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Posts posted by TheUltimateAvenger

  1. Fck zod.


    Sunset Shimmer would easily WHUP that mans ass wide open.

    And, plus, She can control the other Kryptons, and cause her army to EXPAND. Causing even more panic.

    So, yeah.

    Sunset wins, no doubt.

     I don't know, they did show some mind warping tech in MOS, and its possible they have some form of defense against mind attacks. Besides, Zod isn't like Supes....he goes for blood.

  2. Story (SPOILERS FOR EQUESTRIA GIRLS AND MOS): In a what if story that may never have passed, Sunset Shimmer was able to successfully defeat the Mane 6 before they were able to use the power of friendship, killing them in the process and eventually using her power to conquer Earth and Equestria with no problem, on another Earth in another time, General Zod has found a way to kill Superman before he can stop his plans to terraform Earth, and has finally made his New Krypton a reality. However a rip in the fabric of space and time has brought both of these powerful earths together. As Sunset Shimmer prepares to attack New Krypton, Zod and his soldiers confront her. Zod begins the assault on Sunset Shimmer and the fighting begins.

    Both have a full understanding of their powers and have trained with them for a period of one year, but no prep time as it is a spur of the moment fight.

    1.) Zod is on his own and has access to no weapons or armor / Sunset Shimmer is on her own and no access to weapons or armor .
    2.) Zod is on his own but has access to all of his on person weapons (Kryptonian Phaser Gun...thing) and armor / Same with Sunset Shimmer
    3.) Zod is backed up by all his men and women and the power of the Phantom Zone Drive / Sunset Shimmer is backed by Demonic Snips and Snails, and her Highschool Zombie Army plus the Element of Magic.

    Who wins?

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Hmm...


    I think in a battle of strength, Superman would win, but in a battle of just powers, Celestia would win. They can both obviously fly. I honestly think Celestia is a better ruler, but Superman is more heroic. Overall, I'd say Celestia.

    Well, as much Magic as Celestia has. I don't know if that puts her 100% on the level of everything Superman has.


    Celestia can fly probably a lot faster than Rainbow Dash (Hyper Sonic), Supermans FTL (Faster than Light)


    Celestia beams can be seen up to a least City Level, Superman can make his Heat Vision PLANET LEVEL.


    Supermans Stronger and possibly Smarter.


    However....Superman has a LOOOOOT of Powers, Celestia has magic than can duplicate all this powers if she needs to (maybe not to the full extent but still) and more.


    Celestia has over 1000 years of experience, Superman has 20.


    Celestia could produce Kryptonite (if she even knew about it) and Red Sunlight (she is the master of the Sun)


    That and... Superman isn't entirely vulnerable to magic... not weak to it, but it can affect him. And Celestia is a master sorceress soooooooo. Yeah its hard to say.


    Personally I think Superman is a better leader and hero, he gets things done without being cryptic to her subjects and sitting on his ass all day, so yeah.

  4. I would say Superman would win, but it depends on "which" one of him you compare. Pre-crisis Superman is OP and no one should be able to defeat him, considering he had any powers the writers could come up with and had only one weakness, kryponite. With risistance to magic unlike future generations, Celestia wouldn't really have any advantage, and Superman with all his infinite powers can papowee her.


    Now if your talking of later, more reasonably Superman generations, Celestia would have way more of a chance of beating him, since he lacks risistance to magic. But Superman is so fast and has so many abilities n' stuff, it would we be quite a challenge.

    Yeah I removed OP the character... um PC Superman from the equation one I realized how OP he is.


    Post-Crisis is FAR more receptive to magic than PC Superman, though he has managed some great defensive feats against magic uses before. So it really matters which is better at attacking. And really, I doubt Celestia doesn't have some sort of spell to make her faster though. And if the Season Finale is anything to go by, "changing destinies is considered enough to become a princess"... Damn.


    Then again... this is the same guy who punched holes so hard into reality that he shattered the fabric of space and time (Post-Crisis) and reworked the time space continuum (Infinite Crisis Superman vs Golden Age Superman). So yeah.

  5. XD yeah. Pre-Crisis Superman's actuaal power is "Getting new powers as the plot demands".


    And given the MLP meaning of plot... the classic trope: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AssPull fits darn well.

    WRONG Pre-Crisis Supermans powers are just if the writers of DC were like "why don't we create the most over the top character of all time, BUT make it out of a well known Superhero because then people who consider it a complete cop out and then see how well it sells"... and surprisingly... it sold a LOTTT

  6. :P


    Here's an anime character that could beat Goku




    Najimi Ajimu, with her 12,858,051,967,633,865 different abilities, which include:


    -Death To Sky: Sky governing skill.

    -Sky Through: Vacuum governing skill.

    -Sun Sloshing: Sun governing skill.

