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Evil Lemon

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Posts posted by Evil Lemon

  1. Being a brony is not a fad. The show is not a fad. A fad is something that lasts for a short time then slowly disappears until no one remembers it. Have any of you been paying attention to how large the brony community has grown? It's like an entire different world on the internet.


    Their are so many forms of art, music, games, comics, fan based animations, fanfics for my little pony. It would make no sense if it just died one day.


    I view the my little pony fandom like a brand new sports car that is owned by everyone. Everyone takes care of it and customises it so it can keep running smooth. Now why in the world would you abandon this sports car that you've loved for so many years and let it rust and die?


    sure some people will leave the brony fandom some are probably leaving right now but my little pony will never die unless you want it to. It will only die if you give up.

  2. I play games for the fun of it. That's why no one will ever catch me playing xbox or playstation. I'm sure my xbox is getting dusty somewhere in my room.


    I prefer simple fun games like Mario Kart or Banjo Kazooie. :P


    Halo or Call Of Duty is not for me, too many angry people playing those games. I prefer a good story mode over a mindless point and shoot any day.


    I've also been drifting away from video games. I'm starting to realize how they hold most people back.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I personally love both. Asking a question or being asked a question forces a person's mind to think and explore which in turn knowledge will follow when an answer is found.


    Personally I prefer looking for answers though. It feels amazing to break through the unknown and discover something you once had no knowledge of. Our minds are like computer storage devices but unlike computers we don't have to worry about MB or GB because our minds have unlimited storage capacity. So why not fill your mind with answers? In the end you'll know more than the person next to you who has no idea what's going on.

  4. For me it's very simple. People who rage make me rage. I don't like folks who can't control their fury. People in this world are already trying to deal with problems. People who rage will just make things more difficult for everyone.

  5. despite how badly I agree I don't care how people dress and present themselves. It's just how this world is.


    Those who judge others must be prepared to be judged in return so I do my best not to look at people in a judgmental light even though it's difficult not to. No one is perfect and will never be.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I prefer Mac over anything else because of how smoothly it runs but I mostly use Windows because Macs can't run as many type of programs as Windows and Macs aren't as customizable as PC computers. PC computers tend to freeze a lot and crash though.

  7. I don't like when people use the word hate and don't understand how powerful it actually is.


    I don't like people that are easily freaked out.


    I don't like people who follow the crowd and can't think as an individual.


    I dislike people who can't forgive or people who can't treat others as they'd want to be treated.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Helloooo everyone! As you can tell I'm new here so do you're best to deal with an amateur. I've been a brony for about a year now and haven't turned back since. I'm an artist as well as a writer and music is what keeps me from losing my mind 100%.


    To be honest becoming a brony has saved me from many things. I've become a better person because of the show and fan art of My Little Pony that i've been part of for a year now. My favorite pony is Pinkie Pie but every other pony is awesome too!


    Thanks for reading through my little intro to the site and don't be a stranger now! I can be nice to talk to! :lol:

    • Brohoof 5
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