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Everything posted by Harlequin
Hmm--never really thought about this much. I'd have to go with... Pinkie Pie: Party of One, because Pinkamena. Rainbow Dash: First choice would be Sleepless in Ponyville (b/c d'awww), but since that's more of a Scootaloo episode I'd go with May the Best Pet Win, as well. Applejack: Applebuck Season Rarity: Art of the Dress (erm, that episode. "Suited for Success.") Fluttershy: Hurricane Fluttershy (and not just because it made my inner flutterdash-shipper squee, either!) (As for Twilight and Spike, Lesson Zero and Just for Sidekicks, respectively.)
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So that's where all the season's songs went! I must say - the pacing did seem a little rushed to me, and I - like many others - would've rather watched a two-parter for this episode (instead of, say, the "extra" Spike episode this season). That said, I am fully on-board with Alicorn Twilight. Headcanon-be-danged, I think this opens up all manner of new options for the show as it goes into season four. I just hope that this doesn't mean that Twilight will either become the "sole" focus of most episodes, or be relegated to the sidelines...
Applejack would probably be the most stable/safest leader, but I imagine that Rainbow Dash would be the most effective leader. We've seen that Applejack is often a bit obstinate/stubborn, and will often only acknowledge/change her plans after they've failed for the first time; Rainbow, meanwhile, seems to have the "drive" to, say, wake up before dawn to buy apple cider.
Pretty sure this happened a couple other times in the season, too. Seems to me that for most episodes, production/initially "planned" order doesn't always translate into the actual airing order. Then again, ya can hardly blame them - most of MLP is slice-of-life, after all. As long as they don't start airing part 2's before part 1's, I'm good . Also, just now realizing what happened with Peewee. A non-speaking character, who received perhaps three seconds of screen time, in an episode a whole season ago, has returned to its natural environment. ... Pull yourself together, Harlequin. Don't... Don't--
Ah, now this was a great episode - a "cut above" the okay-I-guess Spike at your Service. We got some interesting development for Spike, more fun with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Owlowiscious! I'm a little sad that we didn't get to see any CMC antics in the Crystal Empire, but Spike's... "tendencies" with his gems more than made up for it. The only thing that had me a little confused was the whole Granny Smith scene - seemed a bit to me like they were "reaching" a little far to get rid of an extra gem. Given everything else in the episode, though, I can hardly fault 'em for that. Plus--I can't be the only one who loved the whole element of, "This sort of thing is what happens with Spike when the Mane 6 are off on an adventure," right?
Hmm... Plan A: Counter-ultimatum. If we're so happy together, I might be able to convince her to give ponies a shot! Plan B: Assuming that this whole "girl of your dreams" thing were to be entirely true, save for one small bit of ponyphobia-- --I would probably choose the girl. Don't get me wrong - My Little Pony is an excellent show, with a fandom filled with excellent people - but, it seems kind of hard for a fandom to compete with an otherwise-perfect gal. Plus, if things didn't work out, I could always just spend the next weekend "catching up" - which would have the added benefit of distracting me from things like breakups! That said, if I were banned from associating with bronies altogether (e.g. having non-pony conversations with good friends who also enjoy the show), I'd choose Bronies hands-down.
...Yep, you've officially won at life. Everything past this is just icing on the cake . Most "interesting" way of meeting another fan on my part would probably be-- Absentmindedly humming "Winter Wrap Up" (too dang catchy) Classmate begins whistling along. That said, I am now very tempted to see if pony drawings might lure others out of the woodworks - as it stands, there's almost enough of us at my school to justify a club (or at least something along those lines)!
My "list" would have to be... 1. Filth -- not as in "dust/dirt," but as in "septic tank rupture." 2. Death. Full disclosure here -- I'm agnostic, but the concepts of both a vengeful dvinity and/or nothingness really unsettle me. 3. Spiders. Seriously, **** spiders. ...waitasecond. ...OK, new list. 1. Flying spiders. 2. Filth. 3. Death.
What do you want to see in G5 ponies?