    -Graviton: Gravity governing skill.

    -Spec Over: Become God skill.

    -Tired Play: Become the Devil skill.

    -Manual Memory: Know every answer skill.

    -Humor Contrast: Be stronger than the enemy skill.

    -Time Bunny: Manipulate time skill.

    -Complete Jungle: Control everything skill.

    -I Banish: Erase skill.

    Meh... Pre-Crisis Superman would just invent Anti-Everything except him Vision and defeat her in an instant. And even if she invents the ability to get as powerful as him, he would invent a power to do the same... and endless cycle and endless cycle.

  7. Hear, hear! Someone else who gets it!


    The opening narration uses the term "sealed into the moon", so she was not running around on the surface (as you mentioned) and not physically inside it, either. It was more like her magical essence was trapped there. She didn't have a physical body at the time, she was busy doing a "Man/Rabbit in the Moon" impression. She also seemed to have some sense of the passage of time, since she mentions she was sealed away for 1000 years. Although the details are unclear, so I could be wrong as well.

    I thought only the elements of harmony could seal


    Hear, hear! Someone else who gets it!


    The opening narration uses the term "sealed into the moon", so she was not running around on the surface (as you mentioned) and not physically inside it, either. It was more like her magical essence was trapped there. She didn't have a physical body at the time, she was busy doing a "Man/Rabbit in the Moon" impression. She also seemed to have some sense of the passage of time, since she mentions she was sealed away for 1000 years. Although the details are unclear, so I could be wrong as well.

    I don't know, for one wasn't it only the Elements of Harmony that did that. And even then, Supermans busted Magical Moons before... when pissed and building up speed.


    Mind you, he's gotten stronger since than. So its likely he could survive it.


    Problem is he has to accelerate, and get his body back together. But if he can generate his molecules fast enough, he could bust himself out.


    And transporting him to a MAGIC sun... oh that's a BAAAAAD idea.


    Depends, Pre-rehaul supes or Post-rehaul supes (Edit: Is that what people mean by "Crisis?"). I'm going to assume post, because pre would invent 50 new superpowers every minute then throw his logo at Celestia while turning back time by flying.  


    So we have seen that Celestia can control the sun, Supermans source of power. She also took over for Luna while she was on the moon, so she controls that also. Making it nighttime would certainly help. Supes is vulnerable(Note, I only mean that he is affected, like everything else.) to magic, but Celestia hasn't ever been very helpful. Celestia is no longer in control of the elements, so she couldn't use them. So, I would have to say Superman, but only because he would be overpowered in this universe. He only fits into his own universe.



    He is also vulnerable to magic. Another weakness of Superman is lack of sun, because he is basically a solar battery, and considering Celestia uses magic and controls the sun and moon, she would be able to harm him considerably.

    The reason I say "Post or Pre Crisis" is because of the event, Crisis on Infinite Earths. It was an event that erased the old Megaverse of DC (Yeah it took TRILLIONS of Universes collapsing to end Pre-Crisis Superman... and he still managed to get out until the last issue and last panel) to the new DC Universe (later Multiverse) so Pre-COIE and Post-COIE... but Pre-Crisis and Post-Crisis sounds better.


    And no im not using Super "I can destroy the Multiverse by flying faster than infinity" Man.. im not kidding about that either


    http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/3388/277699-dccp29_05infinity_super.jpg..YEAAAAAAAH THAT HAPPENED


    But the fight is still really "iffy" in Post-Crisis because of the debatable appearance of Celestias "power" and even then Supermans faced and defeated some on her level before magic and all,


    Besides Her, Luna, Alicorn Twilight (if shes supposedly as powerful as she seems to be) or Discord stand ANY chance against him.

  8. Superman only seems OP when taken out of the context of his own world. Within the DC universe there are multiple heroes and villains that can take him on, and even kill him.  Here's a short list.



    Wonder woman

    Captain Marvel: 

    Doctor Fate


    Martian Manhunter

    The flash

    Super Girl

    Captain Atom

    Geen Lantern




    Dooms day

    Dark Seid

    General Zod 


    Lex Luthor (in power suit)

    Black Atom



    Mongul(earlier versions)


    I Know there are many Im missing. These are just off the top of my head. Some of these characters listed above are insane levels of powerful. Dark Seid has an attack called the omega beam. This is a lazer that emits from his eyes that tracks on to you and erases you from the universe. In earlier versions he could move entire planets or solar systems with his mind.


    I dont think the term Mary Sue should be thrown around as casually as it tends to be. Many seem to equate the term to some one who is really powerful and important. If that is true than most superheroes in general are Mary Sue characters. Any superhero character can(and has) been written poorly, that doesnt make them "mary sue" characters it makes them poorly written characters. 


