting the Mission to Earth. Slowly starting off, but they'll get it in no time. Princess Luna will keep watch over the Ponies as she can actually BREATHE in Outer Space! Doctor Hooves, will also be in the Mission, for he knows how to control and fly the Ships. He'll be taking Rainbowdash as his Apprentice, so she could also know how to fly mechanical flying mechanisms. A Ponyventure - Setting Off NOTE!: Please listen with 1080p or 720p HD on with Headphones for High Quality Sound! (And Graphics!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lbAAj287JQ ~OfficialTheDDJBron3 (Youtube) As always, leave a Like, add a Favorite, Share with your friends, and also don't forget to Subscribe for more!~ TheDDJBron3 (\d^3^b/)
  19. A call for help from Planet Earth is shot through space with radiated signals, which will travel farther than our rocketships. The signal flew through space, we humans hoped there was, life somewhere out there, that would come and save us of our disaster. There was one thing we did not know, Equestria, was out there. Getting our message, translating it into their Pony Language somehow, they had gotten our message. The Mane Six of Equestria will have set off in an adventure that will last for many days. The Mission to Earth. They do not know the dangers that are out in the Galaxies of no end. But they are prepared, they have faced Discord, Queen Chrysalis, King Somber, and Dragons. They were always prepared. They do not know why they are even helping us. They do not know the challenges they will be facing. A Ponyventure - The Beginning NOTE!: Please listen with 1080p or 720p HD on with Headphones for High Quality Sound! (And Graphics!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9BQFaY2VEc ~OfficialTheDDJBron3 (Youtube) As always, leave a Like, add a Favorite, Share with your friends, and also don't forget to Subscribe for more!~ TheDDJBron3 (\d^3^b/)
  20. NOTE!: Please listen with 1080p or 720p HD on with Headphones for High Quality Sound! (And Graphics!) The Fandom has been going for Three Years! Ever since 2010-2013! We've survived the 4chan wars, we've tolerated the cyberbullies and haters, we've spread the Pony Fever to MANY people! We've created so much Music, Art, and Styles. We'll always be 20% cooler in 10 seconds FLAT! Equestrian Girls: By The Hub and Hasbro Tracklist/Playlist: 1. Luna by TheDDJBron3 (A Recreation in FL Studio 10) 2. I'm Proud To Be A Brony [Fusion Remix] by Christkids (BlackGryph0n) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KBBpzyc9Qo ~OfficialTheDDJBrin3 (Youtube)
  21. Hello there, fellow Bronies! They're at it again! Bringing some of the Best of the Best of Techno-Acoustic Fusion music! Get ready to be hit by wavesounds of epic Electronica mixed in with some Orchestra! This, is Vinyl Scratch's and Octavia's Fourth Collaboration! Take a seat, put on some headphones, and let the time FLY! TheDDJBron3- Vinyl Scratch's and Octavia's Collaboration Performance! Part Four!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9273Pv7apLg ~OfficialTheDDJBron3 (Youtube) As always, leave a Like, add a Favorite, Share with your friends, and also don't forget to Subscribe for more!~ TheDDJBron3 Enjoy! (Yes, I am a Mixer)
  22. You look fine, you don't look emo and you don't even need a haircut... a lot of people have the same hair as you in this world. Just have to tolerate'em.
  23. Hey there, old friend! Yo bro, I listen to your kind of music sometimes. But I'm not really much of a fan. BUT! We Bronies are always here for another, if they need to be cheered up or something!
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