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Posts posted by Inkfeather

  1. School time... We were supposed to interview each other using certain methods to avoid "the seven deadly sins of journalistics"

    I was left out. I chose to interview myself, and it turned into a poem. I managed to make my questions in my text hit most of the deadly sins, without actually being categorized as "dangerous" questions, since they are quite open for the reciever to answer.

    Well, some more sad feelings, I apologize for the repetitive nature of subject for my writing, this is just how I feel most of the time.



    I don't know. On one hand, I do believe that, all too often, people take for granted things that are provided for their enjoyment and use by others. On the other hand, those that create do not always have public acknowledgment and the claim as a motivating factor.



    This is the thought I was trying to aim for, since the acknowledgment doesn't have to be direct praise nor does it have to be payment of any kind, but just as you have commented on my work, I have fulfilled part of my first poem, I have given you something for you to enjoy, and you have proven my 2nd poem to be false, now that I move poeple in a way. This in itself has proven that you're not a parasite, as spoken about in the 3rd poem, you acknowledged my work and contributed your thougths about it without having to, simply because you wanted to.


    I didn't write to be acknowldged, I wrote to vent about my own thoughts, yet the acknowledgment means that my work is worth something for others than myself, being extra "payment" for the work I did.


    Thank you.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Three poems written over an afternoon of Italien summer weather, it was truly horrible. Anyways, hope you enjoy.


    Followed some advice from Ashbad about my structure, this was the result of some experimenting.


    Same as the above, another experiment of structure, this one being a little more "fixed"


    A mix of the above used structure and my usual style.

    • Brohoof 6
  4. There's a specific one, a Appledash fic that I wanted to mention, yet the name seems to keep slipping my mind. It's a very sad fiction, the one I have shed most tears for in this fandom. I'm sorry that the name seems to have dissappeared from my memory.


    I'll just quote myself on this one, since I found the fiction I was looking for. As said, it's an Appledash fiction and by far the fiction to make me cry the most, like... ever.


    Here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/2117/Fading-Colors

  5. There's a lot of fictions sadder than MLD, the only reason MLD is hyped so much is because it's such a well known fiction, it's the first fiction for many bronies to read, I don't even think it's that good either.


    "We are our habits" is one of my favorites.

    "To fix you" is definitely worth mentioning as well.

    There's a specific one, a Appledash fic that I wanted to mention, yet the name seems to keep slipping my mind. It's a very sad fiction, the one I have shed most tears for in this fandom. I'm sorry that the name seems to have dissappeared from my memory.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Not bad, I enjoyed it :) I like the short style, you were able to fit a surprising bit of imagery into rather short snippets. Only thing that turns me off is that you have periods suffixing essentially every line; I'd love to see other forms of punctuation used as well, or another possibility, removing all punctuation except for the periods suffixing the last line of every stanza.


    I will keep that in mind, though I do much prefer to work this way that I do. The punctuation I use for my poems is what fits my own style of writing the most, I like the pauses, the breaks and I love to try and fit as much I can into a single line of text.


    But yes, I'll keep in mind to use other structures for punctuations, but it just moves a bit far away from what I like about poetry. Making full stanzas of combined text would surely give more room for creativity, but it would rush the poem in my opinion. It wouldn't create as many natural breaks in the texts as my usual style does and it would be less poetic and more prose. Not that it's a bad thing, but just less to my personal liking.

  7. Favorited on DA. Love the idea and it was executed well. Never thought of the moon this way before. Keep up the good work!


    Thank you for the kind words, it was an idea I came up with for a Roleplay, my character being obsessed by the moon.
  8. A poem written with the thought of the moon and how one can relate to it. A though of how close the stars seem when observed by us, but how far they are from the moon in reality. Related to oneself through vision of I being the moon, the stars being... Well, read on and see for yourself.


    As the moon



    As the moon shines bright.

    The stars swirl around.

    Though close they seem.

    An eternity in between.


    In an ocean of darkness.

    With every twist and turn.

    Nothing but black to see.

    Only cold and empty.


    Though close, so far.

    No stars for the moon.

    Only a canvas of innocence.

    Love and warmth is absent.


    As the moon, am I.

    Alone in this world.

    No shared emotions.

    Only heartache, tears.

    • Brohoof 5
  9. Hello :3

    How are you this fine day Miss.Inkfeather?


    I'm a very stressed pony... I have a ton of stuff that I need to finish up... 6 poems, about these wonderful 6 ponies that I bet all of you lovely ponies already know... And my back is killing me, my wings were all roughed up after this night... I slept horribly.

    But thanks for asking Vicke!

  10. Biography


    Inkfeather. a female pegasus by the age of 21, is the archive manager of the Stalliongrad Library. She both lives and work here, as the co-owner of the actual library. The other owner is her childhood friend Capio, who's like a brother to her.

    Books and literature was a passion she discovered when she was a little filly, where she was engrossed in the vast bedtime stories she was told at the nightly hours.


    After discovering this passion, she of course decided that this must also be her special talent, yet it didn't go as planned when she tried to write anything. She seemed unable to comprehend creating a linear story and characters that fit.


    As if destined, school had an assignment for creative writing where Inkfeather pulled the topic of poetry. She had to write 2 verses on a simple topic and this seemed horrible to her because she remembered the experience of writing a story. Though this was not what happened in the end. She found it thrilling to play with her words, and without even realising it at first, her cutiemark appeared when she was reciting her finished work. The cutie mark of a quill and an inkwell.