    We dont know the full extent of Celestia's powers. It impossible to say who would win. Superman's powers are defined to a T we know what he is capable of. Celestias powers are very ambiguous. We have no clue of the amount of force her magic beam had in the fight with crysalis. We dont have any way of measuring it. Was it the equivalent of a condensed nuclear bomb? Was it condensed solar energy. We don't know the limits of teleportation. Is it instant? Is it limited by distance? What are Celestia's physical limitations? With out specifics we cant say anything except for what superman could do. 


    Also as I stated in my previous post there are many heroes that can and have taken on superman and he has been defeated on numerous ocassions. If having a copious amount of powers makes one a mary sue then almost every super hero is a mary sue including Goku. Mary sue is a term that is thrown around so much that it has seemed to lost its meaning. In my view it is a useless term that seems to be arbitarily used against characters to which the poster doesnt like.

    I did rectify that SOMETIMES Superman can be a Mary Sue, which means he seems to perfect. Doesn't have to mean hes totally overpowered just to much of a killjoy


    If you use the same logic, Goku and Superman is stupid because Gokus power isn't defined either yet the debate is still up. What we can assume is.


    A.) She can move and lift the Sun, and since the Universe in MLP seems a lot like ours (Twilights Comet explanation and rumors of Moon Colonies made by Luna) its safe to say she can brace the full weight of it. Now... other lesser ponies supposedly, though that could be bullshit. If this is true she can move the force and weight of 1,000,000 earths. Putting her at a SHIT ton more TK strength that Post-Crisis Superman. Since she can do this without strain, she apparently can take the same amount of stress on her body... Unless the Sun isn't as big then... meh.


    B.) The Magic blast was not Solar Based, it was just a magic blast. And really, yeah we don't know how powerful it was.


    C) Celestia apparently can teleport anywhere at any time, and from far distances. (Lesson Zero she goes from Ponyville to Canterlot without even looking in the direction)


    Still besides that, yeah its just a fun match up



    Celestia has magic so superman would be weakened by it. I was going to post the death battle up, but someone already posted it 

    Superman is NOT WEAKENED BY MAGIC. He is only vulnerable to its affects, and even then it has to be REALLY strong magic. Magic doesn't mean instant KO, ask Captain Marvel and Thor.

  9. Funny part, Supes really isn't terribly overpowered compared to certain other comic and manga characters.


    And no, I'm not talking Goku here, he is, much like supes, massively overrated in power.



    Tenchi Muyo has multiversal threats and a supposedly omnipotent character.

    Fair enough yeah, Superman is NOWHERE near the most OP character ever... Unless your talking about Superman Prime, Sword of Superman, and Cosmic/Thought Armor... THATS definitely OP

  10. Well sir you managed to make me see something positive come out of that episode. kudos


    He is not that bad when a decent writer's handling him. If not, well then we get idiotic stuff like flying with several times the speed of light or moving a planet. The character lends itself to be written as a Mary Sue.

    God how much I hate to admit it. Supes can be one heck of a Mary Sue at times... though I still find him a likeable and cool character. He was the character that DEFINDED the definition of the word OP.


    But that's what happens when you make the worlds first Superhero, hes always gotta be the best because writers like making him the best... which has worked with the whole "best selling comic book franchise of all time" award at around 1.5 BILLION copies sold. So meh.

  11. A) Superman. Any version of him will defeat Celestia, sorry. He's too fast, and a punch from him would do the trick. Allowing Pre-Crisis, Superman sneezes galaxies away.

    B) The Sword. Sorry.

    I know... I kinda left out Pre-Crisis Superman later on because I thought it would be WAYYYY overkill. And the Sword and Elements are gone.


    To be fair... after that Death Battle I think ANY version of Superman is OP... I still love him though.

  12. celestia could just throw the sun at superman ^^

    or just toast him on the spot.

    i dunno, i'm just biased cause i really HATE superman. he's the worst most OP marysuperhero ever.

    I think throwing the Sun at Superman is the worst idea since giving Aquaman the power over Cthlulu., Superman is POWERED by the Sun so really shed be doing nothing more than making him stronger


    And really most OP? Apparently you've never heard of the Sentry.



    Are we talking straight up Superman? Or a ponified SuperMane? Either way couldn't Mollestia just seduce him? Wouldn't Luna just get hr jimmies rustled cuz someone is bugging her big sis? The Royal Guard? Fucking Discord is part of that shit now.

    Superman is super dead.









    *whisper*and goku would win*whisper*

    I think SuperDickeryman would basically match any troll ideas the Trollestia could think up... now if they teamed up, Death will happen


    Luna would be to busy with her video games, the Royal Guard cant even stop a Bug invasion, let alone the Man of Steel, and Discord isn't much different from the Superman villain Mxyzptlk... which Superman defeats REGULARLY. So I think hes ok.



