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My Little Mandy

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Everything posted by My Little Mandy

  1. the first singing vid of mine. I only mixed my voice with Alexa Vegas song though in this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrgSXCdXrbM
  2. It's on Livestream.com But I haven't started yet. I need to finish my art pic
  3. When I'm done inking my latest pic, I might make a livestream while I color it if you all are interested.
  4. I dunno if you guys have seen this yet, but this is one of my vids: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIeVq4DS184
  5. Anyone do MMD? One guy started to do a Discord model for MMD but gave up due to too many negative comments
  6. N/M Anyways I think I'm now officially going to bed due to my meds kicking in. G'night everybody
  7. something weird is happening. It keeps sounding like the water somewhere in the house is running.
  8. I can't move due to being disabled and not having the money
  9. Back. I have to confess something. The reason I reacted to those pictures is because if mom saw them she'd ban me from here. I might be an adult woman but I still live under mom's rules.
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