    She's a pony of love and romance, all her favorite tales being of ancient heroes of might, saving the everlost princess from dangers that threaten her very life.

    Her biggest wish is to one day find love of her own, a wish that is often reflected in her poetry.


    Her biggest joy in life is being able to fly through the night sky, feeling the wind blow through her mane and tail while observing the twinkling stars and the evershining moon.


    Inkfeather's idol in life is Princess Luna. The character present in many of her childhood tales and the ruler of the night. Whenever she gazes at the moon she likes to think that Luna is smiling at her.





    Inkfeather is a poetic soul, often depressed by the nature of reality because everything that seems to be worth anything to her is love. She's always seeking new friends to brighten up the day but tends to be a little ignorant towards good deeds made for her.


    She's a gentle and caring pony that would never want any harm to come of those she care for. She is though, a shy pony when it comes to social interactions.


    She loves to talk to others about literature and appreciate any attention given to her writings.




    Uhm... Yea... I'm sorry. I took this from something I wrote for a description elsewhere. It made it a lot easier.


    Well... I'm a rather shy pony, but I love getting new friends, so I thought I would make this ask... thingy. All my other friends seemed to do so, I've even been to Artsy's once in a while to see what things ponies tend to ask her... So yea, if you read all the stuff up there, then you pretty much know who I am. I don't think you ponies will find me rather interesting, but if you want to, make sure to ask anything that makes you curious. Or just say hello if you want to be my friend, I love getting new friends.


    Oh right, I should probably also show you people how I look.


    Urhm... Here's a picture from that silly day where everypony changed their name to something with royalty, I was the jester.


    Posted Image

  11. Now, which pony would want have and care for like a pet or daughter?


    Pet? No thank you, ponies are more than mere pets.


    As a daugher?


    Easy, Twilight! We would have so much in common and I think I would really enjoy the bond we could have as a "father" daughter thing.

  12. If it would be as you said, that humans and equestrians live amongst each other normally, then ponies in itself would not be a strange thing.

    If I happened to find someone online that I liked enough to call it love, and this person said they were human like myself but turned out to be a pony. Well, first of all I would ask why this pony chose to impersonate a human for this and after listening closely to why, I would probably not mind the fact at all.

    In a romantic relationship between two sapient beings, if love is involved, does it matter if it is a human, pony, griffon, dragon or anything else you could imagine? Why should these feelings you have discovered for someone change just because they're not physically as you imagined?


    It's the personality you should love, not the body.


    In my personal case, I would probably prefer the fact that they were ponies xD

    • Brohoof 2
  13. These are quite random, and for now I can see that atleast two of them is utterly stupid. The pet one and the Spike x Twilight one, but I'll answer anyways.


    1. If you saw Pinkie with a machine gun, what would you do?


    Depening on her hairstyle (Poofy vs. Flat) I would probably only be worried if her hair was flat. If it was flat, I would of course try to calm her down and get her happy again, both because I would care about her well being as well as I would be a bit worried about what she might do with the machine gun, but then again, she have got hooves, she wouldn't be able to trigger it easily.


    2. Which 2 ponies from the mane six do you want as pets?


    This is a stupid quesion. They're living, thinking beings, as smart as you an me, Twilight probably even smarter. They don't deserve to be treated as pets but as equals. Which of the two I would want as a FRIEND is how I will answer this, since the question you gave is outright cruel.


    I would like Twilight and Pinkie Pie as my friends. I would have a lot in common with Twilight, and I believe having Pinkie as a friend would be one of the nicest things in the world because of her will to make everypony happy.


    3. What would you do if you saw Applejack crying out in the fields?


    I would analyze the situation, if she seemed angry and upset, I would leave her alone until she calmed down, but if she was just there by herself, sulking in her own hooves then I would go put a hand under her cheek and wipe away the tears, asking what is wrong. I would then listen if she wanted to talk and I would offer any assistance she would require to become happy again.


    4. What would you do if you came home to find Twilight asleep on your couch?


    Well, I would probably wait for her to wake up and then ask what she is doing there and how she ended up in my couch in the first place. If it was a cold time of the day/year I would put a blanket over her since I wouldn't want her to catch a cold.


    5. What would you do if you saw Fluttershy eating spaghetti?


    It depends on the situation, I would greet her if it was on a restaurant as I passed by. If it was in any other situation it would probably be in her home or mine, meaning I would have a reason to be there in the first place. If that is the case, I would just enjoy the company of such a lovely mare.


    6. What would you do if you saw Derpy trying to open a jar of peanut butter?


    If she seemed to struggle with it, then I would offer my help, if not, I would probably not mind her.


    7. Do you think Spike should have Twilight as his girlfriend instead of Rarity?


    Another stupid question. Spike was raised by Twilight since she was a little filly, his role to her is a little brother. What you asked me now was if I think Twilight should be with his little brother? No... Spike would be better off finding someone on her own age, one of the CMC for example.


    8. If you could bring two ponies to go bowling with you, who would they be?


    Vinyl Scratch, and since my headcanon pairs up Vinyl with Octavia, then I bet she would come too.


    9. Would you have a race with Rainbow Dash, or Applejack?


    Since I'm a human, and I don't have wings, and also because of the fact that Rainbow is entitled as the fastest pony of Equestria, I would choose AJ.


    10. What would you do if you saw Lyra on the road, about to get hit by a truck?


    I would of course her if I could, if necessarry I would push her out of the way and take the hit myself.

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