    In terms of a straight up fight? My knee jerk reaction would say Celestia because she has magic, but where does Supes GET his power? If Celestia is the steward of the sun, and presumably has similar properties, then she would indirectly be charging Superman with her mere presence.


    Then again, her association with the sun is inherently magical. So I would say it comes down to how Celestia's relationship with the sun is to be interpreted. Depending on that factor it's a curb-stomp battle in either direction. Either Celestia gets her plot handed to her by a super-charged Kryptonian, or Supes dies . . . again.


    Now who is a better hero? I actually can't decide because they fill a similar niche in both of their respective settings. That being THE BIG GOOD.




    Simply the most powerful force for good and generally considered to be a leader among heroes.


    Princess Celestia is, of course, the Sovereign of Equestria, powerful enough to control the sun, and tasks the Mane Six with missions or assignments.


    Superman is beloved and recognized around the globe, is powerful almost beyond measure, and is the leader of the Justice League.


    I looked up to Superman growing up. He was my Dad's hero and I felt like anyone who could inspire my Dad was a true hero. Watching the DC animated series showed me Supes at both his best and worst. But always his ability to know what's right and his conviction to do it, more than all his power, was what made him Superman.


    Princess Celestia has inspired me similarly in my adult years. I'm certainly aware (and IMMENSELY thankful) of the real people who've created this show. But when I think of Equestria and all that it has inspired in me and others, I think of Princess Celestia. I can't help but believe that this is what She would want. For us all to embrace friendship and harmony and act on our beliefs through community, charity, and creation.

    Really good post man, thanks for the support.


    A couple of things though


    Magic never really means instant win for anyone facing Superman, the fact hes defeated Captain Marvel, Black Adam, Wonder Woman, and even the DC and Marvel versions of THOR means he can take some magical abuse. The whole "susceptible to magic" thing only really applies to his bioelectric aura which surrounds his body, but his super dense molecular structure can take a major beating because its so dense.  And even if the Sun is magic, there have been cases where Superman has absorbed magical sun radiation (its weird) and used them like his normal powers, only powered by magic. I think its a fair match if Celestia takes the fight seriously and actually uses all that "infinite" power at her disposal, and if Superman also takes it to the extreme as well. And Superman never died, he went into a "healing coma"... "coughsputterBULLSHITcoughsputter".


    I do agree that Superman and Princess Celestia are the big goods of their world, and would probably get along very well. This fight is really theoretical because of HOW similar they are to each other.


    In the end I think Supes will win, but the Princess (if her apparent power is true) will make sure it isn't in any way easy.

  13. The question OP poses is very interesting in my opinion. The thing is, Superman is just invincible, aside from kryptonite, and I don't think there's any way around that in terms of physical attacks. 


    However, I don't know whether or not superman is invincible in his mind. If Princess Celestia knows magic that she can use to affect someone's mind, then maybe that would do something. 


    Otherwise, maybe she could just magically make kryptonite appear. 


    On the other hand, superman couldn't really do anything. If he tried to like punch or something Celestia could just easily teleport away. So, I honestly think Celestia would win. Basically since Celestia is magical I just don't know what kind of constraints there are on her abilities.


    Of course, not that they would fight in the first place. They're both good guys. 

    I disagree with some of your points


    Yeah Superman doesn't think of himself as invincible, but even then I don't think Celestia does either (otherwise she would kick the shit out of every character in Equestria) and even then Celestia cant read his mind because he has mental blocks


    Well yeah she could create Kryptonite, but artificially made Kryptonite works less on him than normal Kryptonite and even then, he can ignore the pain if hes bloodlusted


    Also, I doubt she could Teleport away from a guy that moves so fast he can travel through time....


    Still, if she allowed herself to get full power and stopped holding back, shed be a legitimate threat to Supes.

  14. I wouldn't call using one's powers cheating. And considering she can make the sun change direction, I'd say moving stored solar energy would'nt be much of a problem. Also, I thought we are operating on post-Crisis standart.

    Honestly I take what I said back, after seeing what Superman can do during the Goku vs Superman Death Battle: Celestia would lose with so much ease it isn't even worth talking about


    Unless you can disable Supermans abilities by a LOT, Celestia doesn't have the power to take the Man of Steel down.


    Okay I am here to do an analysis. What this means is that I will make a list of all feats and abilities both characters have accomplished. After that I will try to determin a winner based on my facts. Some facts may be left out, or mistakes may be made. Should this happen I would like To be notified. But there has to be some evidence to back that said fact. These facts can be seen by anyone in case you wish to join the discussion.


    •I am only using canon information. No fan info in this analysis for both sides. Sorry but I'm trying to be fair.

    •Both characters are from different universes and this have no knowledge of each others strengths and weaknesses.

    •No outside help is allowed

    •For this battle we will remove any killing restraints, but keep there personalities in tact to not make them fight like savages.