Harlequin replied to Phoenix237's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
In the event that there's a hiatus and a new generation/new ponies, I hope that they'll keep some similarities with this "generation," both to give something to look for and, ideally, as a "nod" to g4 fans. That said, I'm really hoping for a show with a similar "tone" and "focus" as this gen (e.g. a children's show that's interesting to more than just 4-year-olds). Much like some of y'all, I'd be rooting for a CMC-centric reboot, with a few new ponies to "round out" the cast; it seems to me like the CMC characters could reasonably stand with a new/unrelated show, while still preserving some manner of "continuity" between the generations. (Plus, we'd also finally figure out what their cutie marks were! ) (Edit--Or "are." In fact, just ignore my verb tenses for this whole post.) -
The Mane 6 take over other shows
Harlequin replied to Silverwisp the Bard's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Battlestar Galactica! :resists urge to just list the Horoscope ponies as the Lords of Kobol and then post.: William Adama - Princess Celestia Laura Roslin - Princess Luna Lee Adama - Twilight Sparkle: "royal" protégé. Kara Thrace - Rainbow Dash: Hot-shot viper pilot aspiring Wonderbolt. Doc Cottle - Fluttershy. Lt. Gaeta - ...Applejack. Kat - Trixie Cally - Pinkie/Pinkamena Gaius - Leaning towards Discord here, but none of the ponies exactly "fit" his character. Miiiiinor spoiler, as in -you-learn-it-within-couple-minutes-of-the-first-episode (but white-fonted nonetheless) [Number 6 - Queen Chrysalis because reasons.] ...this is harder than I'd thought. No one is Rarity. [Rarity was on Caprica during the attack.] -
How come BlueBlood wasnt at the Canterlot Wedding?
Harlequin replied to 100 beasts kaidou's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Mayhaps he was just too busy with... ...whatever it is that the non-Alicorn royalty does. That said, I'm not sure if those two are actually related. I mean - they're both supposedly Celestia's niece/nephew, but Celestia's only sister was trapped in the moon for some nine-hundred-and-something years before either of 'em were born. Or, it's possible that the rest of the royalty just likes him less than a friend-of-one-of-the-designer's-younger-sister-that-they've-never-met. I mean, he did seem to have that sort of a personality . -
w/e discord still awesome. Although knowing the outcome of "Keep Calm" may have affected my views/judgment-- After watching the Return of Harmony episodes again, I think that Discord is less "chaotic evil" than "chaotic neutral" - he never actively does anything solely out of spite in the Return episodes. His character then - and even now - was chaotic and self-interested, not actively evil; with that in mind, Discord doing good to keep his friends (and, I imagine, performing quite a bit of non-destructive chaotic magic: "Most of the time" ) now seems a good deal more "OK" to me.
So ponies are omnivores now? (Minor gag spoilers)
Harlequin replied to Jammo's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
OK, I'm probably beating a dead... ...tree here, but I've got to wonder: Given how Celestia has all manner of spells - spells like, say, "protecting the elements" -- --why on earth hasn't she used them before? Either she's trying to train/teach Twilight more, like with the crystal empire, or if she just likes watching her subjects struggle. My bits are on the second one. Edit - also, what on earth would the "Equestrian Royal Summit" be? Is it a meeting with the leaders of other nations, a-la-Saddle Arabia, or is it just Luna and Celestia sitting in a room, drinking tea?
Pegasi are not born, they are hatched in a giant pool of rainbows buried deep within Cloudsdale. [/crackpottheories] I imagine that Scootaloo has parents - or, at least, caring guardians; after all, someone must've been keeping her safe over the years (as we've seen in the show that she has less-than-ideal concern for her own well-being ). As for the rest of the pegasi - my headcanon is basically that once pegasi learn to fly, they wind up a lot more independent and their parents start taking a much less active (or even nonexistent) role in their lives. Fluttershy, for example, "fell" down to earth as the rough equivalent of an early adolescent, and I don't imagine she then went back up to live with her parents/guardians in a cloud city.
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Hmm. While I imagine this is within Hasbro's legal right-- --I don't exactly think that this is in My Little Pony's / Hasbro's best interest. When I was just starting out/getting into the show, the main reason I watched it was because it was convenient and high-quality on youtube; if I'd had to download from sketch torrent sites (or, Celestia forbid, pay two bucks on the Apple store), I probably wouldn't have considered it "worth it," and never would've gotten into the show! That said - I'm "alright" with managing without ponies for a bit until they release the full season (as long as there's Saturday morning streaming still, of course). I just hope they don't decide to take down fan works, songs, or PMV's (like they did with the assorted parody series) - if they started to actively antagonize fanworks, we'll likely stop getting awesome pony songs in the first place...