    I checked and these facts are right or good estimates. You can do research if you feel I am incorrect, but please don't rant against me

    Saying I'm making stuff up. I worked hard to get these facts right (mostly superman's Abilites) so please don't be disrispectful.

    I know both of these characters wouldn't fight or kill each other. BUT because everyone wants to know we wil remove both character's killing morals and restraints for this scenario.

    And without further ado, let's begin.




    In this scenario I will use the modern post-crisis superman. A good idea because pre-crisis superman could blow fricken galxies away with a sneeze.

    Strengths/ Abilites:

    •over the years Superman's powers have been inconsistent. There is a reason for that. You see Superman gets his powers from a yellow sun, and solar radiation disperses as it gets away from it. In short the closer he gets to a yellow sun the more powerful he gets. In short take out the sun and you SLOWLY take away Superman's powers.

    •Another thing the Yellow sun can do is heal Superman. The closer he is to the sun, the faster his healing rate is.

    •Superman most obvious ability is his strength. His max strength hasn't been recorded, but we can make an estimate. On time Superman moved the Earth out of its orbit. The force needed to move an object out of the suns gravity by 1% is about 1000 times less then the object. The Earth weighs about 6.6 sextillion tons, this means Superman is strong enough to move 6.6 quintillion tons. However since his solar power is infinante his max strength is probably higher.

    •He is fast, but how fast. While being controlled by Max Loid Superman flew to the sun and back in less then 2 minutes while fighting wonder woman. The distance from the Earth to the sun is about 93,020,00 miles so this means that Superman can fly at about 5.9 billion miles per hour. However he was fighting wonder woman when he did this do it is likly he can go faster.

    •Superman is durable, but how durable? Superman over the years has survived several super novas. A super nova has the impact of about 10 octilluon megatons of force. So Superman's durability is strong enough to withstand this force.

    •Superman also has freez breath and hurricane blast. But when things get serious he bust out his heat vision. The max temperature has haver been recorded, but the effects vary depending how Superman uses them. They can be persision blast or huge burst. He once took out a an army of doomsday clones with his heat vision. The downside is that heat vision drains superman's energy the most and can't be used lightly.

    •Superman has x-ray, telescopic, and microscopic visions as well. He also has super hearing as well.

    •Not many people know but Superman has some combat training. He has mastered how to find and attack enemies pressure points. He has learned a small verity of fighting styles. He even fought with wonder woman from time to time.

    •Superman has developed a psyc barrier that blocks all mental attacks.

    •His brain is able to process information quickly and can gather information quickly. He can even remember the DNA stricter of someone he encounters.

    •Superman is intelligent and a strategist when his enemies get to dangerous.



    •Superman's most obvious weakness is kryptonite which drains his powered and slowly weakens him.

    •A red sun does nothing, but takes away superman's powers. It does not kill him.

    •Many say Superman is weak against magic. This is only true because he has no protection against magic so any magic attack will affect him.

    •While battling enemies that are strong enough to hurt him, his solar energy is drained. If he takes too much damage, and had little exposed to the sun he can be beaten. This is how Doomsday killed (correction) sent Superman in a coma (Doomsday didn't realy kill him).



    Princess Celestia:

    While trying to come up with facts I found problems many of you have found. We don't know princess Celestia's fighting capabilities. The show is intended for little girls so it was unlikely we weren't going to see epic battles. I did find info that may be useful. However I can only use info we have. We can make assumtions, but that would be many assumptions.

    Strengths/ Abilites:

    • Princess Celestia can raise the sun. Why is this relevant? Because this determines how much her MAGIC, not her physical strength, her magic can lift. The sun weighs 1.9891 ×1030 kg or about 332,946 Earths. This determines her max lifting Abilites of her magic.

    •Durability is something we have to take into account. When Twilight lifted all those things in the episode "Boast Busters" we saw she was tireing out and that the ground below her was getting pushed down. According to physics she would have to handle the pressure of the wieght of the objects she carried. This means that to lift heavy objects with magic one must be able to hadle the pressure of that said object. Since princess Celestia can raise the sun with ease she can withstand 1.9891 ×1030 kg of pressure.

    •Princess Celestia can shot a beam of energy. Whether this beam is solar powered is unknown

    •Princess Clearia has acces to dark magic. We can tell she can shot a beam of dark energy, but other then that we know nothing else.

    •Princess Celestia can also teleport, and can most likly teleport long distances. However as show in the show magic requires concentration and teleportation is no exception. If Princess Celestia cannot concentrate she can't teleport quickly.

    •the show dosn't show any combat abilities, but it is likly that she has some combat experience, based on how she reacted in trying to defend against Queen Crysalis. However this combat ability seems to be inconsistent.

    •She is a master munipulater, always finding a way to get some loyal subject to take care of a problem for her.



    •Magic isn't limitless as shown in the series and one can be weakened if one uses too much magic or for a prolong period of times. Princess Celestia can't fight at full power for to long if she has to rely on magic.

    •One weakness I like to point out is that she never deafeated a powerful enemy herself. It was shown that Discord was deafeated using the elements of harmony when she and her sister were still connected to them. Also she was shown fighting along side Princess Luna when they took out King Sombra. She lost or disappeared somehow when Nightmare Moon came back. She lost in a 1 on 1 fight with Oueen Crysalist.Latter it was the mane six that battled and deafeated the new treats. In short she seems to have low is not none 1 on 1 combat experience at all. Sure you can say she is testing Twilight for something, but surly she would step in if things get out of hand, yet she needed help when the changealing attacked Canterlot.





    Unfortunately I have to give this battle to Superman. Now there are many theories going around so I will debunk them. I will explaine my reasons for Superman's victory latter after the debunking of theories.

    •One theory is that Princess Celestia can turn the sun red or remove it. Two problems. One We don't know if Princess Celestia is capable of this. Two even if she is capable of this she has no knowledge of Superman. She won't understand Superman's connection to the sun and would not think about removing or altering it. Even she could change the sun's radiation she risks turning the sun to a blue sun which actually increases Superman's powers. Also removing the sun will only slowly remove Superman's powers, it won't take them away instantly do he can still fight.

    •Another theory is that Princess Celestia can use magic to figure out Superman's weaknesses by say attacking his mind. Againe we don't know is she can do that, plus Superman has psyc blocks so a mental attack for even information gathering would be useless.

    •Theory three Princess Celestia can remove the solar energy on Superman or make them explode. Againe we don't know If she can do that. Even so Superman is constantly absorbing solar energy so it is likly removing solar energy from Superman is pointless. Also if she were to explode the solar energy from Superman's cells, she runs the risk of unleashing solar explosions. We know Superman can survive this because he can survive Super Novas, but most likly it will kill Celestia. Even if it dosn't it will leave her weakend.

    Theory four "Clestia can send Superman to the sun" this is a wierd one I found, trust me. This would go against Celestia since Superman can survive the temperatures of the sun. In fact it will only make him stronger. Once Superman stayed five minutes inside the sun and was then able to move multiple planted around with relative ease.

    •Theory five "Superman can absorb Celestia's solar attack". The problem with this is we don't know if that was a solar beam. Even if it was it wouldn't matter since its magic in origin. In other words because its magic, even if it is a solar beam, it will still hurt Superman.

    •Theory six "Celestia can teleport Superman to a red sun". As I mentioned before she has NO knowledge of Superman's weaknesses. Besides to teleport one must concentrate and in the heat of the battle Celestia won't have a chance to teleport long distances that require concentration.


    Now many say "Celestia's magic can kill Superman Because Superman is weak against magic". Well while it may be true Princess Celestia could kill Superman because of magic, it's not true that she can because of this. Superman has fought many magic users such as Captin Marvel, the Specter, Balck Adam, etc. He has even outsmarted Mxyzptlk who is kinda like Discord except this guy can bend all reality. The point is Superman knows his weaknesses and has delt which many magic based enemies before. When his enemies has his weakness he fights smart and finds a way to out match his opponents. When he fought a Kryptonite Doomsday he fought smart and was able to survive long enough find a way to calm the enemy down (in the comic book "Superman/ Batman the search for Kryptonite"). The point is Superman has always been able to beat the odds of fighting opponents that have his specific tailored weakness used against him.


    Superman has more battle experience and capabilities then Princess Celestia. Princees Celestia won't be able to keep up with Superman's powers and Abilites. While she may be able to hold on for a bit she won't be able to prolong the fight as we know magic isn't endless. Supermans poweres derive from the sun so we know his power source is endless. Not to mention the yellow sun can heal him. Princess Celestia has limits while Superman has almost no limits to begin with. In the end only one has limits to go all out. In the end Princess Clestia will fall and Superman will be victorious.


    The problem is that Superman is overexecevly powerful. Superman's poweres seemed

    Weak at first Becaus he didn't accept his kryptinion heratage. He developed mental

    Barriers that surprised his powered at first such as when he believed he needed to eat when all he really needed was the sun. When he finally accepted his Kryptionion heratage and the endless energy of the sun he became the Superman he was ment to be. In short "Superman is as strong as he needs to be".


    Winner (based on my findings):


    My god this is perfect, truly the best post ive seen so far.


    Do you mind if I use this in a blog post on Screwattack? Change around some of the grammatical effects and such, but still keep the same idea?

  15. That's quite a reasonably stated opinion, for an automatically generated message. It's still wrong, though :P Unless Batman could harness the Elements of Harmony, there's no way he's defeating Nightware Moon! And c'mon... Batman wielding the Elements of Harmony? I don't think so!