Exactly! Heck (and this maaaay provoke some degree of anger from some folks), I'd hazard to guess that the demographics of Homestuck & MLP fans are pretty similar. Plus, Twisprite Sparkle is a thing which needs to happen.
Thank you! John x Vriska, Jake x Jane, and Dirk x Dave (mainly so that we could see the ensuing pesterlogs) are my top three ships. (And yep, there have got to be at least a few Homestuckian/Bronies - I mean, there's got to be a ton of each group, there oughta be some considerable overlap.)
Admittedly, given that you're asking on "mlpforums.com," there's no way you're getting unbiased answers . That said -- 1) Well, of course! It's a constructive community built around an excellent TV show. 2) ...Pretty sure it doesn't. Evidence: I am a Brony; I'm reasonably certain regarding my own orientation/lack thereof/&c. 3) Yes, but only if it's Rarity. (Yeah, for pretty much anypony, but I'd advise not taking it too far. Remember -- no matter how hard we wish, talking ponies remain fictional.)
Rechargeable batteries just have tiny hamster wheels hooked up to generators. Power outlets actually dispense food pellets, not electricity.
Something That You Can't Go To Sleep With/Without?
Harlequin replied to Strawberry Tart's topic in General Discussion
I always go to sleep with pens (Pilot G-2!) and instrumental rock. The music helps drown out any sounds which might keep me up; the pens are in case I wake up with an idea that I need to write down before I forget. -
Hoping season 4 is longer?
Harlequin replied to Unique Pinkie Pie's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
I'm actually kind of hoping for another shorter season. My main worry with FiM is that, at some point, the writers will "run out" of possible episodes; they've already covered a lot of the "bases" which kids' shows can focus on. If they have fewer episodes, then the episodes will--hopefully--be higher quality, and they can keep production down to just the "best" concepts. (That said, I would in no way be disappointed by a longer pony season, of course .) -
On the one hand, I wasn't a huge fan of this episode - probably my least favorite from season 3, actually - but, I can't exactly bring myself to dislike it, either. I mean, we know from other episodes (cough cough Owl's Well cough cough) that Spike is a fully capable assistant to Twilight. Him being less than competent at Applejack's tasks "meshes" with that - at least, in my mind. I've always thought of him as being a completely devoted aid to a consummate student and librarian; it kind of makes sense that this sort of a background hadn't left him time to cultivate other, unnecessary skills. His inability to cook I am chalking up to inexperience with those particular recipes - in some episode (which I can't quite remember), I believe he'd prepared a picnic/meal for everypony. Admittedly, the episode did mess with and/or contradict a lot of lesser facets and details about Spike - but, I found that the "deeper" character development was "worth it." His character is becoming more defined; his concern over honor, character, and morals has been cemented, and the episode exposed just how far his dutiful nature goes. As for the Timber Wolves - well, I'm hoping that this is more of a 1-shot animation technique; I doubt (or, at least, hope) that they'd change the show's animation permanently, after all the success they've had with the 2-d flash-animated format.
My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rarity How did you find MLP Forums?: Hmm.I don't exactly remember.I made this account a while ago, but I hadn't really thought to log on 'til now. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: The internet.(More specifically, Netflix recommended it on account of me rating Doctor Who, Eureka, and Sherlock at 5 stars.) Not much to say, really. High schooler, math enthusiast, decidedly-average LD debater (as a reasonable string of 3-3's, with the occasional 4-2/2-4, will attest to), friends-and-family tech-support, Ubuntu user, Post-Rock-and-Symphonic-Metal-listener, and board gamer. (Oh, and pony fan - in case the whole "making an account here" didn't give that away .) Also, Twilight Sparkle is best pony by a very narrow margin, but Rarity is best songs. Aaaaagh, decisions... (Also, re: a question I've been asked a considerable number of times: Yep, I read MS Paint Adventures, but I actually started using the name a little before I discovered webcomics - when I read "Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman - a particularly excellent sci-fi short story.)
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