    I still don't buy it. The only way I would see Batman winning is with this forbidden technique



    And maybe Luna would die of embarrassment? :P

    I can totally see Batman winning... why? Because he would just pull out a Bat-Alicorn Repellant and shed be done for.


    Though in all seriousness, yes if he has time to prepare then she is going down, but if he doesn't she will easily beat him. He is still human, a human that can punch a granite column in half, but a human all the same. He doesn't have the speed or skills to take her down unprepared... just like Batman vs Dracula.


    Really though, I think if you like this thread, check out Princess Celestia vs Superman... I like it.

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Psh. Batman has no supernatural powers. Sure, he's a pretty bright dude and sure, he's defeated people with supernatural powers... IN BATMAN COMICS. But let's get real. ;) Batman has gotten his butt kicked plenty of times as well. Luna? So far the only vulnerability we've seen is the Elements of Harmony and that only seems applicable when she's possessed by Nightmare Moon.


    The Princess also has Woona form which is able to defeat nearly anything using sheer adorableness. And Bat Ponies. So there :P

    Batman only lost to others because he let them win, if hes bloodlusted and hes got prep time........ god the pure death would be unspeakable.

  17. Well, Batman has the Batmobile and Robin at his side. And he has some nifty gadgets that can aid his victo...


    What am I saying?!


    Luna can control the weather, fly, use magic, and enter your dreams! Goodnight, Batman.



    Well, Batman has the Batmobile and Robin at his side. And he has some nifty gadgets that can aid his victo...


    What am I saying?!


    Luna can control the weather, fly, use magic, and enter your dreams! Goodnight, Batman.

    And Batman's... Batman. Hes defeated god like being like that by freaking talking to them.


    If hes got prep time... no ones gonna live.

  18. I wouldn't call using one's powers cheating. And considering she can make the sun change direction, I'd say moving stored solar energy would'nt be much of a problem. Also, I thought we are operating on post-Crisis standart.

    Doing something like ripping the Solar energy out of someone's cells isn't really playing to the all around fair point or a fight, especially if it doesn't make any sense. How can she "rip the solar energy out of his body" without it even having any sort of huge ass effect. That and it seems impossible to do so because as long as the Sun is there, there's always Solar Energy in his body, and blowing up his cells doesn't mean anything because that's been done before, Dark Knight Returns and Mageddon warhead, and because of the fact of Supermans incredibly fast regeneration cycle and a Kryptonians source of power always coming from the Yellow sun... No I don't think that she could use that against him. Cool comic


    Besides, if we're going to go to dick moves like that, than I think its ok to pull in a little muscle

  19. I dont really see batman coming out on top in this. It seems that usually when dealing with extreme magic users the justice league will consult Doctor Fate. In fact he would be a much better person to pit against Luna as he understands magic and is an adept magic user. Maybe Felix Faust would work. The whole "Batman is super smart and is prepared for anything" argument only works when Batman actually knows who and what he is dealing with. In a one on one Batman simply wouldn't win as he knows nothing about Luna and he would know as such and seek the help of the league. Heck cosmic immortal being such as her are what the league was made to deal with.

    I wouldn't exactly put Luna on a cosmic immortal scale as such as the Justice League have dealt with, definitely not Doctor Fate or Spectre level by any stretch of the imagination. Most of the magic users that the Justice League have to deal with are Discord level like the 5D imps or The Queen of Fates (dimension warping) I think Wonder Woman or Captain Marvel would be able to take her down, and Superman despite his weakness to magic, would be enough of a match.


    That being said... if Batman is going into this blind he's gonna lose... hard. In a in-depth death battle he couldn't even beat Spiderman, I doubt a weather controlling, magic manipulating god of the night is gonna lose to ho,... unless we are talking about old Adam West TV batman, then Bat Alicorn Repellant...


    Ahh, this thread is all the right kinds of stupid :)

    Maybe we should add a poll in the first post to see the general consensus. Also, I made a comic about this thread, since the Luna vs. Batman thread currently has more pics than this and that just won't do.



    Well ill admit that's a cool comic and is pretty funny, if Celestia is allowed to cheat like that (which I really doubt shed be able to rip apart all of the cells in Supermans body without having an explosion the equivalent to 1000000 nuclear bombs go off, it happened once) then hes allowed to do this.


  21. Using my little Superman knowledge, basically if the Man of Steel fights anybody with Kryponite, he's screwed. So if Celestia has some of that good stuff, Superman will fail faster than Starscream at a Rainbow Dash convention. Alternatively, doesn't Superman's powers come from solar power? So Celestia just turns off the sun and Superman loses power too. Unless Celestia is powered by the sun. Which means...uh....


    Anyway, regarding moral character, they are both upstanding models of goodness. Though Celestia is more relaxed and trolly, she probably has done more for Equestria than Superman has done for Earth.


    Basically, I declare Celestia the winner, on the grounds that I do not like Superman.


    Luna vs. Batman however...

    I guess if she did get Kryptonite he would be screwed, but how would she be able to? And turning off the Sun wouldn't remove his powers immediately, in fact if this battlefield takes place in Equestria shed basically be killing all of her family and friends and possibly herself because of this and Superman would just fly away to find another sun and return home.


    And that's fine, you don't have to like Superman. But Superman is anything but uptight, the whole Clark Kent goofball persona and the overall mellow tone of Superman is really shows that he doesn't take the role as seriously.


    And on protecting Equestria more than Supes does Earth. I guess to the whole 1000 years of protection, I can agree that she does keep it relatively stable. Though Superman deals with much nastier and more powerful threats more regularly


    Luna vs Batman... Batman, because he never loses. Though that would be a fun topic..

  22. Well since mostpony reads DC comics. Superman's weaknesses in this fight would be, Kryptonite and Magic. Celestia has a good advantage I think.

    Again, the magic thing I get.. though again Magic is not a weakness to Superman, he is mearly as vulnerable to it as any other being. But still she is a master of it and could wield it in a way that would fuck up Superman


    Kryptonite, how would she even know of its against him since she doesn't even know what it is or how to get it, because it isn't exactly on store shelves, most people in the DC-verse nowadays don't even know about it. I guess she could read his mind and such, bugt besides that I don't see how.

  23. Please no, I think this thread will do nicely on the Superman vs. Equestria thing, seeing how this thread no appears to be going on several forums now... I think you just created a new Goku vs. Superman to the ranks... which isn't always a good thing


    Still I find this thread enjoyable, so why not continue it?


    I still think Celestia would definitely have what it takes to take Underwear man down, purely on the fact of what you said Luna controlling dreams. Since that episode its easy to see that Luna or Celestia could just knock Superman out with a concussion blast, then just screw around in his head until he's just a pile of mush.


    That or since Celestia is supposed to be as powerful as the Alicorn Amulet, she could just BFR Supes to death by removing his mouth, or turning his cape to Kryptonite. Yes Superman could always Speed Blitz her to death, but I doubt hed do that at a first resort. Celestia would've killed Chrysalis if she wasn't knocked back, so she'll strike for blood more than Supes will.


    Sorry, Superdork is gonna find his loss to a bunch of ponies... awesomely powerful ponies, but still.

    Yeah some of those posts on other forums are by me because I wanted to see what other people thought, those most are from other people. So I think its cool that other people think its an interesting debate.


    I thought you said you liked Superman? Whats with the Underwear man and Superdork jokes?


    Superman wouldn't speed blitz her to death though I doubt she would remove his mouth, besides Pinkie Pie survived (though she is Pinkie Pie) having her mouth removed. And if she is as powerful as the Alicorn Amulet, than yeah she could be a major annoyance. I still say that Superman is gonna come out on top


    And Superman got his ass kicked by Skeletor and Muhammad Ali in Non-Canon comics, doubt this will be his greatest defeat.

  24. Most of Celestia's magic is related to the sun. Her magical attack against Queen Chrysalis amounts to a Solar Beam. Superman is powered by yellow sunlight. Blasting him with it will do absolutely nothing. I'd say Nightmare Moon would be a better match up. She could make the night last forever, then take out Superman while he's weak from lack of yellow sunlight. Soup-n-jam wins.

    Maybe I should put up a Nightmare Moon vs Superman thread.... though that would seem redundant.


    Even then, it takes a while for Superman to lose his powers out of sunlight, like at leas 2 weeks, so if she can stop him for that long than she definitely has a chance, still Celestia has the ability to turn the Sun into whatever she does want, say Red, and though it would still take possibly days before he even really slows down, its a better strategy. Plus Celestia has far more battle experience and it smarter and stronger than Luna


     I guess Luna could go into Supermans dream and mess with him,  but I doubt it would hold him long.

  25. Well, like I said, my knowledge of Superman is limited, but those all sound like Superman. With all those, he and Celestia can be neck and neck, but I'm still thinking of Celestia.

    Again he does have several things that can hold him back in a confrontation, if Celestia had all of that information and was at her absolute best in terms of physical condition. She may have have what it takes to take Superman down


    Again though Celestia is not in her prime and doesnt have many feats to her besides assuming that she can do whatever Twilight Sparkle can do 1000 fold. Superman is at his prime and does have a lot of battle experience, plus the knowledge of thousands of years of Kryptonian history. Supes go it where it counts.


    It really matters how seriously Superman starts off, and whether or not Celestia has access to the Elements of Harmony, in which Supes may lose horribly.

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